访问 ARKit – iOS App Rejected Guideline 2.5.1
Access to ARKit – iOS App Rejected Guideline 2.5.1
我们的 iOS 应用被拒绝,原因如下。
Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements
During review, we were prompted to provide consent to access the ARKit. However, we were not able to locate any features in your app that use the ARKit.
Next Steps
If your app does not include any features that use the ARKit, please remove access to the ARKit from your app.
If your app does include features that use the ARKit, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how to locate them.
我们没有在我们的应用程序中使用任何 ARKit 框架。我们还检查了是否有任何依赖项正在使用 ARKit。但是,none 他们添加了 ARKit。所以,我无法弄清楚 ARKit 同意是如何在审查期间出现的。
仅供参考,我们正在使用 front/back 相机拍摄用户的个人资料照片。另外,我们设置
- 'NSCameraUsageDescription',
- 'UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities' 到 'armv7',
- 'NSFaceIDUsageDescription',
- 'NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription',
- 'NSMicrophoneUsageDescription'
等 info.plist 权限文本。
①。看来您在创建应用程序时使用了 ARKit 模板。尝试使用 arm64 值而不是 armv7
,并删除 arkit
值(如果有)在 info.plist.
考虑到这两个值在使用 ARKit 时是强制性的。
②。检查 AppDelegate.swift 文件中是否有任何 guard statement
guard ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.isSupported else {
fatalError("ARKit is not available on this device.")
③。如果您 100% 确定您的应用没有任何 ARKit 功能,请联系 AppStore 团队讨论该问题。
@MilanKamilya 建议您可能会使用任何依赖于 ARKit 的 CocoaPod。要查明您是否有这样的依赖关系,请在终端中使用从 macOS 根目录执行的以下命令(在 bash 和 zsh 中均有效):
grep -r ARKit ./
我们的 iOS 应用被拒绝,原因如下。
Guideline 2.5.1 - Performance - Software Requirements During review, we were prompted to provide consent to access the ARKit. However, we were not able to locate any features in your app that use the ARKit.
Next Steps
If your app does not include any features that use the ARKit, please remove access to the ARKit from your app.
If your app does include features that use the ARKit, please reply to this message in Resolution Center to provide information on how to locate them.
我们没有在我们的应用程序中使用任何 ARKit 框架。我们还检查了是否有任何依赖项正在使用 ARKit。但是,none 他们添加了 ARKit。所以,我无法弄清楚 ARKit 同意是如何在审查期间出现的。
仅供参考,我们正在使用 front/back 相机拍摄用户的个人资料照片。另外,我们设置
- 'NSCameraUsageDescription',
- 'UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities' 到 'armv7',
- 'NSFaceIDUsageDescription',
- 'NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription',
- 'NSMicrophoneUsageDescription'
等 info.plist 权限文本。
①。看来您在创建应用程序时使用了 ARKit 模板。尝试使用 arm64 值而不是 armv7
,并删除 arkit
值(如果有)在 info.plist.
考虑到这两个值在使用 ARKit 时是强制性的。
②。检查 AppDelegate.swift 文件中是否有任何 guard statement
guard ARWorldTrackingConfiguration.isSupported else {
fatalError("ARKit is not available on this device.")
③。如果您 100% 确定您的应用没有任何 ARKit 功能,请联系 AppStore 团队讨论该问题。
@MilanKamilya 建议您可能会使用任何依赖于 ARKit 的 CocoaPod。要查明您是否有这样的依赖关系,请在终端中使用从 macOS 根目录执行的以下命令(在 bash 和 zsh 中均有效):
grep -r ARKit ./