Base64 认证

Base64 for auth

我需要构建一个 XMPP 客户端。服务器 PLAIN 机制来验证。 (我认为使用 zlib 压缩)

我从其他使用 PLAIN 机制的 xmpp 系统捕获了流量,文本似乎是 Base64(id + 令牌)ADc1Y2M2OWY0MzQwMTUwMjgyOWIwMWY2MDAyN2E0NDE2ADE1YTk0NzM3NTRiYjY2MGExMGYzYTA5MzA5NWQxMmY3 是客户端 return。我将其放入 Base64 解码器中,它给了我这个:75cc69f43401502829b01f60027a441615a9473754bb660a10f3a093095d12f7.

当我使用 Base64 编码器对其进行编码时,它给了我第一个 Base64 字符串以外的东西 (NzVjYzY5ZjQzNDAxNTAyODI5YjAxZjYwMDI3YTQ0MTYxNWE5NDczNzU0YmI2NjBhMTBmM2EwOTMwOTVkMTJmNw)

有人可以解释一下吗?我在 google.



the result of your decoding is not correct, in fact the decoded value contains two binary values that can't be displayed as a character (here substituted by a �): �75cc69f43401502829b01f60027a4416�15a9473754bb660a10f3a093095d12f7. What you encoded then is based on a string in which the two binary values are not present, so you encoded basically something different and got of course a different result.
