
How do you implement the options object pattern in typescript?


This article explains what this pattern is:

An “options object” is a programming pattern that you can use to pass any number of named arguments to a function. Rather than using an ordered list of arguments, you simply pass one argument, which is an object containing named keys for all of your options. Keep reading to learn how and why.


您可以在此处查看关于 JavaScript 的类似问题:

这个问题是不同的,因为它是关于 JavaScript 的。 JavaScript 这个问题恰好有一个答案解释了如何用打字稿的方式来做,但我发现它很难阅读,因为有太多的语法标点符号。

Here's a link to code you can play around with.

    interface Options {
      lastSeparator?: string;
      separatorBetweenArrayOfTwo?: string;
      wrap?: (word: string) => string;
    const separatedMessage = (
      words: string[],
      separator: string,
        lastSeparator = separator, 
        separatorBetweenArrayOfTwo = lastSeparator, 
        wrap = (word: string): string => {
          return word.toString();
       }: Options = {} // the = {} at the end means you don't have to pass in an Object here if you don't want.
    ): string => {
      let buf = '';
      words.forEach((word, index, array) => {
        if (index !== 0) {
          if (array.length === 2) {
            buf += separatorBetweenArrayOfTwo;
          } else if (index === array.length - 1) {
            buf += lastSeparator;
          } else {
            buf += separator;
          buf += wrap(word);    
      return buf;
    console.log(separatedMessage(["a", "b", "c", "d"], ", "))
    console.log(separatedMessage(["a", "b"], ", ", {}))
    console.log(separatedMessage(["a", "b"], ", ", {lastSeparator: ", and "}))
    console.log(separatedMessage(["a", "b"], ", ", {lastSeparator: ", and ", separatorBetweenArrayOfTwo: " and "}))

这就是如何使用解构来使用选项对象模式和打字稿。这个函数让你传入一个单词数组,并用字符分隔它们。可以选择性地指定最后一个分隔符——实现“a,b,c,andd”——选择性地指定两个数组之间的分隔符——实现“a和b”或“a、b、c 和 d”,具体取决于您传入的内容——并可选择传入一个将每个单词包装在某物中的函数——以实现“'a'、'b'、'c',和 'd'”。


interface Person {
    name: string;
    age: number;
    gender: string;
    hobby?: string;
    [key: string]: any;

function logPerson(person: Person) {
    return person;

function logPerson1(person: { [key: string]: any }) {

logPerson({ name: 'Kevin', age: 33, gender: 'male', hobby: 'basketball', hah: 'Hah' });
logPerson1({ name: 'Lucy', age: 100, gender: 'female', extra: 'extra property' });