
Userform does not populate at initialize code

我正在使用 Excel VBA 使用单元格内部颜色和多个颜色空间来创建和组织调色板和渐变。我成功地获得了公式和代码以获取所选单元格的数字 RGB 值,但是当我尝试将这些值放入自定义用户窗体时,由于某种原因它没有填充。

有问题的用户表单。 R、G 和 B 文本框应填充 191、143、0

这是 运行 用户表单之前的子部分。它被设置为 运行 不同的用户表单或消息框,具体取决于我如何为渐变选择单元格。

Sub RunColorMixer()
    Dim CellCount As Integer, RowCount As Integer, ColCount As Integer
    Dim ActiveRow As Integer, ActiveCol As Integer
    Dim SelectRow As Integer, SelectCol As Integer
    Dim Orientation As String
    'Input Phase
    CellCount = Application.Selection.Cells.Count
    RowCount = Application.Selection.Rows.Count
    ColCount = Application.Selection.Columns.Count
    ActiveRow = ActiveCell.Row
    ActiveCol = ActiveCell.Column
    SelectRow = Application.Selection.Row
    SelectCol = Application.Selection.Column

    Range("D1").Value = CellCount
    Range("E1").Value = RowCount
    Range("F1").Value = ColCount
    Range("G1").Value = ActiveRow
    Range("H1").Value = ActiveCol
    Range("I1").Value = SelectRow
    Range("J1").Value = SelectCol
    Range("K1").Value = Orientation

    'Determine Orientation
    If CellCount = 1 Then   'Case 1 Single Cell
    ElseIf RowCount > 1 And ColCount > 1 Then 'Case 2 Diagonal
        MsgBox "Diagonals not supported! Please keep gradients on 1 row or column only!"
    End If
End Sub


Private Sub ColorpickerGradient_Initialize()
    Dim CellCount As Integer, RowCount As Integer, ColCount As Integer
    Dim ActiveRow As Integer, ActiveCol As Integer
    Dim SelectRow As Integer, SelectCol As Integer
    Dim Orient As String
    Dim ColorValue1 As Variant, ColorValue2 As Variant
    'Input Phase
    CellCount = Application.Selection.Cells.Count
    RowCount = Application.Selection.Rows.Count
    ColCount = Application.Selection.Columns.Count
    ActiveRow = ActiveCell.Row
    ActiveCol = ActiveCell.Column
    SelectRow = Application.Selection.Row
    SelectCol = Application.Selection.Column
    'Determine Orientation
    If ActiveRow = SelectRow And ActiveCol = SelectCol Then 'Either Down or Right
        If RowCount > 1 Then    'Case 3 Down
            Orient = "Down"
        Else    'Case 4 Right
            Orient = "Right"
            Orientation.Text = "Right"
        End If
    Else    'Either Up or Left
        If RowCount > 1 Then    'Case 5 Up
            Orient = "Up"
            Orientation.Text = "Up"
        Else    'Case 6 Left
            Orient = "Left"
            Orientation.Text = "Left"
        End If
    End If
    'Input Color
    ColorValue1 = ActiveCell.Interior.Color
    Select Case Orientation
        Case "Up"
            ColorValue2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-(CellCount - 1), 0).Interior.Color
        Case "Left"
            ColorValue2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -(CellCount - 1)).Interior.Color
        Case "Down"
            ColorValue2 = ActiveCell.Offset((CellCount - 1), 0).Interior.Color
        Case "Right"
            ColorValue2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, (CellCount - 1)).Interior.Color
    End Select
    sR1.Value = ColorValue1 Mod 256
    sG1.Value = (ColorValue1 \ 256) Mod 256
    sB1.Value = ColorValue1 \ 65536
    sR2.Value = ColorValue2 Mod 256
    sG2.Value = (ColorValue2 \ 256) Mod 256
    sB2.Value = ColorValue2 \ 65536
End Sub

我还确保我已经正确命名了我的文本框。它应该至少填充 R 通道文本框


Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()


Private Sub ColorpickerGradient_Initialize()