Chaincode docker 容器未在 hyperledger fabric 2.2 上创建

Chaincode docker container not created on hyperledger fabric 2.2

我已经通过以下步骤使用测试网络在我的机器上创建了 hyperledger 2.2 设置

  1. /fabric-samples/test-network 目录和 org1org2orderer 的上层容器中使用它们的 CA。
./ up createChannel -ca -c mychannel -s couchdb -i 2.2.0
  1. 使用
  2. mychannel上部署链代码
./ deployCC -ccn basic1 -ccp ../asset-transfer-basic/chaincode-go/ -ccl go
  1. channel1 身份创建了新频道,并且仅 org1 先加入此频道
  2. 已将新组织添加为 org3 并使用命令
  3. 加入了 channel1
./ up -ca -c channel1 -s couchdb -i 2.2.0

在那之后想在 channel1 上部署 chaicode 但是当我使用命令部署链代码时它尝试在 org1org2 上部署链代码这导致它失败请任何人建议我如何在 org1org3 上部署 channel1 上的链码,仅加入 channel1.

./ deployCC -c channel1 -ccn basic1 -ccp ../asset-transfer-basic/chaincode-go/ -ccl go

来自 test network documentation,“deployCC 子命令将在 和 上安装资产转移(基本)链码,然后将链码部署到使用通道标志指定的通道(如果未指定通道,则为 mychannel)。

您应该仍然能够部署您的链代码,但您需要直接使用 Fabric peer 命令而不是测试网络脚本。 Deploying a smart contract to a channel tutorial and there is more detail in the Fabric chaincode lifecycle documentation.


./test-network/ deployCC ... 呼叫 ./test-network/scripts/

在此 中,在 org1org2 中部署链码是硬编码的。

它的工作原理是从 org1 & org2 更改为 org1 & org3

  • ./test-network/scripts/

## package the chaincode

## Install chaincode on peer0.org1 and peer0.org3
infoln "Installing chaincode on peer0.org1..."
installChaincode 1
infoln "Install chaincode on peer0.org3..."
installChaincode 3

## query whether the chaincode is installed
queryInstalled 1

## approve the definition for org1
approveForMyOrg 1

## check whether the chaincode definition is ready to be committed
## expect org1 to have approved and org3 not to
checkCommitReadiness 1 "\"Org1MSP\": true" "\"Org3MSP\": false"
checkCommitReadiness 3 "\"Org1MSP\": true" "\"Org3MSP\": false"

## now approve also for org3
approveForMyOrg 3

## check whether the chaincode definition is ready to be committed
## expect them both to have approved
checkCommitReadiness 1 "\"Org1MSP\": true" "\"Org3MSP\": true"
checkCommitReadiness 3 "\"Org1MSP\": true" "\"Org3MSP\": true"

## now that we know for sure both orgs have approved, commit the definition
commitChaincodeDefinition 1 3

## query on both orgs to see that the definition committed successfully
queryCommitted 1
queryCommitted 3

## Invoke the chaincode - this does require that the chaincode have the 'initLedger'
## method defined
if [ "$CC_INIT_FCN" = "NA" ]; then
  infoln "Chaincode initialization is not required"
  chaincodeInvokeInit 1 3
