如何在实际条码 Python `code128` 模块中包含条码值

How to include barcode value with actual barcode Python `code128` module

我刚刚构建了一个快速的 Python Azure 函数来生成条形码。响应只是 .png 格式的呈现条形码。我还需要在其下方显示条形码 VALUE。


import logging
import azure.functions as func
import code128
import io
from PIL import Image

barcode_param = '1234'
barcode_bytes = io.BytesIO()

logging.info('##### Generating barcode... #####')
barcode = code128.image(barcode_param, height=100).save(barcode_bytes, "PNG")
logging.info('##### Barcode successfully generated #####')
return func.HttpResponse(


需要: 海鹰队赢了

如何使用 code128 库将条码 添加到条码中?

没有显示选项 in the docs

编辑 1:在@Furas 很好的例子之后,我现在有:


import code128
import io
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

# Get barcode value
barcode_param = 'SUFFERINSUCCOTASH'

# Create barcode image
barcode_image = code128.image(barcode_param, height=100)

# Create empty image for barcode + text
top_bott_margin = 70
l_r_margin = 10
new_height = barcode_image.height + (2 * top_bott_margin)
new_width = barcode_image.width + (2 * l_r_margin)
new_image = Image.new( 'RGB', (new_width, new_height), (255, 255, 255))

# put barcode on new image
barcode_y = 100
new_image.paste(barcode_image, (0, barcode_y))

# object to draw text
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_image)

# Define custom text size and font
h1_size = 28
h2_size = 28
h3_size = 16
footer_size = 21

h1_font = ImageFont.truetype("DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf", h1_size)
h2_font = ImageFont.truetype("Ubuntu-Th.ttf", h2_size)
h3_font = ImageFont.truetype("Ubuntu-Th.ttf", h3_size)
footer_font = ImageFont.truetype("UbuntuMono-R.ttf", footer_size)

# Define custom text
company_name = 'YAY! CORP.'
id1 = '11-22-33-44'
license_num = 'WHY SOYNTENLY!'
product_type = 'GRADE A GREATNESS'
center_product_type = (barcode_image.width / 2) - len(product_type) * 5
center_barcode_value = (barcode_image.width / 2) - len(barcode_param) * 8

# Draw text on picture
draw.text( (l_r_margin, 0), company_name, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=h1_font)
draw.text( (l_r_margin, h1_size), id1, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=h2_font)
draw.text( (l_r_margin + 2, (h1_size + h2_size + 5)), license_num, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=h3_font)
draw.text( (center_product_type, (h1_size + h2_size + h3_size)), product_type, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=footer_font)
draw.text( (center_barcode_value, (new_height - footer_size - 15)), barcode_param, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=h2_font)

# save in file 
new_image.save('barcode_image.png', 'PNG')

# show in default viewer
import webbrowser


您获得 Pillow 图像代码,因此您可以使用 Pillow 为文本添加边距并绘制此文本。


w, h = barcode_image.size


new_w = w  # the same 

margin = 20
new_h = h + (2*margin) 


new_image = Image.new('RGB', (new_w, new_h), (255, 255, 255))


new_image.paste(barcode_image, (0, margin))


draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_image)

您可以使用 text() 放置一些文本。您可能需要使用 ImageFont 来加载字体和设置大小。我使用默认字体和大小。

#fnt = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 40)
draw.text( (10, new_h - 10), barcode_text, fill=(0, 0, 0))#, font=fnt) 

并且您在 new_image 中有带文字的图像。您可以将其保存在文件中并直接在网络浏览器中查看,或者您可以转换为字节并发送给客户端。

在示例中,我使用标准模块 webbrowser 仅用于检查图像。


正如@RufusVS 在评论中指出的那样,我可以使用 image_new.show() 而不是 webbrowser

import code128
import io
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

barcode_param = '1234'
barcode_text = 'theseahawksarewinning'

# original image
barcode_image = code128.image(barcode_param, height=100)

# empty image for code and text - it needs margins for text
w, h = barcode_image.size
margin = 20
new_h = h +(2*margin) 

new_image = Image.new( 'RGB', (w, new_h), (255, 255, 255))

# put barcode on new image
new_image.paste(barcode_image, (0, margin))

# object to draw text
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_image)

# draw text
#fnt = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 40)
draw.text( (10, new_h - 10), barcode_text, fill=(0, 0, 0))#, font=fnt)  # 

# save in file 
new_image.save('barcode_image.png', 'PNG')

# show in default viewer
import webbrowser

# --- later send it---

barcode_bytes = io.BytesIO()
new_image.save(barcode_bytes, "PNG")
data = barcode_bytes.getvalue()

文档:Image Image.new(), ImageDraw, ImageDraw.text() ImageFont