如何测试 Azure "Endpoint Security" 策略的合规性

How to test compliance for Azure "Endpoint Security" policy

我对 Microsoft Azure 比较陌生。我试图实施 Azure 中内置的一些策略分配。其中一项政策是:“应在虚拟机规模集上安装端点保护解决方案”。 当我从安全中心部署它并将我的范围设置为订阅下的资源组时,在分配策略后我看不到合规或不合规的资源。

For example, under the rg I have created two virtual machines, VM1 and VM2 respectively, one without any endpoint protection solution installed, and the other with Microsoft Antimalware extension installed. I expect to see these resources and their compliance states for the above mentioned policy ( whether they are compliant or non-compliant ). But currently it only shows 0 out of 0 resources.


evaluation triggers 开始,分配应用于定义的范围大约需要 30 分钟。您可能需要等待很长时间。