
Detecting checks more efficiently (Chess)



要检查移动是否 allowed/legal,我检查移动的一方是否在之后检查:

    def allowed_move(self, board, pos, move, colour):

    copy_board = copy.deepcopy(board)

    (x, y) = pos
    (new_x, new_y) = move

    if copy_board[x][y] == "k_w":
        self.white_king = (new_x, new_y)
        copy_board[new_x][new_y] = copy_board[x][y]
        copy_board[x][y] = " "
        self.in_check(colour, copy_board)
        self.white_king = (x, y)

    elif copy_board[x][y] == "k_b":
        self.black_king = (new_x, new_y)
        copy_board[new_x][new_y] = copy_board[x][y]
        copy_board[x][y] = " "
        self.in_check(colour, copy_board)
        self.black_king = (x, y)

        copy_board[new_x][new_y] = copy_board[x][y]
        copy_board[x][y] = " "
        self.in_check(colour, copy_board)

    if colour == "_w" and self.white_check:
        return False

    if colour == "_b" and self.black_check:
        return False

    return True

为了确定一方是否处于检查状态,我生成了对手方的每一个动作,并检查他们是否能够在下一步行动中夺取国王。 (这是不好的部分)

这是迄今为止我的引擎中最昂贵的操作,我想知道我是否可以以某种方式简化它。伪合法移动是使用此文件计算的,供任何感兴趣的人使用。为完成所有移动,en-passant、casting 和 promotion 分别生成。我还在每次执行的移动后生成每边可能的合法移动列表,但由于检查检测使用潜在移动,因此无法使用这些列表。

    class Rook:
    def __init__(self, pos, brd):
        self.board = brd
        self.pos = pos

    def moves(self):
        pos_caps = []
        (x, y) = self.pos
        clr = self.board[x][y][1:]
        for i in range(- 1, - y - 1, -1):
            if self.board[x][y + i][1:] != clr:  
                pos_caps.append((x, y + i))
                for v in range(- 1, i, - 1):
                    if self.board[x][y + v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x, y + i))

        for i in range(1, 8 - y):
            if self.board[x][y + i][1:] != clr:  
                pos_caps.append((x, y + i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x][y + v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x, y + i))

        for i in range(- 1, - x - 1, -1):
            if self.board[x + i][y][1:] != clr:  
                pos_caps.append((x + i, y))
                for v in range(- 1, i, - 1):
                    if self.board[x + v][y] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x + i, y))

        for i in range(1, 8 - x):
            if self.board[x + i][y][1:] != clr:  
                pos_caps.append((x + i, y))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x + v][y] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x + i, y))

        return pos_caps

class Knight:
    def __init__(self, pos, brd):
        self.board = brd
        self.pos = pos
        (self.x_pos, self.y_pos) = self.pos
        self.clr = self.board[self.x_pos][self.y_pos][1:]

    def moves(self):
        pos_moves = []
        (x, y) = self.pos
        if x < 6 and y < 7:
            pos_moves.append((x + 2, y + 1))
        if x < 6 and y > 0:
            pos_moves.append((x + 2, y - 1))
        if x > 1 and y < 7:
            pos_moves.append((x - 2, y + 1))
        if x > 1 and y > 0:
            pos_moves.append((x - 2, y - 1))
        if x < 7 and y < 6:
            pos_moves.append((x + 1, y + 2))
        if x < 7 and y > 1:
            pos_moves.append((x + 1, y - 2))
        if x > 0 and y < 6:
            pos_moves.append((x - 1, y + 2))
        if x > 0 and y > 1:
            pos_moves.append((x - 1, y - 2))
        for mv in reversed(pos_moves):
            (x, y) = mv
            if self.board[x][y][1:] == self.clr:

        return pos_moves

class King:
    def __init__(self, pos, brd):
        self.board = brd
        self.pos = pos
        (self.x_pos, self.y_pos) = self.pos
        self.clr = self.board[self.x_pos][self.y_pos][1:]

    def moves(self):
        all_moves = []
        (x, y) = self.pos
        if x > 0:
            all_moves.append((x - 1, y))
            if y > 0:
                all_moves.append((x - 1, y - 1))
            if y < 7:
                all_moves.append((x - 1, y + 1))

        if x < 7:
            all_moves.append((x + 1, y))
            if y > 0:
                all_moves.append((x + 1, y - 1))
            if y < 7:
                all_moves.append((x + 1, y + 1))

        if y > 0:
            all_moves.append((x, y - 1))

        if y < 7:
            all_moves.append((x, y + 1))

        for mv in reversed(all_moves):
            (x, y) = mv
            if self.board[x][y][1:] == self.clr:

        return all_moves

class Queen:
    def __init__(self, pos, brd):
        self.board = brd
        self.pos = pos
        (self.x_pos, self.y_pos) = self.pos
        self.clr = self.board[self.x_pos][self.y_pos][1:]

    def moves(self):
        pos_caps = []
        (x, y) = self.pos
        clr = self.board[x][y][1:]
        for i in range(- 1, - y - 1, -1):
            if self.board[x][y + i][1:] != clr:   
                pos_caps.append((x, y + i))
                for v in range(- 1, i, - 1):
                    if self.board[x][y + v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x, y + i))

        for i in range(1, 8 - y):
            if self.board[x][y + i][1:] != clr:   
                pos_caps.append((x, y + i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x][y + v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x, y + i))

        for i in range(- 1, - x - 1, -1):
            if self.board[x + i][y][1:] != clr:   
                pos_caps.append((x + i, y))
                for v in range(- 1, i, - 1):
                    if self.board[x + v][y] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x + i, y))

        for i in range(1, 8 - x):
            if self.board[x + i][y][1:] != clr:  
                pos_caps.append((x + i, y))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x + v][y] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x + i, y))

        com = min(x, y)
        for i in range(1, com + 1):
            if self.board[x - i][y - i][1:] != clr:
                pos_caps.append((x - i, y - i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x - v][y - v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x - i, y - i))

        com = min(7 - x, 7 - y)
        for i in range(1, com + 1):
            if self.board[x + i][y + i][1:] != clr:
                pos_caps.append((x + i, y + i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x + v][y + v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x + i, y + i))

        com = min(7 - x, y)
        for i in range(1, com + 1):
            if self.board[x + i][y - i][1:] != clr:
                # print(str((x + i, y - i)) + "Appending")
                pos_caps.append((x + i, y - i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x + v][y - v] != " ":
                        # print(str((x + i, y - i)) + "Removing")
                        pos_caps.remove((x + i, y - i))

        com = min(x, 7 - y)
        for i in range(1, com + 1):
            if self.board[x - i][y + i][1:] != clr:
                pos_caps.append((x - i, y + i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x - v][y + v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x - i, y + i))

        return pos_caps

class Pawn_white:
    def __init__(self, pos, brd):
        self.board = brd
        self.pos = pos
        (self.x_pos, self.y_pos) = self.pos
        self.clr = "_w"

    def moves(self):        
        all_moves = []
        (x, y) = self.pos
        if y > 0:
            if y == 6:
                all_moves.append((x, y - 1))
                all_moves.append((x, y - 2))

                all_moves.append((x, y - 1))

            if x > 0:
                if self.board[x - 1][y - 1][1:] != self.clr:
                    all_moves.append((x - 1, y - 1))
            if x < 7:
                if self.board[x + 1][y - 1][1:] != self.clr:
                    all_moves.append((x + 1, y - 1))

        for mv in reversed(all_moves):
            (x, y) = mv
            if self.board[x][y][1:] == self.clr:

        return all_moves

class Pawn_black:
    def __init__(self, pos, brd):
        self.board = brd
        self.pos = pos
        (self.x_pos, self.y_pos) = self.pos
        self.clr = "_b"

    def moves(self):
        all_moves = []
        (x, y) = self.pos

        if y == 1:
            all_moves.append((x, y + 1))
            all_moves.append((x, y + 2))

        elif y < 7:
            all_moves.append((x, y + 1))

            if x > 0:
                if self.board[x - 1][y + 1] != self.clr:
                    all_moves.append((x - 1, y + 1))
            if x < 7:
                if self.board[x + 1][y + 1] != self.clr:
                    all_moves.append((x + 1, y + 1))
        for mv in reversed(all_moves):
            (x, y) = mv
            if self.board[x][y][1:] == self.clr:

        return all_moves

class Bishop:
    def __init__(self, pos, brd):
        self.board = brd
        self.pos = pos

    def moves(self):
        pos_caps = []
        (x, y) = self.pos
        clr = self.board[x][y][1:]

        com = min(x, y)
        for i in range(1, com + 1):
            if self.board[x - i][y - i][1:] != clr:
                pos_caps.append((x - i, y - i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x - v][y - v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x - i, y - i))

        com = min(7 - x, 7 - y)
        for i in range(1, com + 1):
            if self.board[x + i][y + i][1:] != clr:
                pos_caps.append((x + i, y + i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x + v][y + v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x + i, y + i))

        com = min(7 - x, y)
        for i in range(1, com + 1):
            if self.board[x + i][y - i][1:] != clr:
                pos_caps.append((x + i, y - i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x + v][y - v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x + i, y - i))

        com = min(x, 7 - y)
        for i in range(1, com + 1):
            if self.board[x - i][y + i][1:] != clr:
                pos_caps.append((x - i, y + i))
                for v in range(1, i):
                    if self.board[x - v][y + v] != " ":
                        pos_caps.remove((x - i, y + i))

        return pos_caps

我希望我把我的 problem/code 的一切都说清楚了。感谢任何帮助。




from collections import defaultdict
targets   = dict()
positions = [ (r,c) for r in range(8) for c in range(8) ]
def valid(positions): 
    return [(r,c) for r,c in positions if r in range(8) and c in range(8)]


targets["up"]    = { (r,c):valid( (r+v,c) for v in range(1,8))
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["down"]  = { (r,c):valid( (r-v,c) for v in range(1,8))
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["vertical"]  = { (r,c):targets["up"][r,c]+targets["down"][r,c]
                           for r,c in positions }

targets["left"]  = { (r,c):valid( (r,c+h) for h in range(1,8))
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["right"] = { (r,c):valid( (r,c+h) for h in range(1,8))
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["horizontal"] = { (r,c):targets["left"][r,c]+targets["right"][r,c]
                           for r,c in positions }

targets["upleft"]  = { (r,c):[(ru,cl) for (ru,_),(_,cl) in zip(targets["up"][r,c],targets["left"][r,c])]
                           for r,c in positions }

targets["upright"] = { (r,c):[(ru,cr) for (ru,_),(_,cr) in zip(targets["up"][r,c],targets["right"][r,c])]
                           for r,c in positions }

targets["downleft"] = { (r,c):[(rd,cl) for (rd,_),(_,cl) in zip(targets["down"][r,c],targets["left"][r,c])]
                           for r,c in positions }

targets["downright"] = { (r,c):[(rd,cr) for (rd,_),(_,cr) in zip(targets["down"][r,c],targets["right"][r,c])]
                           for r,c in positions }

targets["diagUL"] = { (r,c):targets["upleft"][r,c]+targets["downright"][r,c]
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["diagDL"] = { (r,c):targets["downleft"][r,c]+targets["upright"][r,c]
                           for r,c in positions }


targets["king"]    = { (r,c):valid( (r+v,c+h) for v in (-1,0,1) for h in (-1,0,1) if v or h)
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["rook"]    = { (r,c):targets["horizontal"][r,c]+targets["vertical"][r,c]
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["bishop"]  = { (r,c):targets["diagUL"][r,c]+targets["diagDL"][r,c]
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["queen"]   = { (r,c):targets["rook"][r,c]+targets["bishop"][r,c]
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["knight"]  = { (r,c):valid((r+v,c+h) for v,h in [(2,1),(2,-1),(1,2),(1,-2),(-2,1),(-2,-1),(-1,2),(-1,-2)])
                           for r,c in positions } 
targets["wpawn"]   = { (r,c):valid([(r+1,c)]*(r>0) + [(r+2,c)]*(r==1))
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["bpawn"]   = { (r,c):valid([(r-1,c)]*(r<7) + [(r-2,c)]*(r==6))
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["wptake"]  = { (r,c):valid([(r+1,c+1),(r+1,c-1)]*(r>0))
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["bptake"]  = { (r,c):valid([(r-1,c+1),(r-1,c-1)]*(r<7))
                           for r,c in positions }
targets["wcastle"] = defaultdict(list,{ (0,4):[(0,2),(0,6)] })
targets["bcastle"] = defaultdict(list,{ (7,4):[(7,2),(7,6)] }) 



 # [(6, 3), (7, 2), (4, 5), (3, 6), (2, 7), (4, 3), (3, 2), (2, 1), (1, 0), (6, 5), (7, 6)]

要知道在 5,4 处是否有对白王的潜在检查,您可以在进行移动模拟之前执行快速验证:

 kingPos = (5,4)
 checkByQueen  = any(board[r][c]=="q_b" for r,c in targets["queen"][kingPos])
 checkByKnight = any(board[r][c]=="n_b" for r,c in targets["knight"][kingPos])
 checkByRook   = any(board[r][c]=="r_b" for r,c in targets["rook"][kingPos])
 checkByBishop = any(board[r][c]=="b_b" for r,c in targets["bishop"][kingPos])
 checkByPawn   = any(board[r][c]=="p_b" for r,c in targets["wptake"][kingPos])

如果 none 为真,则白王没有威胁。如果 checkByQueen、checkByRook 或 checkByBishop 为 True,那么您将需要验证中间另一块的遮挡,但这已经大大减少了案例数量。


for r,c in positions:
    targets[(r,c)] = defaultdict(list)
    for direction in ("up","down","left","right","upleft","upright","downleft","downright"):
        path = targets[direction][r,c]
        for i,(tr,tc) in enumerate(path):

这将使您可以轻松检查两个位置之间是否有棋子。例如,如果您在 (5,0) 处找到一个女王,您可以使用以下方法检查国王是否在视线范围内:

queenPos = next((r,c) for r,c in targets["queen"][kingPos] 
                      if board[r][c]=="q_b") # (5,0)

targets[kingPos][queenPos] # [(5, 3), (5, 2), (5, 1)]

lineOfSight = all(board[r][c]=="" for r,c in targets[kingPos][queenPos])


def lineOfSight(A,B): 
    return all(board[r][c]=="" for r,c in targets[A][B])

checkByQueen  = any(board[r][c]=="q_b" and lineOfSight(kingPos,(r,c))
                    for r,c in targets["queen"][kingPos] )
checkByRook   = any(board[r][c]=="r_b" and lineOfSight(kingPos,(r,c))
                    for r,c in targets["rook"][kingPos]  )
checkByBishop = any(board[r][c]=="b_b" and lineOfSight(kingPos,(r,c))
                    for r,c in targets["bishop"][kingPos])


isCheck = any( board[r][c]==opponent and lineOfSight(kingPos,(r,c))
               for opponent,piece in [("q_b","queen"),("r_b","rook"),("b_b","bishop"),("n_b","knight"),("p_b","wptake")]
               for r,c in target[piece][kingPos] )    


for r,c in positions:
    for piece in targets:
        print(f"  {piece:10}:",*targets[piece][r,c])


FROM (2, 4)
  up        : (3, 4) (4, 4) (5, 4) (6, 4) (7, 4)
  down      : (1, 4) (0, 4)
  vertical  : (3, 4) (4, 4) (5, 4) (6, 4) (7, 4) (1, 4) (0, 4)
  left      : (2, 3) (2, 2) (2, 1) (2, 0)
  right     : (2, 5) (2, 6) (2, 7)
  horizontal: (2, 3) (2, 2) (2, 1) (2, 0) (2, 5) (2, 6) (2, 7)
  upleft    : (3, 3) (4, 2) (5, 1) (6, 0)
  upright   : (3, 5) (4, 6) (5, 7)
  downleft  : (1, 3) (0, 2)
  downright : (1, 5) (0, 6)
  diagUL    : (3, 3) (4, 2) (5, 1) (6, 0) (1, 5) (0, 6)
  diagDL    : (1, 3) (0, 2) (3, 5) (4, 6) (5, 7)
  king      : (1, 4) (1, 5) (2, 3) (2, 5) (3, 3) (3, 4)
  rook      : (2, 3) (2, 2) (2, 1) (2, 0) (2, 5) (2, 6) (2, 7) (3, 4) (4, 4) (5, 4) (6, 4) (7, 4) (1, 4) (0, 4)
  bishop    : (3, 3) (4, 2) (5, 1) (6, 0) (1, 5) (0, 6) (1, 3) (0, 2) (3, 5) (4, 6) (5, 7)
  queen     : (2, 3) (2, 2) (2, 1) (2, 0) (2, 5) (2, 6) (2, 7) (3, 4) (4, 4) (5, 4) (6, 4) (7, 4) (1, 4) (0, 4) (3, 3) (4, 2) (5, 1) (6, 0) (1, 5) (0, 6) (1, 3) (0, 2) (3, 5) (4, 6) (5, 7)
  wpawn     : (3, 4)
  bpawn     : (1, 4)
  wptake    : (3, 5) (3, 3)
  bptake    : (1, 5) (1, 3)
  knight    : (4, 5) (4, 3) (3, 6) (3, 2) (0, 5) (0, 3) (1, 6) (1, 2)    



# add to setup ...
targets["bishop"]["paths"] = ["upleft","upright","downleft","downright"]
targets["rook"]["paths"]   = ["up","down","left","right"]
targets["queen"]["paths"]  = targets["bishop"]["paths"]+targets["rook"]["paths"]

def linearMoves(position,opponent,piece):
    if position in pinnedPositions: return # see below
    for direction in targets[piece]["paths"]
        for r,c in targets[direction][position]:
              if board[r][c]=="": yield (position,(r,c)); continue
              if board[r][c].endswith(opponent): yield(position,(r,c))


# flag white pieces that are pinned 
# (do this before each move generation)

pinnedPositions = set()
for piece,path in [("q_b","queen"),("r_b","rook"),("b_b","bishop"):
    for T in targets[path][kingPos]:
        if board[T] != piece: continue
        pinned = [[board[r][c][-1:] for r,c in targets[T][kingPos]]
        if pinned.count("w")==1 and "b" not in pinned:


moves = []
# Move white bishop from position bishosPos ...
moves += linearMoves(bishopPos,"b","bishop")

# Move white rook from position rookPos ...
moves += linearMoves(rookPos,"b","rook")

# Move white queen from position queenPos ...
moves += linearMoves(queenPos,"b","queen")

# Move white knight from position knightPos ...
moves += ( (knightPos,(r,c)) for r,c in targets["knight"][knightPos]
           if board[r][c][-1:]!="w" )    

# Move white pawn from position pawnPos ...
moves += ( (pawnPos,(r,c)) for r,c in targets["wpawn"][pawnPos]
           if board[r][c][-1:]=="" and lineOfSight(pawnPos,(r,c)) )    
moves += ( (pawnPos,(r,c)) for r,c in targets["wptake"][pawnPos]
           if board[r][c][-1:]=="b" )    

# Move white king from position kingPos ... 
# (need to filter this so king doesn't place itself in check!)
moves += ( (kingPos,(r,c)) for r,c in targets["king"][kingPos]
           if board[r][c][-1]!="w" )    


还有更多异常需要管理,例如“castling”和“en passant”,但大部分代码应该更简单(并且可能更快)。




def is_in_check(square):

    enemy_color, friendly_color = ('b', 'w') if self.is_white_turn else ('w', 'b')

    # Check out from all directions from the king
    for i, d in enumerate(s.directions):
        for j in range(1, 8):  # Check the entire row/column in that direction
            end_square = square + d*j
            piece_color, piece_type = self.board[end_square][0], self.board[end_square][1]
            if is_on_board(end_square ):
                if piece_color == friendly_color and piece_type != 'K':
                elif piece_color == enemy_color:
                    # 5 different cases:
                    # 1. Orthogonally from king and piece is a rook
                    # 2. Diagonally from king and piece is a bishop
                    # 3. 1 square away diagonally from king and piece is a pawn
                    # 4. Any direction and piece is a queen
                    # 5. Any direction 1 square away and piece is a king
                    if (0 <= i <= 3 and piece_type == 'R') or \
                            (4 <= i <= 7 and piece_type == 'B') or \
                            (j == 1 and piece_type == 'p' and ((enemy_color == 'w' and 6 <= i <= 7) or (enemy_color == 'b' and 4 <= i <= 5))) or \
                            (piece_type == 'Q') or \
                            (j == 1 and piece_type == 'K'):
                        return True
                    else:  # Enemy piece that is not applying check or pin
            else:  # i, j is off board

    # Check for knight checks
    for d in s.knight_moves:
        end_piece = self.board[square + d]
        if is_on_board(end_square):
            if end_piece[1] == 'N' and end_piece[0] == enemy_color:  # Enemy knight attacking king
                return True

    return False

如果代码不清楚,请在评论中提问,我从我的早期引擎中复制了大部分内容,因此它可能与您的表示不完全一样。这个想法是从国王的各个方向看。如果您找到自己的棋子或不在棋盘上,请休息并继续下一个方向。如果你找到敌方棋子,那么代码中有 5 种情况:如果你斜向看,敌方棋子是主教等。这个查找非常快,因为如果国王在棋盘中间,你最多需要查看 27 个位置没有块阻塞,但通常要少得多。


我花了很多时间试图使我的 Python 引擎尽可能快,并开始像你一样使用 2D 阵列板表示。它可以工作,但是一维板表示更快(虽然有点难以理解)。

但是对于您的 2D 表示,我认为有 2 种方法:

  1. 生成伪合法移动,然后在搜索时测试它们是否合法。
  2. 生成所有固定的棋子,然后只生成合法的移动。


看起来你有一个可行的方法。我发现通过可能的方向循环而不是将它放在 4 个单独的循环中更好一点,例如对于女王来说是这样的(很抱歉展示我的一维方法,但它对你来说是相似的,只是其他方向):

def get_queen_moves(square):

    # Up, left, down, right, up/left, up/right, down/left, down/right
    for d in [-10, -1, 10, 1, -11, -9, 9, 11]:
        for i in range(1, 8):   # At most 7 squares in each direction
            end_square = square + d*i
            end_piece = self.board[end_square]

            # If square is enemy piece or empty square, append move
            if end_piece in [enemy_pieces, empty_square]:
                moves.append(square, end_square)

                # If enemy piece, then break the direction since we can't go further here
                if end_piece in enemy_pieces:
            # Found own piece, can't move here so move on to next direction

在你的 minimax(在我的例子中是 negamax,无论如何都是相同的方法)搜索你会做这样的事情:

def negamax(depth, alpha, beta):

    # Depth = 0, return value from the quiescence search
    if depth == 0:
        return self.quiescence(alpha, beta)

    # Get pseudo legal moves
    children = gen_moves(self.gamestate)

    # Negamax recursive loop
    for child in children:

        # If move is legal, make it. Otherwise move on to the next candidate.
        # In my make_move function I return 1 if I am not left in check, otherwise I unmake the move there and return 0.
        if self.gamestate.make_move(child):

            # Do a normal search
            score = -self.negamax(depth - 1, -beta, -alpha, True)

            # Take back move

如果您实施移动顺序和 alpha/beta 等,您很可能会节省很多时间,而不是检查所有移动的合法性,而只检查您正在考虑的移动。我希望我在这里说清楚。




# Get all moves considering checks and pins
def get_valid_moves(self):

    king_pos = self.white_king_location if self.is_white_turn else self.black_king_location

    # Find if is in check and all the possible pinned pieces
    self.is_in_check, self.pins, self.checks = self.check_for_pins_and_checks(king_pos)

    # If we are in check we can only take the piece, move the king, or put own piece in the way
    if self.is_in_check:
        if len(self.checks) == 1:  # Single check
            moves = self.get_all_possible_moves()
            check = self.checks[0]
            checking_piece_pos = check[0]
            piece_checking = self.board[check[0]]  # Enemy piece that is causing the check
            valid_squares = []  # Valid squares the piece can move to
            if piece_checking[1] == 'N':  # Knight check, must capture knight or move king
                valid_squares = [checking_piece_pos]
                for i in range(1, 8):
                    valid_square = (king_pos + check[1] * i)  # Look in the direction of checking piece
                    if valid_square == checking_piece_pos:  # If finding the checking piece, look no further
            # Filter to only keep moves that are valid during check
            moves = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == king_pos or x[1] in valid_squares or
                                (self.board[x[0]][1] == 'p' and x[1] == self.enpassant_square and piece_checking[1] == 'p'), moves))
        else:  # Double check, only king can move
            moves = []
            self.get_king_moves(king_pos, moves, False)
    # If not in check, we find all moves (with respect to pins)
        moves = self.get_all_possible_moves()

    return moves

# Checks if there are any pinned pieces or current checks
def check_for_pins_and_checks(self, square):
    pins, checks = [], []
    is_in_check = False

    enemy_color, friendly_color = ('b', 'w') if self.is_white_turn else ('w', 'b')

    # Check out from all directions from the king
    for i in range(8):
        d = s.directions[i]
        possible_pin = False
        for j in range(8):  # Check the entire row/column in that direction
            end_square = square + d*j
            piece_color, piece_type = self.board[end_square][0], self.board[end_square][1]
            if is_on_board(end_square):
                if piece_color == friendly_color and piece_type != 'K':
                    if not possible_pin:  # First own piece, we found a possible pin
                        possible_pin = (end_square, d)
                    else:  # 2nd friendly piece, it wasn't a pin
                elif piece_color == enemy_color:
                    # 5 different cases as before:
                    if (0 <= i <= 3 and piece_type == 'R') or \
                            (4 <= i <= 7 and piece_type == 'B') or \
                            (j == 1 and piece_type == 'p' and ((enemy_color == 'w' and 6 <= i <= 7) or (enemy_color == 'b' and 4 <= i <= 5))) or \
                            (piece_type == 'Q') or \
                            (j == 1 and piece_type == 'K'):
                        if not possible_pin:  # No friendly piece is blocking -> is check
                            is_in_check = True
                            checks.append((end_square, d))
                        else:  # Friendly piece is blocking -> we found a pinned piece
                    else:  # Enemy piece that is not applying check or pin
            else:  # i, j is off board

    # Check for knight checks
    for d in s.knight_moves:
        end_square = square + d
        end_piece = self.board[end_square]
        if is_on_board(end_square):
            if end_piece[0] == enemy_color and end_piece[1] == 'N':  # Enemy knight attacking king
                is_in_check = True
                checks.append((end_square, d))

    return is_in_check, pins, checks

所以现在我们需要将我们固定的信息应用到我们的生成移动函数中。我将再次以女王为例。 我们唯一需要做的就是找到棋子是否被固定(第一个额外的代码块),然后在我们附加移动之前我们需要检查该棋子没有被固定或者固定方向允许我们移动棋子在那里(例如将女王移向或远离国王)。

def get_queen_moves(square):

    # Loop through our pins and see if our piece is pinned. Remove it from our pinned piece list since we don't need the information any more.
    pin_direction = ()
    for i in range(len(self.pins)-1, -1, -1):
        if self.pins[i][0] == square:
            piece_pinned = True
            pin_direction = (self.pins[i][1])

    # Up, left, down, right, up/left, up/right, down/left, down/right
    for d in [-10, -1, 10, 1, -11, -9, 9, 11]:
        for i in range(1, 8):   # At most 7 squares in each direction
            end_square = square + d*i
            end_piece = self.board[end_square]

            # If square is enemy piece or empty square, append move
            if end_piece in [enemy_pieces, empty_square]:

                # Here we check if piece is pinned or if the direction allows us to add the piece anyway. 
                if not piece_pinned or pin_direction in (d, -d):
                    moves.append(square, end_square)

                    # If enemy piece, then break the direction since we can't go further here
                    if end_piece in enemy_pieces:
            # Found own piece, can't move here so move on to next direction


这是我第一个答案的合并(和部分验证)代码。我到处都将 (r,c) 反转为 (c,r)。


from collections import defaultdict
targets   = dict()
positions = [ (c,r) for c in range(8) for r in range(8) ]
def valid(P): 
    return [(c,r) for c,r in P if c in range(8) and r in range(8)]

targets["up"]        = { (c,r):valid( (c,r+v) for v in range(1,8))
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["down"]      = { (c,r):valid( (c,r-v) for v in range(1,8))
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["left"]      = { (c,r):valid( (c-h,r) for h in range(1,8))
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["right"]     = { (c,r):valid( (c+h,r) for h in range(1,8))
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["upleft"]    = { (c,r):[(cl,ru) for (_,ru),(cl,_) in zip(targets["up"][c,r],targets["left"][c,r])]
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["upright"]   = { (c,r):[(cr,ru) for (_,ru),(cr,_) in zip(targets["up"][c,r],targets["right"][c,r])]
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["downleft"]  = { (c,r):[(cl,rd) for (_,rd),(cl,_) in zip(targets["down"][c,r],targets["left"][c,r])]
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["downright"] = { (c,r):[(cr,rd) for (_,rd),(cr,_) in zip(targets["down"][c,r],targets["right"][c,r])]
                           for c,r in positions }

targets["vhPaths"]   = ["up","down","left","right"] 
targets["diagPaths"] = ["upleft","upright","downleft","downright"] 
targets["allPaths"]  = targets["vhPaths"]+targets["diagPaths"]

targets["rook"]    = { (c,r):[p for path in targets["vhPaths"] for p in targets[path][c,r]]
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["bishop"]  = { (c,r):[p for path in targets["diagPaths"] for p in targets[path][c,r]]
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["queen"]   = { (c,r):[p for path in targets["allPaths"] for p in targets[path][c,r]]
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["king"]    = { (c,r):[p for path in targets["allPaths"] for p in targets[path][c,r][:1]]
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["knight"]  = { (c,r):valid((c+h,r+v) for v,h in [(2,1),(2,-1),(1,2),(1,-2),(-2,1),(-2,-1),(-1,2),(-1,-2)])
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["wpawn"]   = { (c,r):valid([(c,r+1)]*(r>0) + [(c,r+2)]*(r==1))
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["bpawn"]   = { (c,r):valid([(c,r-1)]*(r<7) + [(c,r-2)]*(r==6))
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["wptake"]  = { (c,r):valid([(c+1,r+1),(c-1,r+1)]*(r>0))
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["bptake"]  = { (c,r):valid([(c+1,r-1),(c-1,r-1)]*(r<7))
                           for c,r in positions }
targets["wcastle"] = defaultdict(list,{ (4,0):[(2,0),(6,0)] })
targets["bcastle"] = defaultdict(list,{ (4,7):[(2,7),(6,7)] })
targets["breakCastle"] = defaultdict(list,{ (4,7):[(2,7),(6,7)], 
                                            (7,7):[(6,7)], (0,7):[(2,7)],
                                            (7,0):[(6,0)], (1,0):[(2,0)]})
targets["rook"]["paths"]   = targets["vhPaths"]
targets["bishop"]["paths"] = targets["diagPaths"]
targets["queen"]["paths"]  = targets["allPaths"]

targets["q_w"]  = targets["q_b"] = targets["queen"]
targets["k_w"]  = targets["k_b"] = targets["king"]
targets["r_w"]  = targets["r_b"] = targets["rook"]
targets["b_w"]  = targets["b_b"] = targets["bishop"]
targets["n_w"]  = targets["n_b"] = targets["knight"]
targets["p_w"],targets["p_w!"]   = targets["wpawn"],targets["wptake"] 
targets["p_b"],targets["p_b!"]   = targets["bpawn"],targets["bptake"]  

for r,c in positions:
    targets[(r,c)] = defaultdict(list)
    for direction in targets["allPaths"]:
        path = targets[direction][r,c]
        for i,(tr,tc) in enumerate(path):


def lineOfSight(board,A,B,ignore=None): 
    return all(board[c][r]=="" or (c,r)==ignore for c,r in targets[A][B])

def getKingPos(board,player):
    king = "k_"+player
    return next((c,r) for c,r in positions if board[c][r]==king)

# also used to avoid self check! in king move generation            
def isCheck(board,player,kingPos=None,ignore=None):
    paths = ("q_b","r_b","b_b","n_b",f"p_{player}!")
    if kingPos is None: kingPos = getKingPos(board,player)
    return any( board[c][r][:1]==path[:1]
                and board[c][r][-1:] != player
                and lineOfSight(board,kingPos,(c,r),ignore)
                for path in paths
                for c,r in targets[path][kingPos] )



# { pinnedPosition : pinnedByPosition }
def getPinned(board,player):
    opponent = "b" if player=="w" else "w"
    kingPos  = getKingPos(board,player)
    pinned = dict()
    for piece in ("q_"+opponent, "r_"+opponent, "b_"+opponent):
        for tc,tr in targets[piece][kingPos]:
            if board[tc][tr] != piece: continue
            span = [board[sc][sr][-1:] for sc,sr in targets[tc,tr][kingPos]]
            if span.count(player)==1 and opponent not in span:
                pinnedPos = targets[tc,tr][kingPos][span.index(player)]
                pinned[pinnedPos] = (tc,tr) 
    return pinned

def linearMoves(board,position,player,piece):
    for path in targets[piece]["paths"]:
        for c,r in targets[path][position]:
            if board[c][r][-1:] != player : yield (position,(c,r))
            if board[c][r]      != ""     : break

def directMoves(board,position,player,piece,condition=lambda *p:True):
    for c,r in targets[piece][position]:
        if board[c][r][-1:] == player: continue
        if condition(c,r): yield (position,(c,r))

def switch(v): yield lambda *c: v in c


def getMoves(board,player):
    enPassant,brokenCastles = board[8:] or (None,set())
    moves    = []
    for c,r in positions:
        if board[c][r][-1:] != player: continue
        piece = board[c][r]
        for case in switch(piece[0]):
            if   case("b","r","q"):
                moves += linearMoves(board,(c,r),player,piece)
            elif case("n"):
                moves += directMoves(board,(c,r),player,piece)                
            elif case("p"):
                moves += directMoves(board,(c,r),player,piece,
                         lambda tc,tr:board[tc][tr]==""
                            and lineOfSight(board,(c,r),(tc,tr)))
                moves += directMoves(board,(c,r),player,piece+"!",
                         lambda tc,tr:board[tc][tr] != "" or (tc,tr) == enPassant )
            elif case("k"):
                moves += directMoves(board,(c,r),player,piece,
                         lambda tc,tr: not isCheck(board,player,(tc,tr),(c,r)))
                if isCheck(board,player): continue
                moves += directMoves(board,(c,r),player,player+"castle",
                         lambda tc,tr: board[tc][tr] == ""
                            and not (tc,tr) in brokenCastles
                            and lineOfSight(board,(c,r),(tc,tr))
                            and not isCheck(board,player,(tc,tr),(c,r))
                            and not isCheck(board,player,targets[c,r][tc,tr][0],(c,r)))        
    pinned = getPinned(board,player)
    if pinned:   # Pinned pieces can only move on the threat line
        kingPos = getKingPos(board,player)
        moves   = [ (p,t) for p,t in moves if p not in pinned
                    or t == pinned[p] or t in targets[kingPos][pinned[p]] ]
    return moves


enPassant 是最后两格兵移动跳过的位置。当一个棋子移动两个方格并设置为 None 每隔一个移动时应该分配它。

enPassant = next(iter(targets[fromPosition][toPosition]*(piece=="p")),None)

brokenCastles 是一组目标国王城堡位置,用于因移动国王或车而失效的城堡。 if 可以在每次移动后无条件更新:


这些状态必须保存在与当前板关联的某个地方。这可能证明为董事会创建 class 而不是使用简单的列表列表是合理的。如果您发现创建 class 太过分了

,则该信息也可以保存在面板列表的第 9 项和后续项中


def boardLines(board):
    symbol = { "":".....","r":".[…].", "n":". />.", "b":". ∆ .",
               "q":".{Ö}.", "k":". † .","p":". o .",
               "_b":".(█).", "_w":".(_)."}
    lines  = []
    lines += ["     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7   "]
    lines += ["  ╔═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╤═════╗"]
    def fill(c,r,p):
        return symbol[board[c][r][p:1+2*p]].replace("."," ░"[(r&1)==(c&1)])
    for r in reversed(range(8)):
        lines += ["  ╟─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────╢"]*(r<7)
        lines += ["  ║"   + "│".join(fill(c,r,0) for c in range(8))+ "║"]
        lines += [f"{r} ║"+ "│".join(fill(c,r,1) for c in range(8))+ f"║ {r}"]
    lines += ["  ╚═════╧═════╧═════╧═════╧═════╧═════╧═════╧═════╝"]
    lines += ["     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7   "]
    return lines

def printBoard(board,indent="    "):
    for line in boardLines(board):print(indent+line)


     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7   
  ║ […] │░ />░│  ∆  │░{Ö}░│  †  │░ ∆ ░│  /> │░[…]░║
7 ║ (█) │░(█)░│ (█) │░(█)░│ (█) │░(█)░│ (█) │░(█)░║ 7
  ║░ o ░│  o  │░ o ░│  o  │░ o ░│  o  │░ o ░│  o  ║
6 ║░(█)░│ (█) │░(█)░│ (█) │░(█)░│ (█) │░(█)░│ (█) ║ 6
  ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║
5 ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║ 5
  ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║
4 ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║ 4
  ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║
3 ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║ 3
  ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║
2 ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║ 2
  ║  o  │░ o ░│  o  │░ o ░│  o  │░ o ░│  o  │░ o ░║
1 ║ (_) │░(_)░│ (_) │░(_)░│ (_) │░(_)░│ (_) │░(_)░║ 1
  ║░[…]░│  /> │░ ∆ ░│ {Ö} │░ † ░│  ∆  │░ />░│ […] ║
0 ║░(_)░│ (_) │░(_)░│ (_) │░(_)░│ (_) │░(_)░│ (_) ║ 0
     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7   


board = [ ["q_b", "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   ""   ],
          ["",    "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   ""   ],
          ["",    "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   ""   ],
          ["",    "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   ""   ],
          ["k_w", "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "k_b"],
          ["",    "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "n_b"],
          ["",    "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   ""   ],
          ["",    "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "",   "r_w"]]



     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7   
  ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│  †  │░ />░│     │░[…]░║
7 ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│ (█) │░(█)░│     │░(_)░║ 7
  ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║
6 ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║ 6
  ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║
5 ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║ 5
  ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║
4 ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║ 4
  ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║
3 ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║ 3
  ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║
2 ║░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     ║ 2
  ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║
1 ║     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░│     │░░░░░║ 1
  ║░{Ö}░│     │░░░░░│     │░ † ░│     │░░░░░│     ║
0 ║░(█)░│     │░░░░░│     │░(_)░│     │░░░░░│     ║ 0
     0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7   


for (c,r),(tc,tr) in getMoves(board,"w"):

k_w (4, 0) --> (4, 1)
k_w (4, 0) --> (3, 1)
k_w (4, 0) --> (5, 1)
r_w (7, 7) --> (7, 6)
r_w (7, 7) --> (7, 5)
r_w (7, 7) --> (7, 4)
r_w (7, 7) --> (7, 3)
r_w (7, 7) --> (7, 2)
r_w (7, 7) --> (7, 1)
r_w (7, 7) --> (7, 0)
r_w (7, 7) --> (6, 7)
r_w (7, 7) --> (5, 7)

print(isCheck(board,"w"))   # True


for (c,r),(tc,tr) in getMoves(board,"b"):
q_b (0, 0) --> (0, 1)
q_b (0, 0) --> (0, 2)
q_b (0, 0) --> (0, 3)
q_b (0, 0) --> (0, 4)
q_b (0, 0) --> (0, 5)
q_b (0, 0) --> (0, 6)
q_b (0, 0) --> (0, 7)
q_b (0, 0) --> (1, 0)
q_b (0, 0) --> (2, 0)
q_b (0, 0) --> (3, 0)
q_b (0, 0) --> (4, 0)
q_b (0, 0) --> (1, 1)
q_b (0, 0) --> (2, 2)
q_b (0, 0) --> (3, 3)
q_b (0, 0) --> (4, 4)
q_b (0, 0) --> (5, 5)
q_b (0, 0) --> (6, 6)
q_b (0, 0) --> (7, 7)
k_b (4, 7) --> (4, 6)
k_b (4, 7) --> (3, 7)
k_b (4, 7) --> (3, 6)
k_b (4, 7) --> (5, 6)
k_b (4, 7) --> (2, 7)

print(isCheck(board,"b"))   # False
print(getPinned(board,"b")) # {(5, 7): (7, 7)}

[编辑] 奖金代码 ...


# Return positions of first piece in line of sight
# for a list of path names 
def nextInLine(board,pathNames,position,ignore=None):
    for path in pathNames:
        pos = next(((c,r) for c,r in targets[path][position] 
                     if board[c][r] and (c,r) != ignore),None)
        if pos: yield pos
# Determine which positions may need move recalculation after making a move
# - moves associated with the fromPosition are assumed to be cleared
# - both kings should be re-evaluated after every move
# - this may include a few extra positions (speed/precision trade-off)
def moveRecalc(board,player,fromPosition,toPosition):
    recalc = {toPosition, getKingPos(board,"w"), getKingPos(board,"b")}
    for position in (fromPosition,toPosition,*filter(None,[enPassant])):
        recalc.update((c,r) for c,r in targets["knight"][position]
                            if board[c][r][:1]=="n")              
    return recalc


# { pinnedPosition : pinnedByPosition }
def getPinned(board,player):
    kingPos  = getKingPos(board,player)
    pinned   = dict()
    for path in targets["allPaths"]:
        inLine = ((c,r) for c,r in targets[path][kingPos] if board[c][r])
        pc,pr = next(inLine,(None,None)) # own piece
        if pc is None or board[pc][pr][-1:] != player: continue
        ac,ar = next(inLine,(None,None)) # opponent attacker
        if ac is None or board[ac][ar][-1:] == player: continue
        aPiece = board[ac][ar][:1]
        if aPiece == "q" \
        or aPiece == "r" and (ac == pc or  ar == pr) \
        or aPiece == "b" and (ac != pc and ar != pr):
            pinned[pc,pr] = (ac,ar) 
    return pinned


def getThreat(board,position,player="",ignore=None,pinned=None):
    c,r    = position
    for ac,ar in nextInLine(board,targets["allPaths"],position,ignore=ignore):
        piece = board[ac][ar]
        if piece[-1:] == player: continue
        for case in switch(board[ac][ar][:1]):
            if case("n") : break
            if case("r") and (ac-c)*(ar-r) : break
            if case("b") and not (ac-c)*(ar-r): break
            if case("p","k") and (c,r) not in targets[piece][ac,ar]: break
            if pinned and (ac,ar) in pinned:
                pc,pr = pinned[ac,ar]
                if (ar-r)*(ac-pc) != (ac-c)*(ar-pr): break
            yield ac,ar
    for ac,ar in targets["knight"][position]:
        if board[ac][ar][:1]=="n" and board[ac][ar][:1]!=player:
            yield ac,ar

# print(any(getThreat(board,(5,7))),*getThreat(board,(5,7)))
# True (4, 7) (7, 7)
# print(any(getThreat(board,(2,1)))) # False
# print(any(getThreat(board,getKingPos(board,"w"),"w"))) # True

# could be used to implement isCheck (may be faster too):
def isCheck(board,player,kingPos=None,ignore=None):
    if kingPos is None: kingPos = getKingPos(board,player)
    return any(getThreat(board,kingPos,player,ignore))



initialBoard  = [ ["r_w","p_w","","","","","p_b","r_b"],
                   None,set()] # enPassant, brokenCastles 


from copy import deepcopy
def playMove(board,fromPosition,toPosition,promotion=""):
    (fromC,fromR),(toC,toR) = fromPosition,toPosition
    piece,player = board[fromC][fromR].split("_")
    board = [deepcopy(r) for r in board]
    board[toC][toR],board[fromC][fromR] = board[fromC][fromR],""
    # promotion
    if piece == "p" and toR in (0,7):
        while promotion not in ("q","r","n","b"):
            promotion = input("Promote pawn to (q,r,n,b): ")[:1]            
        piece = promotion
        board[toC][toR] = piece+"_"+player
    # en passant
    enPassant,brokenCastles = board[8:] or (None,set())
    if piece=="p" and toPosition == enPassant:
        board[toC][fromR] = ""
    enPassant = next(iter(targets[fromPosition][toPosition]*(piece=="p")),None)
    # castle    
    if piece=="k" and abs(toC-fromC)>1:
        rookFrom = ((fromC>toC)*7,fromR)
        rookTo   = targets[fromPosition][toPosition][0]
        board    = playMove(board,player,rookFrom,rookTo)    
    brokenCastles   = brokenCastles.union(targets["breakCastle"][fromPosition])
    board[8:]    = (enPassant,brokenCastles)    
    return board


import random
def computerMove(board,player,legalMoves):
    return random.choice(legalMoves),"q" 


def playChess(board=None,player="white",computer=None):
    if board is None: board = initialBoard
    opponent   = "black" if player == "white" else "white"
    while True:
        legalMoves = getMoves(board,player[:1])
        if isCheck(board,player[:1]):
            legalMoves = [ move for move in legalMoves
                           if not isCheck(playMove(board,*move,"q"),player[:1])]
            if not legalMoves: print("CHECK MATE!");return opponent
        elif not legalMoves:
            print("STALEMATE!");return "DRAW"
        while True:
            print(f"{player}'s move: (cr-cr):",end=" ")
            if player==computer:
                move,promote = computerMove(board,player,legalMoves)
                print( "-".join(f"{c}{r}" for c,r in move))
            move,promote = input(),"?"
            if move == "resign": return opponent
            if move == "draw":
                if input(f"Does {opponent} accept a draw? ")=="y": return "DRAW"
                else: continue
                move = tuple(divmod(p,10) for p in map(int,move.split("-")))
                if move in legalMoves: break
            except: pass
            print("Not a valid move, try again")
            print("Legal Moves:",*(f"{fc}{fr}-{tc}{tr}"
                                   for (fc,fr),(tc,tr) in sorted(legalMoves)))
        board = playMove(board,*move,promote)
        player,opponent = opponent,player


stats = {"black":0, "white":0, "DRAW":0}
while True:
    print("Specify moves as cr-cr e.g. 04-06 to move from (0,4) to (0,6)")
    outcome = playChess(computer="black")
    stats[outcome] += 1
    print(*(f"{p}: {c} " for p,c in stats.items()))
    if input("continue (y/n)?:")=="n":break