Microsoft Access VBA 将数据从表单添加到未绑定表单的表

Microsoft Access VBA add data from form to tables unbound form

如何使用代码生成的数据和用户输入将记录添加到 deploymentStep table 和 deploymentPlan table?



pillarTeam pillarTeamStep other info
team 1 step 1
team 1 step 2
team 1 step 3
team 1 step 4
team 2 step 1
team 2 step 2
team 2 step 3
team 2 step 4
team 2 step 5
team 2 step 6



pillarTeam pillarTeamStep deployment endDate


pillarTeam deployment startDate endDate

使用表单我希望用户能够 select 他们的团队并让它使用相应的 pillarTeamSteps 自动填充文本字段。这可以在屏幕截图中看到。

在用户 select 编辑团队并且步骤自动填充后,他们将在日期框中手动输入数据。从这里我想按一下按钮来添加记录。我正在使用以下代码来更新表单可见字段和值。每队最多只能走十步。

如何使用代码生成的数据和用户输入将记录添加到 deploymentStep table 和 deploymentPlan table?

Private Sub pillarTeam_AfterUpdate()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim RS As DAO.Recordset
Dim deploymentSteps As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb

strSQL = "SELECT PillarTeamDeploymentSteps.pillarTeam, PillarTeamDeploymentSteps.pillarTeamStep, PillarTeamDeploymentSteps.deploymentType FROM PillarTeamDeploymentSteps WHERE (((PillarTeamDeploymentSteps.pillarTeam)=" & Me.pillarTeam & "))"

Debug.Print (strSQL)

Set RS = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If Not (RS.EOF) Then
End If

'setting visible controls
Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
    If ctl.Tag < RS.RecordCount + 1 Or (ctl.Tag < RS.RecordCount + 21 And ctl.Tag >= 20) Then
        ctl.Visible = True
        ctl.Visible = False
    End If
Next ctl

With RS
    If Not .BOF And Not .EOF Then
    While (Not .EOF)
        Debug.Print (RS.AbsolutePosition)
'populating deployment steps
        For Each ctl In Me.Controls
            If ctl.Tag = RS.AbsolutePosition Then
                ctl.Value = RS.Fields("pillarTeamStep")
            End If
         Next ctl
    End If
End With

    Set RS = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing

建议将表单绑定到 deploymentPlan 并将子表单绑定到 deploymentStep。

要 'batch' 创建记录,请使用 INSERT SELECT 操作 SQL。

CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO deploymentStep(pillarTeam, pillarTeamStep, deployment) " & _
                   "SELECT " & Me.tbxTeam & " AS T, pillarTeamStep, " & Me.tbxDeploymentID & " AS D " & _
                   "FROM PillarTeamDeploymentSteps " & _
                   "WHERE pillarTeam=" & Me.tbxTeam

这假设 pillarTeam 和 deployment 是数字标识符,例如 Autonumber 类型。如果不是,则使用撇号分隔符。

这里的技巧是首先保存 'parent' deploymentPlan 记录并获取该记录标识符以在 deploymentStep 中保存为外键。