用于文本编辑的 MahApps 图标
MahApps icons for text editing
问题: 1
) following icon packs contain text editing icons (copy/paste, numbering lists, etc.) 2
) and, which ones contain symbols such as summation, square roots etc.)? Because of the size concern, I would like to install only the ones I need from here.
您可以使用此处的图标包浏览器浏览图标 https://github.com/MahApps/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/releases/download/4.8.0/IconPacks.Browser.Release-v4.8.0-rc0006.zip
由于文件大小是一个问题,您可以使用该浏览器复制路径几何图形,这样您就不必安装整个包,只需安装您想要的图标,只需在 App.xaml 文件中引用它们使用它们的 PathGeometry 项目
问题: 1
) following icon packs contain text editing icons (copy/paste, numbering lists, etc.) 2
) and, which ones contain symbols such as summation, square roots etc.)? Because of the size concern, I would like to install only the ones I need from here.
您可以使用此处的图标包浏览器浏览图标 https://github.com/MahApps/MahApps.Metro.IconPacks/releases/download/4.8.0/IconPacks.Browser.Release-v4.8.0-rc0006.zip
由于文件大小是一个问题,您可以使用该浏览器复制路径几何图形,这样您就不必安装整个包,只需安装您想要的图标,只需在 App.xaml 文件中引用它们使用它们的 PathGeometry 项目