在 Illustrator 中导出多种尺寸的图像

Exporting multiple sized images in Illustrator

我想导出不同尺寸的 iOS 应用程序图标,但不必为每个尺寸都做!有没有一种方法可以使用 Adob​​e Illustrator 一次性导出各种不同大小的 PNG?



详见上文link;脚本是指示 Illustrator 执行一个或多个任务的一系列命令。


#target Illustrator

* export multiple PNG's in different sizes
* @author Alexandros Harvey
// Adapted to export an Illustrator file in various sizes by Alexandros Harvey
// based on how to export images as CSS Layers by CarlosCanto

if (app.documents.length > 0) {
else alert('Cancelled by user');

function main() {
    var document = app.activeDocument;
    var afile = document.fullName;
    var filename = afile.name.split('.')[0];

    var folder = afile.parent.selectDlg("Export as CSS Layers (images only)...");

    if(folder != null)
        var activeABidx = document.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex();
        var activeAB = document.artboards[activeABidx]; // get active AB        
        var abBounds = activeAB.artboardRect;// left, top, right, bottom

        var docBounds = document.visibleBounds;
        activeAB.artboardRect = docBounds;

        var options = new ExportOptionsPNG24();
        options.antiAliasing = true;
        options.transparency = true;
        options.artBoardClipping = true;

        var icons = [
            {"name": "Icon-512@2x", "size":1024},
            {"name": "Icon-512",        "size":512},
            {"name": "Icon-60@3x",  "size":180},
            {"name": "Icon-76@2x",  "size":152},
            {"name": "Icon-72@2x",  "size":144},
            {"name": "Icon-60@2x",  "size":120},
            {"name": "Icon-57@2x",  "size":114},
            {"name": "Icon-50@2x",  "size":100},
            {"name": "Icon-40@2x",  "size":80},
            {"name": "Icon-76",         "size":76},
            {"name": "Icon-72",         "size":72},
            {"name": "Icon-60",         "size":60},
            {"name": "Icon-29@2x",  "size":58},
            {"name": "Icon-57",         "size":57},
            {"name": "Icon-50",         "size":50},
            {"name": "Icon-40",         "size":40},
            {"name": "Icon-29",         "size":29}

        var icon, file;
        for(var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++)
            icon = icons[i]; 

            file = new File(folder.fsName + '/' + icon.name + ".png");

            // My App Icon is originally 1024x1024 so that's why I divide height and width by 1024
            options.horizontalScale = 100 * (icon.size / document.width);
            options.verticalScale = 100 * (icon.size / document.height);


        activeAB.artboardRect = abBounds;




var icons = [{"name": "Icon-512@2x", "height":250, "width":125}, ...]

然后将 horizo​​ntalScale 更改为使用宽度,将 verticalScale 更改为使用高度。我也对其进行了更改,因此它使用文档高度和宽度而不是硬编码数字。

options.horizontalScale = 100 * (icon.width / document.width);
options.verticalScale = 100 * (icon.height / document.height);

运行 脚本: 通过 volleybologist

  1. 将上面的代码复制到编辑器中(如Notepad++
  2. 另存为 javascript 文件 (.js)
  3. 打开 Illustrator(已使用 Illustator CC 19.1.0 进行检查并且有效)
  4. 在 Illustrator 中,转到“文件”>“脚本”>“其他脚本”,然后打开您刚刚保存的 .js 文件
  5. 会弹出一个对话框,找到并select .js 文件
  6. 将弹出另一个对话框,要求您为要导出的 png 选择一个位置
  7. 脚本将 运行 并且图像应位于所选文件夹中