Github 为工作流 运行 启动的每个虚拟机是否都获得了新的 IP 地址?

Does every Virtual Machine that Github spins up for a workflow run get a new IP address?

Github Actions 的工作方式是它们为每个工作流启动一个 VM 运行。因此,每个 运行 都发生在不同的 VM 上。虚拟机在启动时通常会获得不同的 IP。但是,我找不到任何官方文档来说明 Github Actions 运行ner VM 是否属于这种情况。

This thread 提到(在 2019 年,所以从那时起可能已经改变):

Windows and Ubuntu hosted runners are hosted in Azure and have the same IP address ranges as Azure Data centers.
Currently, all hosted runners are in the East US 2 Azure region, but more regions may added over time.

Microsoft updates the Azure IP address ranges weekly in a JSON file that you can download from the Azure IP Ranges and Service Tags - Public Cloud 153 website. You can use this range of IP addresses if you require an allow-list to prevent unauthorized access to your internal resources.


它引用:“Specifications for GitHub-hosted runners”,其中提到:

Note: If you use an IP address allow list for your GitHub organization or enterprise account, you cannot use GitHub-hosted runners and must instead use self-hosted runners.
For more information, see "About self-hosted runners."

(具体来说,IP address section