OpenLayers v6.3.1 如何使用“.readFeatures”方法实例化构成 TopoJSON 对象的多个多边形子对象插入到我的脚本中?

OpenLayers v6.3.1 How to instantiate several polygon sub-objects that make up a TopoJSON object inserted in my Script with the “.readFeatures” method?

我的 TopoJSON 对象包含 3 个多边形子对象,其中第一个 D2P1 出现在 OSM 地图上正确绘制的几何图形,但其他 2 个多边形 D2P2 和 D2P3 在地图上绘制时扭曲,变成投影线而不是他们的!正确的几何形状。 你能帮我正确编写代码,使我的 3 个多边形看起来配置正确吗?

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    /*estilo de la caja del mapa*/
    #map {
      width: 100%;
      height: 700px;
      box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #888;

    /*estilo de los controles del mapa*/
    .ol-mouse-position {
      /*estilo del control de longitud y latitud */
      font-size: 12px;
      font-family: Arial Black;


  <div id="map"></div>
    var osm = new ol.layer.Tile({ // capa osm (Open Street Maps)
      source: new ol.source.OSM()

    // OBJETO TopoJSON
    var Y = {
      "type": "Topology",
      "arcs": [
          [711, 1839],
          [-37, -99],
          [-3, -8],
          [-2, -4],
          [-3, -4],
          [-2, -3],
          [-1, -1],
          [-2, -1],
          [-3, -3],
          [-2, -1],
          [-4, -2],
          [-1, 0],
          [-3, -1],
          [-24, 1],
          [-12, -3],
          [-10, -15],
          [-1, -3],
          [-5, -13],
          [-2, -23],
          [-1, -94],
          [275, -220],
          [17, -31],
          [34, -52],
          [117, -112],
          [19, -19],
          [30, -142]
          [1085, 986],
          [-5, -9],
          [0, 0],
          [-30, -40],
          [-47, -48],
          [-18, -16],
          [-21, -16],
          [-45, -61],
          [-16, -16],
          [-4, -4],
          [-101, -125],
          [-28, -6],
          [-5, -7],
          [-3, -2],
          [-3, -1],
          [-7, -16],
          [-573, 431],
          [-1, 1],
          [-12, 5],
          [-9, 3],
          [-157, 6],
          [16, 868],
          [14, 15],
          [82, 49],
          [599, -158]
          [711, 1839],
          [315, -82],
          [459, -119],
          [-3, -4],
          [-143, -167],
          [75, -84],
          [-12, -10],
          [-39, -51],
          [-3, -3],
          [-15, -16],
          [-76, -26],
          [-133, -211],
          [-28, -44],
          [-23, -36]
          [2354, 410],
          [-76, -313],
          [-220, 43],
          [-37, -140],
          [-11, 11],
          [-129, 128],
          [-17, 17],
          [-6, 5],
          [-5, 2],
          [-7, 3],
          [-8, 2],
          [-15, 4],
          [-173, 40],
          [-169, 39],
          [-2, 6],
          [3, 33],
          [-239, 651],
          [-21, 32],
          [-86, 93],
          [133, 211],
          [76, 26],
          [15, 16],
          [3, 3],
          [39, 51],
          [12, 10],
          [-75, 84],
          [146, 171],
          [2, 1],
          [16, 3],
          [11, 2],
          [9, 1],
          [16, 2],
          [20, 3],
          [20, 1],
          [16, 2],
          [21, -2],
          [14, -2],
          [20, -3],
          [18, -4],
          [21, -8],
          [24, -10],
          [15, -9],
          [23, -14],
          [39, -28],
          [32, -27],
          [20, -14],
          [32, -18],
          [22, -10],
          [23, -6],
          [35, -4],
          [33, -5],
          [41, -1],
          [74, -8],
          [44, -15],
          [73, -32],
          [101, -41],
          [169, -77],
          [118, -51],
          [74, -35],
          [12, -5],
          [-15, -66],
          [-41, -179],
          [-69, -252],
          [-35, -26],
          [-3, -9],
          [-7, -15],
          [-14, -48],
          [-4, -57],
          [-7, -16],
          [-39, -41],
          [-14, -22],
          [-21, -44],
          [-23, -3],
          [-15, -1],
          [-9, -2],
          [-8, -6],
          [-10, -16],
          [-5, -11],
          [0, 0]
      "transform": {
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        "translate": [-98.20093192354561, 19.06017018766488]
      "objects": {

        "D2P1": {
          "type": "GeometryCollection",
          "geometries": [{
            "arcs": [
              [0, 1]
            "type": "Polygon",
            "properties": {
              "Name": "(STA. MARÍA) 1  P.MARIA AUXILIO DE LOS CRISTIANOS",
              "description": null,
              "timestamp": null,
              "begin": null,
              "end": null,
              "altitudeMode": null,
              "tessellate": -1,
              "extrude": 0,
              "visibility": -1,
              "drawOrder": null,
              "icon": null,
              "snippet": ""

        "D2P2": {
          "type": "GeometryCollection",
          "geometries": [{
            "arcs": [
              [-1, 2]
            "type": "Polygon",
            "properties": {
              "Name": "(STA. MARÍA) 2  P. NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA CANDELARIA",
              "description": null,
              "timestamp": null,
              "begin": null,
              "end": null,
              "altitudeMode": null,
              "tessellate": -1,
              "extrude": 0,
              "visibility": -1,
              "drawOrder": null,
              "icon": null,
              "snippet": ""

        "D2P3": {
          "type": "GeometryCollection",
          "geometries": [{
            "arcs": [
            "type": "Polygon",
            "properties": {
              "Name": "(STA. MARÍA) 3  P. SEÑOR DE LAS MARAVILLAS",
              "description": null,
              "timestamp": null,
              "begin": null,
              "end": null,
              "altitudeMode": null,
              "tessellate": -1,
              "extrude": 0,
              "visibility": -1,
              "drawOrder": null,
              "icon": null,
              "snippet": ""

    /* source*/

    var sourceD2P1 = new ol.source.Vector({
      features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON({
        layers: ['D2P1']
      })).readFeatures(Y, {
        dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
        featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'

    var sourceD2P2 = new ol.source.Vector({
      features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON({
        layers: ['D2P2']
      })).readFeatures(Y, {
        dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
        featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'

    var sourceD2P3 = new ol.source.Vector({
      features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON({
        layers: ['D2P3']
      })).readFeatures(Y, {
        dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
        featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'

    var vectorD2P1 = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----D2P1
      source: sourceD2P1,
      style: new{
        fill: new{
          color: 'green',
        stroke: new{
          color: 'green',
          width: 1

    var vectorD2P2 = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----D2P2
      source: sourceD2P2,
      style: new{
        fill: new{
          color: 'red',
        stroke: new{
          color: 'red',
          width: 1

    var vectorD2P3 = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----D2P3
      source: sourceD2P3,
      style: new{
        fill: new{
          color: 'blue',
        stroke: new{
          color: 'blue',
          width: 1

    var controls = ol.control.defaults().extend([
      new ol.control.ScaleLine(), /*control del mapita lateral*/
      new ol.control.Attribution(), /*control del letrero de Open Street Maps*/
      new ol.control.MousePosition({ /*control de LONGITUD Y LATITUD en donde se coloque el mause*/
        coordinateFormat: ol.coordinate.createStringXY(4),
        projection: 'EPSG:4326'
      new ol.control.OverviewMap({
        layers: [
          new ol.layer.Tile({
            source: new ol.source.OSM()
      /*new ol.control.ZoomSlider(),*/
      new ol.control.FullScreen() /*control de expancon u cerrado del mapa*/

    var Mivista = new ol.View({
      center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([-98.2172, 19.03464]),
      zoom: 12
    }) //-98.197, 19.0433 puebla

    var layers = [osm,
      vectorD2P1, vectorD2P2, vectorD2P3,

    // Creacion del mapa con las 3 capas
    var map = new ol.Map({
      target: 'map',
      layers: layers,
      controls: controls,
      view: Mivista,

    Mivista.setRotation(-.4999) // Rota el plano 27 grados



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    /*estilo de la caja del mapa*/
    #map {
      width: 100%;
      height: 1000px;
      box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #888;

    /*estilo de los controles del mapa*/
    .ol-mouse-position {
      /*estilo del control de longitud y latitud */
      font-size: 12px;
      font-family: Arial Black;


  <div id="map"></div>

    var osm = new ol.layer.Tile({ // capa osm (Open Street Maps)
      source: new ol.source.OSM()

    // OBJECTO_1 TopoJSON
    var geojsonObjectochentaPARROQUIAS = {
      // OBJETO TopoJSON

      "type": "Topology",
      "arcs": [
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          [-3, -8],
          [-2, -4],
          [-3, -4],
          [-2, -3],
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          [-2, -1],
          [-3, -3],
          [-2, -1],
          [-4, -2],
          [-1, 0],
          [-3, -1],
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          [-12, -3],
          [-10, -15],
          [-1, -3],
          [-5, -13],
          [-2, -23],
          [-1, -94],
          [275, -220],
          [17, -31],
          [34, -52],
          [117, -112],
          [19, -19],
          [30, -142]
          [1085, 986],
          [-5, -9],
          [0, 0],
          [-30, -40],
          [-47, -48],
          [-18, -16],
          [-21, -16],
          [-45, -61],
          [-16, -16],
          [-4, -4],
          [-101, -125],
          [-28, -6],
          [-5, -7],
          [-3, -2],
          [-3, -1],
          [-7, -16],
          [-573, 431],
          [-1, 1],
          [-12, 5],
          [-9, 3],
          [-157, 6],
          [16, 868],
          [14, 15],
          [82, 49],
          [599, -158]
          [711, 1839],
          [315, -82],
          [459, -119],
          [-3, -4],
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          [75, -84],
          [-12, -10],
          [-39, -51],
          [-3, -3],
          [-15, -16],
          [-76, -26],
          [-133, -211],
          [-28, -44],
          [-23, -36]
          [2354, 410],
          [-76, -313],
          [-220, 43],
          [-37, -140],
          [-11, 11],
          [-129, 128],
          [-17, 17],
          [-6, 5],
          [-5, 2],
          [-7, 3],
          [-8, 2],
          [-15, 4],
          [-173, 40],
          [-169, 39],
          [-2, 6],
          [3, 33],
          [-239, 651],
          [-21, 32],
          [-86, 93],
          [133, 211],
          [76, 26],
          [15, 16],
          [3, 3],
          [39, 51],
          [12, 10],
          [-75, 84],
          [146, 171],
          [2, 1],
          [16, 3],
          [11, 2],
          [9, 1],
          [16, 2],
          [20, 3],
          [20, 1],
          [16, 2],
          [21, -2],
          [14, -2],
          [20, -3],
          [18, -4],
          [21, -8],
          [24, -10],
          [15, -9],
          [23, -14],
          [39, -28],
          [32, -27],
          [20, -14],
          [32, -18],
          [22, -10],
          [23, -6],
          [35, -4],
          [33, -5],
          [41, -1],
          [74, -8],
          [44, -15],
          [73, -32],
          [101, -41],
          [169, -77],
          [118, -51],
          [74, -35],
          [12, -5],
          [-15, -66],
          [-41, -179],
          [-69, -252],
          [-35, -26],
          [-3, -9],
          [-7, -15],
          [-14, -48],
          [-4, -57],
          [-7, -16],
          [-39, -41],
          [-14, -22],
          [-21, -44],
          [-23, -3],
          [-15, -1],
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      "objects": {

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            "properties": {
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        "D2P3": {
          "type": "GeometryCollection",
          "geometries": [{
            "arcs": [
            "type": "Polygon",
            "properties": {
              "Name": "(STA. MARÍA) 3  P. SEÑOR DE LAS MARAVILLAS",
              "description": null,
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    // OBJECTO_2 TopoJSON
    var geojsonObjectXXX = { // -------------------------------------------------ObjectXXX-----Municipio_TopoJSON
      "type": "Topology",
      "arcs": [
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          [-54, 8],
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    /* ol.format.TopoJSON------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

    var sourceOchentaPARROQUIAS = new ol.source.Vector({
      features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON({
        layers: ['D2P1', 'D2P2', 'D2P3']
      })).readFeatures(geojsonObjectochentaPARROQUIAS, {
        dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326',
        featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'

    var sourceMunicipio = new ol.source.Vector({
      features: (new ol.format.TopoJSON()).readFeatures(geojsonObjectXXX)

    /* ol.layer.Vector-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

    function generateRandomColor(seed) {
      let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)
      let g = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)
      let b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255)
      return `rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, 0.3)`

    let features = sourceOchentaPARROQUIAS.getFeatures()
    let colors = {}
    features.forEach((feature, i) => {
      let geom = feature.getGeometry()
      colors[geom.ol_uid] = generateRandomColor(geom.ol_uid)

    function vectorStyleFunction(feature) {
      let geom = feature.getGeometry()
      let id = geom.ol_uid
      let style = new{
        fill: new{
          color: colors[id]
        stroke: new{
          color: /*'rgba(9, 87, 140, 1)',*/ 'blue',
          width: 1
        text: new{
          font: '12px Calibri,sans-serif',
          fill: new{
            color: '#000',
          stroke: new{
            color: '#fff',
            width: 3,
      // style.getText().setText(geom.ol_uid);
      return style

    var vectorLayerOchentaPARROQUIAS = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----82 POLIGONOS
      source: sourceOchentaPARROQUIAS,
      style: vectorStyleFunction

    var vectorLayerMunicipioDePuebla = new ol.layer.Vector({ // ----1 POLIGONO
      source: sourceMunicipio,
      style: new{
        fill: new{
          color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.00)'
        stroke: new{
          color: '#09a7ee',
          width: 2

    /* CONTROLES-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/

    var controls = ol.control.defaults().extend([
      new ol.control.ScaleLine(), /*control del mapita lateral*/
      new ol.control.Attribution(), /*control del letrero de Open Street Maps*/
      new ol.control.MousePosition({ /*control de LONGITUD Y LATITUD en donde se coloque el mause*/
        coordinateFormat: ol.coordinate.createStringXY(4),
        projection: 'EPSG:4326'
      new ol.control.OverviewMap({
        layers: [
          new ol.layer.Tile({
            source: new ol.source.OSM()
      /*new ol.control.ZoomSlider(),*/
      new ol.control.FullScreen() /*control de expancon u cerrado del mapa*/


    // Creacion del mapa con las TRES capas

    var Mivista = new ol.View({
      center: ol.proj.fromLonLat([-98.2172, 19.0150]),
      zoom: 12
    }) //-98.197, 19.0433 puebla

    // pedida de capas
    var layers = [osm, vectorLayerOchentaPARROQUIAS, vectorLayerMunicipioDePuebla];

    var map = new ol.Map({
      target: 'map',
      layers: layers,
      controls: controls,
      view: Mivista,


    Mivista.setRotation(-.4999) // Rota el plano 27 grados en sentido contrario de las manecillas del reloj
