替换 Pandas 列表类型列中的重复项

Replacing Duplicates in a column of list type in Pandas

背景信息:我有一个数据框 df,它有多个列,其中重点是名为 'genres'



The problem can be seen in this image, there are entries where duplicates are found for example '[Drama, Romance]' and '[Romance, Drama]' are the same thing

  1. 现在 objective 将以编程方式 remove/replace 进行复制,以便将变体替换为其等价形式。



现在 [Romance, Drama] 被替换为 [Drama, Romance] 反之亦然而不是完全删除我们只是替换列表的内容

Output - Before Replacing Duplicates '[Drama, Romance]' and '[Romance, Drama]'

Expected Output - After Replacing Duplicates '[Drama, Romance]'

  1. 过滤 df 列 'genres' 以仅包含列表条目不超过 3 种类型的类型,例如删除任何超过 3 种类型的行。 'genres' 列中可接受的结果示例:


#to delist the 'genres' column
df['genres'] = df.genres.apply(', '.join)

# code sample of manually replaced duplicated content in genres column
df['genres'] = df['genres'].str.replace("Romance, Drama","Drama, Romance")
df['genres'] = df['genres'].str.replace("Drama, Comedy","Comedy, Drama")

上面的代码有效,但它是针对单个重复项手动完成的,所以我想找到一种方法来为 df

的 'genres' 列中找到的所有重复项进行编码]

假定列中每一行的数据类型为 list

  1. 您可以先使用 sorted

  2. 然后用loc过滤dataframe的行得到value_counts()

    df['genres'] = df['genres'].apply(lambda x: sorted(x))
    df.loc[df['genres'].apply(lambda x: len(x) <= 3), 'genres'].value_counts()