推送的分支在 github 上不可见

pushed branch not visible on github

我已经对一个分支进行了一些更改,提交并推送了它,但我仍然没有在 github 上看到分支(也没有提交)(或者无法将更改拉到另一个机器)。 我已经尝试过的:

$ git branch       *MyBranch
$ git push         Everything up-to-date
$ git branch -vv   *MyBranch 76e9e79[origin/MyBranch] last commit message
$ git status       On branch MyBranch
                   Your branch is up to date with 'origin/MyBranch'.
$ git remote show origin MyBranch    tracked
      Local branches configured for 'git pull':
      MyBranch merges with remote MyBranch
      main                     merges with remote main
    Local refs configured for 'git push':
      MyBranch pushes to MyBranch (up to date)
      main     pushes to main                     (up to date)

这是怎么回事,为什么 MyBranch 在 github 上不可见,也无法在另一个系统上拉取?

回复@ElpieKay 的评论:

$ git remote -vv
origin  git@github.com:org/repo.git (fetch)
origin  git@github.com:org/repo.git (push)

git push origin MyBranch:MyBranch
Everything up-to-date
