我如何将其转换为 powershell?

how would i convert this into powershell?

on error resume next                                             'allows the script to continue if an error occurs.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")             'creates scripting object
Set objNetwork = CreateObject("wscript.Network")                 'creates an object for network scripting

'the next section maps network drives if they don't already exist

If Not fso.DriveExists("z") Then                                 'checks for an existing drive x
  objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "z:", "\ptfg-fs-005p4ISShare"         'maps network drive x to \108wg-fs-054is
End If

If Not fso.DriveExists("Y") Then                                 'repeat of above for other drive letters
  objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "Y:", "\108arw-fs-02\global"
End If

If Not fso.DriveExists("K") Then                                 'repeat of above for other drive letters
  objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "K:", "\108arw-fs-02\apps"
End If

'the next section maps network printers

ptrName = "\ptfg-mp-001v4isispcl000"                          'creates a variable for the part of a printer name that is a constant
ptrs = array("3","4","5","6","7","8")
for each x in ptrs                                               'start of loop that will create the next printer
    addPtr = ptrName & x                                         'adds current number from loop to printer constant name
    objNetwork.addWindowsPrinterConnection addPtr                'adds printer
next                                                             'end of add printer loop

wScript.quit                                                     'ends script

在直接意义上,您可以在 PowerShell 中实例化 COM 对象,例如:

$objFSO     = New-Object -ComObject "Scripting.FileSystemObject"
$objNetwork = New-Object -ComObject "wscript.Network"


注意:虽然在 VBScript 中很常见,但匈牙利符号,即 str...obj... 通常不受欢迎。

以上是直接翻译,但我认为从长远来看,最好使用更多本机 PowerShell 功能来模拟相同的功能。

您可以使用 Test-Path 记录的 cmdlet here 来测试驱动器是否存在。它将 return 一个布尔值,因此替代方案可能类似于:

If( -not ( Test-Path 'k:' ) ) {
 # Do something

映射驱动器的 PowerShell 本机方法是使用 New-PSDrive cmdlet。文档 here


New-PSDrive -PSProvider Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem -Name K -Root "\108arw-fs-02\apps" -Persist


$Printers = "Printer1", "Printer2" # Etc...


$Printers = @( "Printer1", "Printer2" ) # Etc...

要添加打印机,您可以使用 Add-Printer cmdlet,记录在 here


 Add-Printer -ConnectionName \printServer\printerName

有多种循环结构可供选择。您可以在 PowerShell 文档中研究它们,但 ForEach 结构看起来像:

ForEach( $Printer in $Printers) {
 # Map your printer...