反向传播实现 - 如何在矩阵上应用链式法则

backpropagation implementation - how to apply chain rule on matrix

dL/dX 的梯度使用链式法则

提供L是神经网络的loss,X是输入,Y是点积的输出Y = X•W = np.dot(X, W).

根据链式法则,dL/dX → dY/dX • dL/dY → W.T • dL/dY 因为 dY/dX = W 产品 Y = X•W

问题 1

如何将链式法则公式 dL/dX → W.T • dL/dY 应用于矩阵?由于 W.T(4, 3)dL/dY(4,).



        # gradient dy (dL/dY) back-propagated from the posterior layer
        dy = self.posterior.backward()    

        # Apply chain-rule dL/dX = dY/dX @ dL/dY where dY/dX = W.T
        dx = np.dot(self.w.T, dy)

注意:图中有错别字。 (,4)(4,) 等。在我的 大脑,4 元素的一维数组是 (,4) 但在 NumPy 中,它是 (4,).

问题 2

必须转置 W.TX.T 才能使链式法则起作用的基本原理是什么?如果我转置 dL/dY,我想我可以使用 W 而无需转置,但请帮助理解。



        # dL/dX = dL/dY • W.T instead of W.T • dL/dY 
        dx = np.dot(dy, self.w.T)   # dy(4,) @ w.T(4, 3) -> (3,)


在答案的下图中,X.T (,3)dL/dY (, 4) 的形状被转换为 (3, 1)(1, 4) 以匹配形状(实际上 (2,1) and (1,3) 但要与上面的快照保持一致),但不确定它来自何处以及背后的基本原理是什么。


    def backward(self, dout):
        dx = np.dot(dout, self.W.T)
        self.dW = np.dot(self.x.T, dout)
        self.db = np.sum(dout, axis=0)
        dx = dx.reshape(*self.original_x_shape)  # 入力データの形状に戻す(テンソル対応)
        return dx



class Affine(object):
    """Affine (MatMul) Layer"""
    def __init__(self, units, weights, optimizer, posteriors: List[object]):
        """Initialize the affine layer.
        [X] shape(size, n)
        Aka Batch. An array of input data x with n features (n: 0, 1, ..., n). n=0 is a bias.
        j-th input X[j] is [x(j)(0), x(j)(1), ... x(j)(n)] where bias 'x(j)(0)' is 1.
        Use capital X for batch and x for its individual input.
        NOTE: "input" is not limited to the first input data layer e.g. image pixels, 
              but "input" at any layer.

        [weights] shape(n, units)
        k-th neuron (k:0, 1, .. size-1) has its weight vector W(k):[w(k)(0), w(k)(1), ... w(k)(n)].
        w(k)(0) is its bias weight. Each w(k)(i) amplifies i-th feature in the input x.  
            units: number of neurons in the layer
            weights: array of weight-vectors of each neuron. shape(n, size)
            optimizer: gradient descent implementation e.g SGD, Adam.
            posteriors: next layers
        # neuron weight vectors
        self.w: numpy.ndarray = weights  # weight vector per neuron
        self.n: int = weights.shape[0]   # number of features expected
        self.dw: numpy.ndarray = None    # gradient of W
        self.X: numpy.ndarray = np.empty(0, self.n)     # Batch input
        self.m: int  = -1                # batch size: X.shape[0]

        self.posterior = posteriors[0]
    def forward(self, X):
        """Forward propagation of the affine layer X@W"""
        # X@W from X(m, n) @ W(n, units) to generate output Y(m, units)
        self.m = self.X.shape[0] if self.X is not None else -1
        Y = np.dot(self.X, self.w)

    def backward(self):
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Back propagation dy from the posterior layer. dy shape must match that of Y(m, units)
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        dy = self.posterior.backward()    # gradient back-propagated from the posterior 
        assert(dy.shape[0] == self.m), \
        "gradient dy shape {} must match output Y shape ({}, {})".format(
            dy.shape, self.m, self.n

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Gradient descent on W
        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        dw = np.dot(self.X.T, dy)
        self.w = self.optimizer.(self.w, dw)

        dx = np.dot(dy, self.w)
        return dx


建议看下面的问题如How to apply chain rule on matrix.


在我的理解中,X•W 通过几何截断 X 的其他维度来提取 XW 维度部分。如果是这样,dL/dXdL/dW 正在恢复截断的维度?不确定这是正确的,但如果是这样,是否可以将其可视化为图表中的 X•W 投影?

感谢@Reti43 for pointing to the reference. The detail math is provided by the cs231 Justin Jonson (now in Michigan University) as http://cs231n.stanford.edu/handouts/linear-backprop.pdf which is also available as Backpropagation for a Linear Layer

cs231n lecture 4 解释了这个想法。


numpy function to use for mathematical dot product to produce scalar 中的答案解决了一个问题。

我通过阅读 Justin Johnson 的论文得到的理解如下。

权重向量 W 的格式

需要注意 Justin Johnson W 的权重表示。

在 Coursera ML 课程中,Andrew Ng 使用行向量来捕获节点的权重。当输入到层的特征数为 n 时,行向量大小为 n.

Justin Johnson 使用行向量来表示层大小,即层中的节点数。因此,如果层中有 m 个节点,则行向量大小为 m.

因此,Andrew Ng 的权重矩阵是 m x n,这意味着 m 行权重向量,每行都是特定节点的 n 个特征的权重。 Justin Johnson 的权重矩阵是 n x m,表示 n 行权重向量,每个向量是层中每个特征的 m 个节点的权重。

我想 Justin Johnson 认为 layer is a function 而 Andrew Ng 认为 node is a function

因为我首先学习了 Andrew Ng 的 ML 课程,所以我使用了 weight vector per node 方法,结果是 W as m x n matrix。我的困惑来自将 W = m x n 应用于 Justin Jhonson 的论文。


第一帧渐变 dimensions/shapes。


使用简单的单输入记录 X shape(d,),推导出 dL/dX 并将其扩展为二维输入 X shape(n, d),从而得到 W.T @ dL/dY.




