从 BaseAdapter 访问 Activity 的变量

Access Variable of Activity from BaseAdapter

我想从 BaseAdapter class 中的 activity 访问一个变量,我用它设置了 activity 的 ListView。 但我总是得到这个错误:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String java.lang.Integer.toString()' on a null object reference


public class GetAllEntrysListViewAdapter extends BaseAdapter {

Integer markerID;
PinboardActivity pinboard = new PinboardActivity();

public GetAllEntrysListViewAdapter(JSONArray jsonArray, Context context) {
    this.dataArray = jsonArray;
    this.context= context;
    //I want to get the markerID variable from pinboardActivity:
    markerID = pinboard.markerID;
    inflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
public Cursor getLikes(DbHelper dbh) {
    //The following line is the one the error occurs
    String args[] = {markerID.toString(), pos};


//I want to get the markerID variable from pinboardActivity:
    markerID = pinboard.markerID;

此处 pinboard.markerID 返回空对象。