为什么 group_by(year, month) 之后的 mutate 似乎错过了一行?

Why does a mutate following a group_by(year, month) seem to miss a row?


  date = ymd("2002-12-31") + c(0:60),
  index = 406 * exp(cumsum(rnorm(61,0,0.01)))
) %>% mutate(
  year = year(date),
  month = month(date)
) %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarise(
  date = last(date),
  month.close = last(index),
) %>% mutate(
  month.change = log(month.close / lag(month.close))

代码看起来很简单,但是当我 运行 它时,我感到有些奇怪:

`summarise()` regrouping output by 'year' (override with `.groups` argument)
# A tibble: 4 x 5
# Groups:   year [2]
   year month date       month.close month.change
  <dbl> <dbl> <date>           <dbl>        <dbl>
1  2002    12 2002-12-31        403.     NA      
2  2003     1 2003-01-31        419.     NA      
3  2003     2 2003-02-28        422.      0.00572
4  2003     3 2003-03-01        417.     -0.0121 

尽管第 1 行和第 2 行具有有效的 month.close 值,但为什么第 2 行没有 month.change 值? summarize() 操作是否分别作用于两个给定的维度?

我真的需要了解为什么会发生这种行为,所以请不要只是告诉我使用不同的函数来折叠周期性,我真的很想知道哪个我对部分实现的理解不正确,所以我以后不会在其他地方插入类似的错误。我知道这与按 2 个变量分组有关,因为当我将两列简化为一列时,我得到了预期的行为。


  date = ymd("2002-12-31") + c(0:60),
  index = 406 * exp(cumsum(rnorm(61,0,0.01)))
) %>% mutate(
  year.month = as.yearmon(date)
) %>% group_by(year.month) %>% summarise(
  date = last(date),
  month.close = last(index),
) %>% mutate(
  month.change = log(month.close / lag(month.close))

returns 预期结果

`summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# A tibble: 4 x 4
  year.month date       month.close month.change
  <yearmon>  <date>           <dbl>        <dbl>
1 Dec 2002   2002-12-31        405.     NA      
2 Jan 2003   2003-01-31        428.      0.0560 
3 Feb 2003   2003-02-28        421.     -0.0173 
4 Mar 2003   2003-03-01        423.      0.00513


当您将 group_bysummarise 一起使用时,默认情况下仅删除最后一级分组。


  date = ymd("2002-12-31") + c(0:60),
  index = 406 * exp(cumsum(rnorm(61,0,0.01)))
) %>% mutate(
  year = year(date),
  month = month(date)
) %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarise(
  date = last(date),
  month.close = last(index))

# A tibble: 4 x 4
# Groups:   year [2] # <- Notice this
#   year month date       month.close
#  <int> <int> <date>           <dbl>
#1  2002    12 2002-12-31        411.
#2  2003     1 2003-01-31        393.
#3  2003     2 2003-02-28        406.
#4  2003     3 2003-03-01        398.

要克服此行为,您可以在上述步骤后指定 .groups = 'drop' 或使用 ungroup()

  date = ymd("2002-12-31") + c(0:60),
  index = 406 * exp(cumsum(rnorm(61,0,0.01)))
) %>% mutate(
  year = year(date),
  month = month(date)
) %>% group_by(year, month) %>% summarise(
  date = last(date),
  month.close = last(index), .groups = 'drop',
) %>% mutate(
  month.change = log(month.close / lag(month.close))

#   year month date       month.close month.change
#  <int> <int> <date>           <dbl>        <dbl>
#1  2002    12 2002-12-31        399.    NA       
#2  2003     1 2003-01-31        380.    -0.0510  
#3  2003     2 2003-02-28        381.     0.00257 
#4  2003     3 2003-03-01        381.     0.000673

对于第二步,因为您的数据仅按一个键分组,所以它在 summarise 之后被删除,您将获得预期的输出。