如果 Term 达到某个点,Kusto row_cumsum 修改 Term

Kusto row_cumsum modifying the Term if Term reaches a point


"Alice", 1, 1000,
"Alice", 2, 2000,
"Alice", 3, 1400,
"Alice", 3, 1400,
"Alice", 3, 1400,

我需要按以下格式创建输出 table。即,每当累计工资总额超过 3000 时,我必须检测到并标记该行。

我尝试过 row_cumsum 并在 Term 超过 3000 后重置它,但它在第二次迭代中不起作用。

datatable (name:string, month:int, salary:long)
    "Alice", 1, 1000,
    "Alice", 2, 2000,
    "Alice", 3, 1400,
    "Alice", 3, 1400,
    "Alice", 3, 1400,
| order by name asc, month asc
| extend total=row_cumsum(salary) 
| extend total=iff(total >=3000,total-prev(total),total)

现在可以使用 scan operator:

datatable (name:string, salary:long)
    "Alice", 1000,
    "Alice", 2000,
    "Alice", 1400,
    "Alice", 1400,
    "Alice", 1400,
    "Alice", 1000,
    "Bob", 2400,
    "Bob", 1000,
    "Bob", 1000
| sort by name asc
| scan declare (total:long) with 
    step s: true => total = iff(isnull(s.total) or name != s.name, salary, iff(s.total < 3000, s.total + salary, salary));
| extend boundary_detected = iff(total >= 3000, 1, long(null))
name salary total boundary_detected
Alice 1000 1000
Alice 2000 3000 1
Alice 1400 1400
Alice 1400 2800
Alice 1400 4200 1
Alice 1000 1000
Bob 2400 2400
Bob 1000 3400 1
Bob 1000 1000