如何访问私人仓库上的 GitHub 组织共享工作流程?

How to access GitHub Organization shared workflows on private repos?

我按照这里的指南 https://docs.github.com/en/free-pro-team@latest/actions/learn-github-actions/sharing-workflows-with-your-organization

我成功创建了一个 GitHub 组织共享工作流程,如果我在组织或我的帐户下创建 public 存储库(我是组织的成员)。


You can also create workflow templates in the .github repository and share them with other users in your organization.


You can also create workflow templates in the .github repository and share them with other users in your organization.

仅适用于 GitHub 个企业计划组织:

to use templates to create workflows in private repositories, the organization must be part of an enterprise plan. GitHub documentation