如何检索 slurm 脚本的内容?

How to retrieve the content of slurm script?

我前几天提交了一份工作,现在还是运行。但是那天那个script.sh的内容我忘记了。并且 script.sh 已被删除。您知道如何恢复该脚本的内容吗?


scontrol write batch_script <job_id> <optional_filename>

来自man page

Write the batch script for a given job_id to a file or to stdout. The file will default to slurm-<job_id>.sh if the optional filename argument is not given. The script will be written to stdout if - is given instead of a filename. The batch script can only be retrieved by an admin or operator, or by the owner of the job.

在旧版本上,write batch_script命令不存在,但您可以使用

scontrol show -ddd job <job_id>