无法解析 Mimekit 中的消息 headers 错误

Failed to parse message headers error in Mimekit

执行MimeMessage.Load后遇到错误Failed to parse message headers请看下面的代码:

public MimeEntity decryptString(string responseString)
            responseString = "MIME - Version: 1.0 \n"+
                            "Content - Disposition: attachment; filename =\'smime.p7m\' \n" +
                            "Content - Type: application / pkcs7 - mime; smime - type = enveloped - data; name =\'smime.p7m\' \n"+
                            "Content - Transfer - Encoding: base64 \n\n" + responseString;

            byte[] Msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(responseString);
            MemoryStream mm = new MemoryStream(Msg);
            MimeMessage responseMessage = MimeMessage.Load(mm);

            string filename = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + "/Certificates/1608104889.txt";

            var message = new MimeMessage();
            message.Subject = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename);
            message.Date = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            message.Body = responseMessage.Body;

            var pkcs7 = message.Body as ApplicationPkcs7Mime;

            if (pkcs7 != null && pkcs7.SecureMimeType == SecureMimeType.EnvelopedData)
                // the top-level MIME part of the message is encrypted using S/MIME
                return pkcs7.Decrypt();
                // the top-level MIME part is not encrypted
                return message.Body;


MIME - Version: 1.0 
Content - Disposition: attachment; filename ='smime.p7m' 
Content - Type: application / pkcs7 - mime; smime - type = enveloped - data; name ='smime.p7m' 
Content - Transfer - Encoding: base64 


我想在这里做的是从 API 中解密字符串格式的 MIME 响应的内容,以便能够使用其数据。我只是刚开始使用 MimeKit。如果有人知道我该怎么做,那将是一个很大的帮助。

Header 名称不能包含空格。

MIME - Version: -> MIME-Version:

Content - Disposition: -> Content-Disposition:

Content - Type: -> Content-Type:

Content - Transfer - Encoding: -> Content-Transfer-Encoding: