How to Deal with Lat/Lon Arrays with Multiple Dimensions?
我正在使用 Pygrib 尝试使用 NBM grib 数据获取特定 lat/lon 坐标的表面温度(如果有帮助,可用 here)。
我一直在尝试获取索引值以用于特定纬度和经度的代表性数据。我能够得出一个索引,但问题是纬度和经度似乎各有 2 个坐标。我将以佛罗里达州迈阿密(北纬 25.7617°,西经 80.1918°)为例来说明这一点。如果提供了 grib 文件,则格式化为最小可重现性。
def get_grib_data(self, gribfile, shortName):
grbs = pygrib.open(gribfile)
# Temp needs level specified
if shortName == '2t':
grib_param = grbs.select(shortName=shortName, level=2)
# Convention- use short name for less than 5 chars
# Else, use name
elif len(shortName) < 5:
grib_param = grbs.select(shortName=shortName)
grib_param = grbs.select(name=shortName)
data_values = grib_param[0].values
# Need varying returns depending on parameter
if shortName == '2t':
return data_values, grib_param
return data_values
# This function is used to find the closest lat/lon value to the entered one
def closest(self, coordinate, value):
ab_array = np.abs(coordinate - value)
smallest_difference_index = np.amin(ab_array)
ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(ab_array, axis=None), ab_array.shape)
return ind
def get_local_value(data, j, in_lats, in_lons, lats, lons):
lat_ind = closest(lats, in_lats[j])
lon_ind = closest(lons, in_lons[j])
if len(lat_ind) > 1 or len(lon_ind) > 1:
lat_ind = lat_ind[0]
lon_ind = lon_ind[0]
dtype = data[lat_ind][lon_ind]
dtype = data[lat_ind][lon_ind]
return dtype
if __name__ == '__main__':
tfile = # Path to grib file
temps, param = grib_data.get_grib_data(tfile, '2t')
lats, lons = param[0].latlons()
j = 0
in_lats = [25.7617, 0 , 0]
in_lons = [-80.198, 0, 0]
temp = grib_data.get_local_value(temps, j, in_lats, in_lons, lats, lons)
lat_ind[0]: 182
lat_ind[1]: 1931
lon_ind[0]: 1226
lon_ind[1]: 1756
所以如果我的 lat/lon 是一维的,我会做 temp = data[lat[0]][lon[0]],但在这种情况下会给出非代表性数据。我将如何处理 lat/lon 在 2 个坐标中的事实?我已经验证 lats[lat_ind[0][lat_ind1] 给出了输入纬度和经度相同。
您不能独立于经度评估纬度的“接近度”- 您必须评估这对坐标与输入坐标的接近程度。
Lat/Lon 实际上只是球坐标。
给定两个点 (lat1,lon1) (lat2,lon2),接近度(就大圆而言)由这两个点之间的球面矢量之间的角度给出(将地球近似为球体)。
您可以通过构造两点的笛卡尔向量并取点积来计算,即 a * b * cos(theta),其中 theta 是您想要的。
import numpy as np
def lat_lon_cartesian(lats,lons):
lats = np.ravel(lats) #make both inputs 1-dimensional
lons = np.ravel(lons)
x = np.cos(np.radians(lons))*np.cos(np.radians(lats))
y = np.sin(np.radians(lons))*np.cos(np.radians(lats))
z = np.sin(np.radians(lats))
return np.c_[x,y,z]
def closest(in_lats,in_lons,data_lats,data_lons):
in_vecs = lat_lon_cartesian(in_lats,in_lons)
data_vecs = lat_lon_cartesian(data_lats,data_lons)
indices = []
for in_vec in in_vecs: # if input lats/lons is small list then doing a for loop is ok
# otherwise can be vectorized with some array gymnastics
dot_product = np.sum(in_vec*data_vecs,axis=1)
angles = np.arccos(dot_product) # all are unit vectors so a=b=1
return indices
def get_local_value(data, in_lats, in_lons, data_lats, data_lons):
raveled_data = np.ravel(data)
raveled_lats = np.ravel(data_lats)
raveled_lons = np.ravel(data_lons)
inds = closest(in_lats,in_lons,raveled_lats,raveled_lons)
dtypes = []
closest_lat_lons = []
for ind in inds:
#if data is 2-d with same shape as the lat and lon meshgrids, then
#it should be raveled as well and indexed by the same index
dtype = raveled_data[ind]
#can return the closes matching lat lon data in the grib if you want
return dtypes
import numpyp as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
#assuming a grb object from pygrib
#see https://jswhit.github.io/pygrib/api.html#example-usage
lats, lons = grb.latlons()
#source code for pygrib looks like it calls lons,lats = np.meshgrid(...)
#so the following should give the unique lat/lon sequences
lat_values = lats[:,0]
lon_values = lons[0,:]
grb_values = grb.values
#create interpolator
grb_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((lat_values,lon_values),grb_values)
#in_lats, in_lons = desired input points (1-d each)
interpolated_values = grb_interp(np.c_[in_lats,in_lons])
#the result should be the linear interpolation between the four closest lat/lon points in the data set around each of your input lat/lon points.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> lats = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> lons = np.array([4,5,6,7])
>>> lon_mesh,lat_mesh = np.meshgrid(lons,lats)
>>> lon_mesh
array([[4, 5, 6, 7],
[4, 5, 6, 7],
[4, 5, 6, 7]])
>>> lat_mesh
array([[1, 1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2, 2],
[3, 3, 3, 3]])
>>> z = lon_mesh + lat_mesh #some example function of lat/lon (simple sum)
>>> z
array([[ 5, 6, 7, 8],
[ 6, 7, 8, 9],
[ 7, 8, 9, 10]])
>>> from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
>>> lon_mesh[0,:] #should produce lons
array([4, 5, 6, 7])
>>> lat_mesh[:,0] #should produce lats
array([1, 2, 3])
>>> interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator((lats,lons),z)
>>> input_lats = np.array([1.5,2.5])
>>> input_lons = np.array([5.5,7])
>>> input_points = np.c_[input_lats,input_lons]
>>> input_points
array([[1.5, 5.5],
[2.5, 7. ]])
>>> interpolator(input_points)
array([7. , 9.5])
>>> #7 = 1.5+5.5 : correct
... #9.5 = 2.5+7 : correct
我正在使用 Pygrib 尝试使用 NBM grib 数据获取特定 lat/lon 坐标的表面温度(如果有帮助,可用 here)。
我一直在尝试获取索引值以用于特定纬度和经度的代表性数据。我能够得出一个索引,但问题是纬度和经度似乎各有 2 个坐标。我将以佛罗里达州迈阿密(北纬 25.7617°,西经 80.1918°)为例来说明这一点。如果提供了 grib 文件,则格式化为最小可重现性。
def get_grib_data(self, gribfile, shortName):
grbs = pygrib.open(gribfile)
# Temp needs level specified
if shortName == '2t':
grib_param = grbs.select(shortName=shortName, level=2)
# Convention- use short name for less than 5 chars
# Else, use name
elif len(shortName) < 5:
grib_param = grbs.select(shortName=shortName)
grib_param = grbs.select(name=shortName)
data_values = grib_param[0].values
# Need varying returns depending on parameter
if shortName == '2t':
return data_values, grib_param
return data_values
# This function is used to find the closest lat/lon value to the entered one
def closest(self, coordinate, value):
ab_array = np.abs(coordinate - value)
smallest_difference_index = np.amin(ab_array)
ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(ab_array, axis=None), ab_array.shape)
return ind
def get_local_value(data, j, in_lats, in_lons, lats, lons):
lat_ind = closest(lats, in_lats[j])
lon_ind = closest(lons, in_lons[j])
if len(lat_ind) > 1 or len(lon_ind) > 1:
lat_ind = lat_ind[0]
lon_ind = lon_ind[0]
dtype = data[lat_ind][lon_ind]
dtype = data[lat_ind][lon_ind]
return dtype
if __name__ == '__main__':
tfile = # Path to grib file
temps, param = grib_data.get_grib_data(tfile, '2t')
lats, lons = param[0].latlons()
j = 0
in_lats = [25.7617, 0 , 0]
in_lons = [-80.198, 0, 0]
temp = grib_data.get_local_value(temps, j, in_lats, in_lons, lats, lons)
lat_ind[0]: 182
lat_ind[1]: 1931
lon_ind[0]: 1226
lon_ind[1]: 1756
所以如果我的 lat/lon 是一维的,我会做 temp = data[lat[0]][lon[0]],但在这种情况下会给出非代表性数据。我将如何处理 lat/lon 在 2 个坐标中的事实?我已经验证 lats[lat_ind[0][lat_ind1] 给出了输入纬度和经度相同。
您不能独立于经度评估纬度的“接近度”- 您必须评估这对坐标与输入坐标的接近程度。
Lat/Lon 实际上只是球坐标。 给定两个点 (lat1,lon1) (lat2,lon2),接近度(就大圆而言)由这两个点之间的球面矢量之间的角度给出(将地球近似为球体)。
您可以通过构造两点的笛卡尔向量并取点积来计算,即 a * b * cos(theta),其中 theta 是您想要的。
import numpy as np
def lat_lon_cartesian(lats,lons):
lats = np.ravel(lats) #make both inputs 1-dimensional
lons = np.ravel(lons)
x = np.cos(np.radians(lons))*np.cos(np.radians(lats))
y = np.sin(np.radians(lons))*np.cos(np.radians(lats))
z = np.sin(np.radians(lats))
return np.c_[x,y,z]
def closest(in_lats,in_lons,data_lats,data_lons):
in_vecs = lat_lon_cartesian(in_lats,in_lons)
data_vecs = lat_lon_cartesian(data_lats,data_lons)
indices = []
for in_vec in in_vecs: # if input lats/lons is small list then doing a for loop is ok
# otherwise can be vectorized with some array gymnastics
dot_product = np.sum(in_vec*data_vecs,axis=1)
angles = np.arccos(dot_product) # all are unit vectors so a=b=1
return indices
def get_local_value(data, in_lats, in_lons, data_lats, data_lons):
raveled_data = np.ravel(data)
raveled_lats = np.ravel(data_lats)
raveled_lons = np.ravel(data_lons)
inds = closest(in_lats,in_lons,raveled_lats,raveled_lons)
dtypes = []
closest_lat_lons = []
for ind in inds:
#if data is 2-d with same shape as the lat and lon meshgrids, then
#it should be raveled as well and indexed by the same index
dtype = raveled_data[ind]
#can return the closes matching lat lon data in the grib if you want
return dtypes
import numpyp as np
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
#assuming a grb object from pygrib
#see https://jswhit.github.io/pygrib/api.html#example-usage
lats, lons = grb.latlons()
#source code for pygrib looks like it calls lons,lats = np.meshgrid(...)
#so the following should give the unique lat/lon sequences
lat_values = lats[:,0]
lon_values = lons[0,:]
grb_values = grb.values
#create interpolator
grb_interp = RegularGridInterpolator((lat_values,lon_values),grb_values)
#in_lats, in_lons = desired input points (1-d each)
interpolated_values = grb_interp(np.c_[in_lats,in_lons])
#the result should be the linear interpolation between the four closest lat/lon points in the data set around each of your input lat/lon points.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> lats = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> lons = np.array([4,5,6,7])
>>> lon_mesh,lat_mesh = np.meshgrid(lons,lats)
>>> lon_mesh
array([[4, 5, 6, 7],
[4, 5, 6, 7],
[4, 5, 6, 7]])
>>> lat_mesh
array([[1, 1, 1, 1],
[2, 2, 2, 2],
[3, 3, 3, 3]])
>>> z = lon_mesh + lat_mesh #some example function of lat/lon (simple sum)
>>> z
array([[ 5, 6, 7, 8],
[ 6, 7, 8, 9],
[ 7, 8, 9, 10]])
>>> from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator
>>> lon_mesh[0,:] #should produce lons
array([4, 5, 6, 7])
>>> lat_mesh[:,0] #should produce lats
array([1, 2, 3])
>>> interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator((lats,lons),z)
>>> input_lats = np.array([1.5,2.5])
>>> input_lons = np.array([5.5,7])
>>> input_points = np.c_[input_lats,input_lons]
>>> input_points
array([[1.5, 5.5],
[2.5, 7. ]])
>>> interpolator(input_points)
array([7. , 9.5])
>>> #7 = 1.5+5.5 : correct
... #9.5 = 2.5+7 : correct