如何利用 Spark 的管道在字符串中查找短语然后添加特征类别?

How do I leverage Spark's pipelines to find phrases in strings then add feature category?

我想在 pyspark 数据框中的文本列中搜索短语。这是一个例子来向你展示我的意思。

sentenceData = spark.createDataFrame([
(0, "Hi I heard about Spark"),
(4, "I wish Java could use case classes"),
(11, "Logistic regression models are neat")], 
["id", "sentence"])

如果句子包含“听说过 spark”,则 categorySpark=1 和 categoryHeard=1。

如果句子中包含“java OR regression”则categoryCool=1.

我有大约 28 个布尔值(或者如果我使用正则表达式可能更好)来检查。

sentenceData.withColumn('categoryCool',sentenceData['sentence'].rlike('Java | regression')).show()


| id|            sentence|categoryCool|
|  0|Hi I heard about ...|       false|
|  4|I wish Java could...|        true|
| 11|Logistic regressi...|        true|


我发现了这个nice Medium article and ,我将其合并来回答我自己的问题!我希望有一天有人会发现这有帮助。

    from pyspark.ml.pipeline import Transformer
    from pyspark.ml import Pipeline
    from pyspark.sql.types import *
    from pyspark.ml.util import Identifiable
    sentenceData = spark.createDataFrame([
        (0, "Hi I heard about Spark"),
        (4, "I wish Java could use case classes"),
        (11, "Logistic regression models are neat")
    ], ["id", "sentence"])
    class OneSearchMultiLabelExtractor(Transformer):
        def __init__(self, rlikeSearch, outputCols, inputCol = 'fullText'):
            self.inputCol = inputCol
            self.outputCols = outputCols
            self.rlikeSearch = rlikeSearch
            self.uid = str(Identifiable())
        def copy(extra):
        def check_input_type(self, schema):
            field = schema[self.inputCol]
            if (field.dataType != StringType()):
                raise Exception('OneSearchMultiLabelExtractor input type %s did not match input type StringType' % field.dataType)
        def check_output_type(self):
            if not (isinstance(self.outputCols,list)):
                raise Exception('OneSearchMultiLabelExtractor output columns must be a list')
        def _transform(self, df):
            df = df.withColumn("searchResult", df[self.inputCol].rlike(self.rlikeSearch)).cache()
            for outputCol in self.outputCols:
                df = df.withColumn(outputCol, df["searchResult"])
            return df.drop("searchResult")
    dex = CoolExtractor(inputCol='sentence',rlikeSearch='Java | regression',outputCols=['coolCategory'])
    FeaturesPipeline =  Pipeline(stages=[dex])
    Featpip = FeaturesPipeline.fit(sentenceData)