
Why does the implicit derivation of this poly function case fails without subtype evidence?

下面的例子中有两个相似的无形多态函数。它们之间的唯一区别是 deserSucceeding 的隐式案例定义有一个额外的子类型证据 (implicit e: FS <: FromStr[T])。 Scala 无法为 deserFailing 派生隐式 Aux.Case,但为 deserSucceeding.


为什么?这是 scala 编译器的限制还是 deserSucceeding 会导致隐式推导/类型推断中的歧义?

import shapeless._
type FromStr[T] = String => T
object FromDouble extends FromStr[Double] {
  override def apply(v1: String): Double = v1.toDouble

object deserFailing extends Poly2 {
  implicit def kase[T, FS <: FromStr[T]]: Case.Aux[String, FS, T] = at((s, fs) => fs(s))
// fails to derive a `Case.Aux`
deserFailing("1.0", FromDouble)

object deserSucceeding extends Poly2 {
  implicit def kase[T, FS](implicit e: FS <:< FromStr[T]): Case.Aux[String, FS, T] = at((s, fs) => fs(s))

deserSucceeding("1.0", FromDouble)


当您执行 [T, FS <: FromStr[T]] 时,编译器会尝试以相同类型推断两者,因此它可能最终推断出 AnyNothing 从其中一个使子类型约束进行类型检查。


def tupleIfSubtype1[T <: U, U](t: T, u: U) = (t, u)
def tupleIfSubtype2[T, U](t: T, u: U)(implicit ev: T <:< U) = (t, u)

tupleIfSubtype1("Foo", 3) // compiles, it infers Any for the second element.
tupleIfSubtype2("Foo", 3) // doesn't compile.
