链表 - 在 C#/Java 中删除重复算法

Linked List - remove duplicates algorithm in C#/Java

我正在学习 C# 中的数据结构和算法/Java。遇到LinkedList去重问题的解决方案后,一直纠结不解

解决方案是著名书籍 破解编码面试(第 5 版,第 208 页)中提出的解决方案。

void RemoveDuplicates_HashSet(Node n)
    HashSet<object> set = new HashSet<object>();

    Node previous = null;
    while (n != null)
        if (set.Contains(n.Data))       // Condition 1
            previous.Next = n.Next;
        else                            // Condition 2
            previous = n;
        n = n.Next;


// Creating test Singly LinkedList
Node n = new Node("A");
n.Next = new Node("B");
n.Next.Next = new Node("A");
n.Next.Next.Next = new Node("B");


工作得很好:方法后 n 的值为 A->B.


| Pass | HashSet | n          | previous   | Comment                  |
| ---- | ------- | ---------- | ---------- | ------------------------ |
| –    | –       | A->B->A->B | null       |                          |
| 1    | A       | B->A->B    | A->B->A->B | Condition 2 is triggered |
| 2    | A,B     | A->B       | B->A->B    | Condition 2 is triggered |
| 3    | A,B     | B          | B->B       | Condition 1 is triggered |
| 4    | A,B     | null       | B          | Condition 1 is triggered |


  1. Where/how 确实从 n 中删除了重复项?我知道 HashSet 只包含独特的元素,因此它会检测是否已经遇到了一个元素,但是我仍然看不出算法是如何工作的。

  2. 怎么把n指向的值更新为A->B?鉴于本质上循环只是在执行 n = n.Next 的链接列表上迭代,n 实际上更新为最终值 A->B,它在哪里?我知道该列表是通过引用传递的,但我看不到它实际上是如何修改的。

Where/how exactly are duplicates dropped from n?

一个 属性 的 Set if,它不能包含重复的元素。

if (set.Contains(n.Data))
            previous.Next = n.Next;
            previous = n;
n = n.Next;

这里先检查一下,集合中是否包含当前节点n的数据。如果是,则前一个节点的后继者就是当前节点的下一个节点n。 所以:



How is it that the values pointed to by n are updated to be A->B? Where is it that, given that essentially the loop is simply iterating over the Linked List doing n = n.Next, n is actually updated with the final value A->B?

这个问题我真的不懂。你的意思是“为什么修改列表?” 如果是,那么因为它是通过引用传递的(有点 simplified )。所以你只是不做复制,就像原始类型(int,long,...)一样,而是修改对象本身。


This code: if (set.Contains(n.Data)) previous.Next = n.Next checks if the element has already been encountered and, if it has, removes n from the linked list. It removes the node by assigning n.Next to previous.Next (which means previous.Next no longer points to n).
