
How to disconnect a discord bot from voice channel after user left?


async def check_member(self, ctx):
    channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
    member_count = len(voice_channel.members)
    if member_count == 1:
        await channel.disconnect

但不知何故这似乎不起作用。 我确实知道有一个 但这对我也不起作用,因为我定义了一些不同的东西。


    async def check_member(self, ctx):
        channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
        member_count = len(channel.members)
        client = ctx.guild.voice_client
        if member_count == 1:
            await client.disconnect()


定义does not work:我现在以不同的方式构建函数:

    async def check(self, ctx):
        voice_channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
        member_count = len(voice_channel.members)
        client = ctx.guild.voice_client
        if member_count == 1:
            await client.disconnect()

现在这是一个完全不同的计数。我想要做的是每 2 秒循环一次 commands.Cog.listener() 函数。为了进行测试,我播放了一首歌,并在机器人开始播放后立即离开。我以为机器人也会离开频道,但它没有。我的日志中没有输出表明我定义了错误。


async def on_voice_state_update(member, before, after):
    voice_state = member.guild.voice_client
    # Checking if the bot is connected to a channel and if there is only 1 member connected to it (the bot itself)
    if voice_state is not None and len(voice_state.channel.members) == 1:
        # You should also check if the song is still playing
        await voice_state.disconnect()
