DOT 符号排名不将项目放置在同一水平线上 line/plane

DOT notation rank not placing items on the same horizontal line/plane



digraph G {

"Palpable breast mass" -> "Age of patient?";
"Age of patient?" -> "Clinical assessment: probability of malignancy?" [label="< 30yo"];
"Clinical assessment: probability of malignancy?" -> "Reexamine 3-10 days after onset of menstruation" [label="Low"];
"Reexamine 3-10 days after onset of menstruation" -> "Ultrasound and/or FNA" [label="Suspicious mass"];
"Clinical assessment: probability of malignancy?" -> "Ultrasound and/or FNA" [label="High"];
"Ultrasound and/or FNA" -> "Mammography" [label="No visualization possible"];
"Age of patient?" -> "Mammography" [label="> 30yo"];
"Mammography" -> "Ultrasound and/or FNA" [label="Inconclusive"];
"Palpable breast mass";
"Age of patient?";
"Clinical assessment: probability of malignancy?";
"Reexamine 3-10 days after onset of menstruation";
"Ultrasound and/or FNA";

但是,排名不符合我的要求。我希望 rank=4 中的所有项目都在同一水平 line/plane 上。这是它的样子:

没关系,我意识到我需要在每个括号中写 rank=same 而不是实际值。像这样:

"Palpable breast mass";
"Age of patient?";
"Clinical assessment: probability of malignancy?";
"Reexamine 3-10 days after onset of menstruation";
"Ultrasound and/or FNA";