如何 POST 注释一个问题并关闭这个问题

How to POST a note to an Issue and close this issue



我可以通过以下方式向问题添加 new_comment:

POST https://localhost/api/v4/projects/2779/issues/2/notes?body=new_comment



放置https://localhost/api/v4/projects/2779/issues/2?state_event=close" 它有效,但我必须先使用请求 POST 进行评论,然后使用 PUT 关闭它。

with adding comment

Issue "Closing issues automatically" section提到:

If a commit message or merge request description contains text matching a defined pattern, all issues referenced in the matched text are closed.
This happens when the commit is pushed to a project’s default branch, or when a commit or merge request is merged into it.

For example, if Closes #4, #6, Related to #5 is included in a Merge Request description, issues #4 and #6 are closed automatically when the MR is merged, but not #5.

因此“评论”与提交或 MR(合并请求)相关,而不是对问题本身发表评论。

Edit issue API 提出以下呼吁来关闭问题:

curl --request PUT --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/4/issues/85?state_event=close"

这应该与您尝试过的非常相似,只是您需要带有 right scope (api).

的 PAT(个人访问令牌)

正如 OP 发现的那样,PUT 只有在对上述问题发表评论后才有效:Create new issue note

POST /projects/:id/issues/:issue_iid/notes

您可以在评论末尾添加 \n/close 以在添加评论时通过单个 API 调用关闭问题。

POST https://localhost/api/v4/projects/2779/issues/2/notes?body=new_comment\n/close

之所以有效,是因为 /closequick actions 之一。