haskell-dev - 可能损坏

haskell-dev - Possibly broken

上下文: 我正在尝试按照 here. Below are the messages I'm seeing in Powershell which don't at all match what I'm seeing @3:10 列出的步骤安装 Haskell 平台,这些人成功地执行了安装步骤.下面一行似乎暗示依赖关系被破坏了......

haskell-dev v0.0.1 [Approved] - Possibly broken

我看到有从旧式 haskell-平台安装程序 升级到 haskell-dev 安装程序的说明 我已经关注了。我想在某些时候我确实在这台机器上安装了旧版本的 Haskell。然而,按照升级旧式安装程序的说明进行操作似乎不起作用。

运行 安装说明时我看到的内容:

PS C:\Windows\system32> choco install haskell-dev
Chocolatey v0.10.15
Installing the following packages:
By installing you accept licenses for the packages.
Progress: Downloading haskell-dev 0.0.1... 100%

haskell-dev v0.0.1 [Approved] - Possibly broken
haskell-dev package files install completed. Performing other installation steps.
 The install of haskell-dev was successful.
  Software install location not explicitly set, could be in package or
  default install location if installer.

Chocolatey installed 1/1 packages.
 See the log for details (C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\logs\chocolatey.log).

Enjoy using Chocolatey? Explore more amazing features to take your
experience to the next level at
PS C:\Windows\system32> ghci
ghci : The term 'ghci' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of
the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ ghci
+ ~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (ghci:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

PS C:\Windows\system32>


问题:我做错了什么?如果我确实还有 Haskell 的旧发行版,我需要卸载我需要遵循哪些步骤才能正确 find/uninstall -- 然后通过 [=25= 重新安装新版本]haskell-dev 安装程序?我应该恢复尝试使用旧的分期付款方法还是(正如我猜测的那样)是否有充分的理由弃用?


尝试: > choco 安装 haskell-dev --force --force-dependencies


使用 --force,您不会在已安装的实例上收到错误消息。

测试前不要忘记> refreshenv