
Join and max date with null values

我需要 return patient_ID 的最近(最大)日期,其中存在生命值 - 它不仅仅是最大值。相遇日期为patient_ID,则必然有相应的生命值。我也只想遇到 vitals 值 <>'' 和日期 >= '2020-01-01' 和 vital_ID = 232268.

偶遇 (enc)

Patient_ID Encounter_ID Date
1 11 1/4/2020
1 12 1/15/2020
1 13 3/6/2020
2 14 1/12/2020
3 15 3/16/2020
3 16 4/19/2020
4 17 6/2/2020
4 18 6/12/2020
4 19 9/1/2020


Encounter_ID Vital_ID Value
11 232268 4.8
12 232268 4.6
14 232268 3.1
16 232268 3.2
17 232268 4.1
18 232268 4.7


Patient_ID Encounter_ID Date Value
1 12 3/6/2020 4.6
2 14 1/12/2020 3.1
3 16 4/19/2020 3.2
4 18 9/1/2020 4.7

我试过了,但是它 return 只编辑了 vitals_encounter_ID IF it = max(date) of the encounter for the patient_ID (所以不包括 patient_ID 如果 vitals 没有在 max(date) 上进行 - 例如,它否定 patient_ID 1 因为 vitals 没有在 encounter_ID 13:

select v.encounterID, e.patientID, e.date, v.value, v.vitalID 
from vitals v 
left join enc e on 
    e.encounterID = v.encounterID and 
    v.vitalID = 232268 and 
    v.value <> '' and
    e.date = (select max(date) from enc where patientID=e.patientID)
where e.date >= '2020-01-01'

Cognos 8。我是新手,所以请不要生吃我...


select v.encounterid, e.patientid, e.date, v.value, v.vitalid 
from enc e 
inner join vitals v on v.encounterid = e.encounterid 
    v.vitalid = 232268 
    and v.value <>'' 
    and e.date = (
        select max(e1.date) 
        from enc e1
        inner join vitals v1 on v1.encounterid = e1.encounterid 
            e1.patientid = e.patientid 
            and v1.vitalid = v.vitalid
            and v1.value <> ''
            and e.date >= '2020-01-01'

我不知道 Cognos 是否支持 window 功能。但如果是这样,查询可以更简单的措辞:

select *
from (
    select v.encounterid, e.patientid, e.date, v.value, v.vitalid,
        row_number() over(partition by e.patientid order by e.date)
    from enc e 
    inner join vitals v on v.encounterid = e.encounterid 
    where v.vitalid = 232268 and v.value <> ''
) t
where rn = 1