Policy network of PPO in Rllib
我知道如何在 Rllib 中为 DDPG 做,但是 PPO 的问题是我找不到策略网络。
您始终可以创建 own/custom 策略网络,然后您可以完全控制层和权重的初始化。
MODEL_DEFAULTS: ModelConfigDict = {
# === Built-in options ===
# FullyConnectedNetwork (tf and torch): rllib.models.tf|torch.fcnet.py
# These are used if no custom model is specified and the input space is 1D.
# Number of hidden layers to be used.
"fcnet_hiddens": [256, 256],
# Activation function descriptor.
# Supported values are: "tanh", "relu", "swish" (or "silu"),
# "linear" (or None).
"fcnet_activation": "tanh",
# VisionNetwork (tf and torch): rllib.models.tf|torch.visionnet.py
# These are used if no custom model is specified and the input space is 2D.
# Filter config: List of [out_channels, kernel, stride] for each filter.
# Example:
# Use None for making RLlib try to find a default filter setup given the
# observation space.
"conv_filters": None,
# Activation function descriptor.
# Supported values are: "tanh", "relu", "swish" (or "silu"),
# "linear" (or None).
"conv_activation": "relu",
# Some default models support a final FC stack of n Dense layers with given
# activation:
# - Complex observation spaces: Image components are fed through
# VisionNets, flat Boxes are left as-is, Discrete are one-hot'd, then
# everything is concated and pushed through this final FC stack.
# - VisionNets (CNNs), e.g. after the CNN stack, there may be
# additional Dense layers.
# - FullyConnectedNetworks will have this additional FCStack as well
# (that's why it's empty by default).
"post_fcnet_hiddens": [],
"post_fcnet_activation": "relu",
# For DiagGaussian action distributions, make the second half of the model
# outputs floating bias variables instead of state-dependent. This only
# has an effect is using the default fully connected net.
"free_log_std": False,
# Whether to skip the final linear layer used to resize the hidden layer
# outputs to size `num_outputs`. If True, then the last hidden layer
# should already match num_outputs.
"no_final_linear": False,
# Whether layers should be shared for the value function.
"vf_share_layers": True,
# == LSTM ==
# Whether to wrap the model with an LSTM.
"use_lstm": False,
# Max seq len for training the LSTM, defaults to 20.
"max_seq_len": 20,
# Size of the LSTM cell.
"lstm_cell_size": 256,
# Whether to feed a_{t-1} to LSTM (one-hot encoded if discrete).
"lstm_use_prev_action": False,
# Whether to feed r_{t-1} to LSTM.
"lstm_use_prev_reward": False,
# Whether the LSTM is time-major (TxBx..) or batch-major (BxTx..).
"_time_major": False,
# == Attention Nets (experimental: torch-version is untested) ==
# Whether to use a GTrXL ("Gru transformer XL"; attention net) as the
# wrapper Model around the default Model.
"use_attention": False,
# The number of transformer units within GTrXL.
# A transformer unit in GTrXL consists of a) MultiHeadAttention module and
# b) a position-wise MLP.
"attention_num_transformer_units": 1,
# The input and output size of each transformer unit.
"attention_dim": 64,
# The number of attention heads within the MultiHeadAttention units.
"attention_num_heads": 1,
# The dim of a single head (within the MultiHeadAttention units).
"attention_head_dim": 32,
# The memory sizes for inference and training.
"attention_memory_inference": 50,
"attention_memory_training": 50,
# The output dim of the position-wise MLP.
"attention_position_wise_mlp_dim": 32,
# The initial bias values for the 2 GRU gates within a transformer unit.
"attention_init_gru_gate_bias": 2.0,
# Whether to feed a_{t-n:t-1} to GTrXL (one-hot encoded if discrete).
"attention_use_n_prev_actions": 0,
# Whether to feed r_{t-n:t-1} to GTrXL.
"attention_use_n_prev_rewards": 0,
# == Atari ==
# Which framestacking size to use for Atari envs.
# "auto": Use a value of 4, but only if the env is an Atari env.
# > 1: Use the trajectory view API in the default VisionNets to request the
# last n observations (single, grayscaled 84x84 image frames) as
# inputs. The time axis in the so provided observation tensors
# will come right after the batch axis (channels first format),
# e.g. BxTx84x84, where T=num_framestacks.
# 0 or 1: No framestacking used.
# Use the deprecated `framestack=True`, to disable the above behavor and to
# enable legacy stacking behavior (w/o trajectory view API) instead.
"num_framestacks": "auto",
# Final resized frame dimension
"dim": 84,
# (deprecated) Converts ATARI frame to 1 Channel Grayscale image
"grayscale": False,
# (deprecated) Changes frame to range from [-1, 1] if true
"zero_mean": True,
# === Options for custom models ===
# Name of a custom model to use
"custom_model": None,
# Extra options to pass to the custom classes. These will be available to
# the Model's constructor in the model_config field. Also, they will be
# attempted to be passed as **kwargs to ModelV2 models. For an example,
# see rllib/models/[tf|torch]/attention_net.py.
"custom_model_config": {},
# Name of a custom action distribution to use.
"custom_action_dist": None,
# Custom preprocessors are deprecated. Please use a wrapper class around
# your environment instead to preprocess observations.
"custom_preprocessor": None,
# Deprecated keys:
# Use `lstm_use_prev_action` or `lstm_use_prev_reward` instead.
"lstm_use_prev_action_reward": DEPRECATED_VALUE,
# Use `num_framestacks` (int) instead.
"framestack": True,
我想在Rllib中设置“actor_hiddens”a.k.a个PPO策略网络的隐藏层,并能设置它们的权重。这可能吗?如果是,请告诉我如何? 我知道如何在 Rllib 中为 DDPG 做,但是 PPO 的问题是我找不到策略网络。 谢谢。
您始终可以创建 own/custom 策略网络,然后您可以完全控制层和权重的初始化。
MODEL_DEFAULTS: ModelConfigDict = {
# === Built-in options ===
# FullyConnectedNetwork (tf and torch): rllib.models.tf|torch.fcnet.py
# These are used if no custom model is specified and the input space is 1D.
# Number of hidden layers to be used.
"fcnet_hiddens": [256, 256],
# Activation function descriptor.
# Supported values are: "tanh", "relu", "swish" (or "silu"),
# "linear" (or None).
"fcnet_activation": "tanh",
# VisionNetwork (tf and torch): rllib.models.tf|torch.visionnet.py
# These are used if no custom model is specified and the input space is 2D.
# Filter config: List of [out_channels, kernel, stride] for each filter.
# Example:
# Use None for making RLlib try to find a default filter setup given the
# observation space.
"conv_filters": None,
# Activation function descriptor.
# Supported values are: "tanh", "relu", "swish" (or "silu"),
# "linear" (or None).
"conv_activation": "relu",
# Some default models support a final FC stack of n Dense layers with given
# activation:
# - Complex observation spaces: Image components are fed through
# VisionNets, flat Boxes are left as-is, Discrete are one-hot'd, then
# everything is concated and pushed through this final FC stack.
# - VisionNets (CNNs), e.g. after the CNN stack, there may be
# additional Dense layers.
# - FullyConnectedNetworks will have this additional FCStack as well
# (that's why it's empty by default).
"post_fcnet_hiddens": [],
"post_fcnet_activation": "relu",
# For DiagGaussian action distributions, make the second half of the model
# outputs floating bias variables instead of state-dependent. This only
# has an effect is using the default fully connected net.
"free_log_std": False,
# Whether to skip the final linear layer used to resize the hidden layer
# outputs to size `num_outputs`. If True, then the last hidden layer
# should already match num_outputs.
"no_final_linear": False,
# Whether layers should be shared for the value function.
"vf_share_layers": True,
# == LSTM ==
# Whether to wrap the model with an LSTM.
"use_lstm": False,
# Max seq len for training the LSTM, defaults to 20.
"max_seq_len": 20,
# Size of the LSTM cell.
"lstm_cell_size": 256,
# Whether to feed a_{t-1} to LSTM (one-hot encoded if discrete).
"lstm_use_prev_action": False,
# Whether to feed r_{t-1} to LSTM.
"lstm_use_prev_reward": False,
# Whether the LSTM is time-major (TxBx..) or batch-major (BxTx..).
"_time_major": False,
# == Attention Nets (experimental: torch-version is untested) ==
# Whether to use a GTrXL ("Gru transformer XL"; attention net) as the
# wrapper Model around the default Model.
"use_attention": False,
# The number of transformer units within GTrXL.
# A transformer unit in GTrXL consists of a) MultiHeadAttention module and
# b) a position-wise MLP.
"attention_num_transformer_units": 1,
# The input and output size of each transformer unit.
"attention_dim": 64,
# The number of attention heads within the MultiHeadAttention units.
"attention_num_heads": 1,
# The dim of a single head (within the MultiHeadAttention units).
"attention_head_dim": 32,
# The memory sizes for inference and training.
"attention_memory_inference": 50,
"attention_memory_training": 50,
# The output dim of the position-wise MLP.
"attention_position_wise_mlp_dim": 32,
# The initial bias values for the 2 GRU gates within a transformer unit.
"attention_init_gru_gate_bias": 2.0,
# Whether to feed a_{t-n:t-1} to GTrXL (one-hot encoded if discrete).
"attention_use_n_prev_actions": 0,
# Whether to feed r_{t-n:t-1} to GTrXL.
"attention_use_n_prev_rewards": 0,
# == Atari ==
# Which framestacking size to use for Atari envs.
# "auto": Use a value of 4, but only if the env is an Atari env.
# > 1: Use the trajectory view API in the default VisionNets to request the
# last n observations (single, grayscaled 84x84 image frames) as
# inputs. The time axis in the so provided observation tensors
# will come right after the batch axis (channels first format),
# e.g. BxTx84x84, where T=num_framestacks.
# 0 or 1: No framestacking used.
# Use the deprecated `framestack=True`, to disable the above behavor and to
# enable legacy stacking behavior (w/o trajectory view API) instead.
"num_framestacks": "auto",
# Final resized frame dimension
"dim": 84,
# (deprecated) Converts ATARI frame to 1 Channel Grayscale image
"grayscale": False,
# (deprecated) Changes frame to range from [-1, 1] if true
"zero_mean": True,
# === Options for custom models ===
# Name of a custom model to use
"custom_model": None,
# Extra options to pass to the custom classes. These will be available to
# the Model's constructor in the model_config field. Also, they will be
# attempted to be passed as **kwargs to ModelV2 models. For an example,
# see rllib/models/[tf|torch]/attention_net.py.
"custom_model_config": {},
# Name of a custom action distribution to use.
"custom_action_dist": None,
# Custom preprocessors are deprecated. Please use a wrapper class around
# your environment instead to preprocess observations.
"custom_preprocessor": None,
# Deprecated keys:
# Use `lstm_use_prev_action` or `lstm_use_prev_reward` instead.
"lstm_use_prev_action_reward": DEPRECATED_VALUE,
# Use `num_framestacks` (int) instead.
"framestack": True,