Fortran 提高大型数组写入文件速度的最佳方法

Fortran best way to improve write to file speed for large arrays

我有一个 20,000,000 的非常大的数组,我想将其写入未格式化的文件。 它是一个自相关函数。

在不写入文件的情况下使用-O4 优化编译标志非常快。 但是一旦我写入文件,它似乎需要一天才能完成。


显然,写入一个数组的单个元素大约需要 10 毫秒。

20,000,000 x 0.01 = 200,000 秒 = 3,333 分钟 = 55 小时

读文件只需要 45 秒,怎么可能写这么长时间?我可以做些什么来提高速度?



编译行:fortran -o acorr.exe -O4 acorr.f90


elapsed time for reading:    43.4389992    
 Size of Jx:     20000000
 Loop Start Time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e0 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e1 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e2 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e3 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e4 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e5 elapsed time:    43.5009995    
 correlation time magnitude 1e6 elapsed time:    43.5029984    
 correlation time magnitude 1e7 elapsed time:    43.5190010    
 elapsed time:    43.5369987  


 elapsed time for reading:    43.6349983    
 Size of Jx:     20000000
 Loop Start Time:    43.6949997    
 correlation time magnitude 1e0 elapsed time:    43.7319984    
 correlation time magnitude 1e1 elapsed time:    43.8969994    
 correlation time magnitude 1e2 elapsed time:    45.4980011    
 correlation time magnitude 1e3 elapsed time:    61.5289993


    real:: a,b,c,d, sum, mean, var
    integer:: i,j, jsize,beginning, rate, end, end1
    real, dimension(20000000):: Jx, Jxm, corr
    integer:: skip_lines = 4
    call system_clock(beginning, rate)
    !reading file
    open(10, file='DiamHeat.log', status='old')
    do i = 1,skip_lines
    end do
    do i = 1, 20000000
        read(10,*) a, b, Jx(i), c, d
    end do
    call system_clock(end)
    print *, "elapsed time for reading: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
    !finished reading

    open(20, file='acorr.txt', form='UNFORMATTED')
    jsize = size(Jx)
    print *, "Size of Jx: ", jsize
    !print *, dot_product(Jx(10:jsize),Jx(1:jsize-10))

    !calculate mean
    mean = sum(Jx)/jsize
    Jxm(:) = Jx(:)-mean

    !calculate variance
    var = dot_product(Jxm,Jxm)/jsize
    !begin autocorrelation calc
    call system_clock(end1)
    print *, "Loop Start Time: ", real(end1 - beginning) / real(rate)
    do i =0,jsize-1
        corr(i+1) = dot_product(Jxm(i+1:jsize),Jxm(1:jsize-i))/var/(jsize-i)

        !clock timing
        if(i == 1) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e0 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 10) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e1 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 100) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e2 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 1000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e3 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 10000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e4 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 100000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e5 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 1000000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e6 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        else if(i == 10000000) then
            call system_clock(end)
            print *, "correlation time magnitude 1e7 elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)
        end if 

    end do
    write(20,*) corr
    call system_clock(end)
    print *, "elapsed time: ", real(end - beginning) / real(rate)

正如@francescalus 评论的那样,编译器似乎跳过了计算,除非它用于其他目的。 添加

print*, sum corr 

