无法使用 ibapi 连接 python 与交易平台

Unable to connect python with TWS using ibapi


from threading import Timer
from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper
from ibapi.contract import Contract
from ibapi.order import *

class TestApp(EWrapper, EClient):

    def __init__(self):
        EClient.__init__(self, self)

    def Error(self, reqID, errorCode, errorString):
        print('Error :', reqID, '', errorCode,'', errorString)

    def contractDetails(self, reqID, contractDetails):
        print('Contract Details :', reqID, '', contractDetails)

    def nextValidId(self, orderId):
        self.nextOrderID = orderId

    def orderStatus(self, orderId, status, filled, remaining, avgFillPrice, permID, lastFillprice, cliendId, whyHeld, mktCapPrice):
        print('Orderstatus Id. ', orderId, 'Status: ', status, 'Filled: ', 'Remaining: ', remaining, 'Last Fill Price: ', lastFillprice)

    def openOrderEnd(self, orderId, contract, order, orderState):
        print('Open Order ID. ', orderId, contract.symbol, contract.secType, '@', contract.exchange, ': ', order.action, order.orderType, order.totalQuantity, orderState.status)

    def execDetails(self, reqId, contract, execution):
        print('Exec Details. ', reqId, contract.symbol, contract.secType, contract.currency, execution.execId, execution.orderId, execution.shares, execution.lastLiquidity)

    def accountSummary(self, reqId, account, tag, value, currency):
        print('Account Summary. ', reqId, account, tag, value, currency)

    def start(self):
        contract = Contract()
        contract.symbol = 'NFLX'
        contract.secType = 'STK'
        contract.exchange = 'SMART'
        contract.currency = 'USD'
        contract.primaryExchange = 'NASDAQ'

        order = Order()
        order.action = 'BUY'
        order.totalQuantity = 2
        order.orderType = 'LMT'
        order.lmtPrice = 539.50

        self.placeOrder(self.nextOrderID, contract, order)

    def stop(self):
        self.done = True

def main():
    app = TestApp()
    app.nextOrderID = 0
    app.connect('', 7497, 0)

    Timer(3, app.stop).start()

if __name__ == '__main__':


错误 -1 2104 市场数据场连接是 OK:hfarm 错误 -1 2104 市场数据场连接是 OK:usfarm.nj 错误 -1 2104 市场数据场连接是 OK:usfuture 错误 -1 2104 市场数据场连接是 OK:jfarm 错误 -1 2104 市场数据场连接是 OK:eufarm 错误 -1 2104 市场数据场连接是 OK:cashfarm 错误 -1 2104 市场数据场连接是 OK:usfarm 错误 -1 2106 HMDS 数据场连接是 OK:euhmds 错误 -1 2106 HMDS 数据场连接是 OK:fundfarm 错误 -1 2106 HMDS 数据场连接是 OK:ushmds 错误 -1 2158 Sec-def 数据场连接是 OK:secdefnj

我从 IBKR 在线视频中复制了代码。我不知道我做错了什么。如果有任何帮助,我将不胜感激。

您已连接,只是您从未在启动方法中下订单。考虑重命名您的启动方法,因为调用 Timer.start 可能会造成混淆。

from threading import Timer
from ibapi.client import EClient
from ibapi.wrapper import EWrapper
from ibapi.contract import Contract
from ibapi.order import *

class TestApp(EWrapper, EClient):

    def __init__(self):
        EClient.__init__(self, self)
        self.nextOrderID = 0 # if this is init code put it in init

    def Error(self, reqID, errorCode, errorString):
        print('Error :', reqID, '', errorCode,'', errorString)

    def contractDetails(self, reqID, contractDetails):
        print('Contract Details :', reqID, '', contractDetails)

    def nextValidId(self, orderId):
        self.nextOrderID = orderId
        #self.run() you already called app.run
        self.start() # call your start function, you never did so order wasn't placed.
    # you missed parentId, just copy these big defs from the source
    def orderStatus(self, orderId, status, filled, remaining, avgFillPrice, permId, parentId, lastFillPrice, clientId, whyHeld, mktCapPrice):
        print('Orderstatus Id. ', orderId, 'Status: ', status, 'Filled: ', 'Remaining: ', remaining, 'Last Fill Price: ', lastFillPrice)
        #maybe disconnect when order is filled
        if remaining == 0.0:

    def openOrderEnd(self, orderId, contract, order, orderState):
        print('Open Order ID. ', orderId, contract.symbol, contract.secType, '@', contract.exchange, ': ', order.action, order.orderType, order.totalQuantity, orderState.status)

    def execDetails(self, reqId, contract, execution):
        print('Exec Details. ', reqId, contract.symbol, contract.secType, contract.currency, execution.execId, execution.orderId, execution.shares, execution.lastLiquidity)
    def accountSummary(self, reqId, account, tag, value, currency):
        print('Account Summary. ', reqId, account, tag, value, currency)

    def start(self):
        contract = Contract()
        contract.symbol = 'NFLX'
        contract.secType = 'STK'
        contract.exchange = 'SMART'
        contract.currency = 'USD'
        #contract.primaryExchange = 'NASDAQ'#??may be ISLAND, but not needed for nflx

        order = Order()
        order.action = 'BUY'
        order.totalQuantity = 2
        order.orderType = 'LMT'
        order.lmtPrice = 539.50
        self.placeOrder(self.nextOrderID, contract, order)
        self.nextOrderID +=1 # always increment after use

    def stop(self):
        #self.done = True # unnecessary 
        if self.isConnected() : 
def main():
    app = TestApp()
    app.connect('', 7497, 123)

    #Timer(3, app.stop).start() #means you want to stop in 3 seconds no matter what

if __name__ == '__main__':