Sitecore 8 是否内置了对 MVC 区域的支持?

Has Sitecore 8 built-in support for MVC areas?

Sitecore 8 是否内置了对 MVC 领域的支持?或者我还需要安装 sitecore 插件吗?


引用 Kevin Brechbühl(来自 The Sitecore MVC puzzle):

Sitecore has no support for areas out of the box, but there are multiple solutions available for integrate them in your solutions:

  1. Resolve the area in the mvc.renderRendering-pipeline
  2. Use a custom ControllerRunner and a custom Renderer
  3. Resolve the area by the configurations

我们还看到 Sitecore 正在研究将区域集成到核心中的解决方案。有传言说他们将集成与 BrainJocksmvc.renderRendering 管道类似的模式。