使用 Powershell 删除不存在的网络适配器

Using Powershell to remove non present network adapters

我正在尝试通过 PowerShell 自动执行一些我必须执行的耗时任务来制作新的 VM 模板,其中之一是从 VM 中删除所有 NIC 并清理设备管理器不存在的设备。

从 VM 中删除 NIC 后,我尝试使用以下代码片段来清理设备管理器,它们执行相同的操作。

wmic nic where "(servicename is null)" delete

gwmi win32_networkadapter | ?{$_.ServiceName -eq $null} | rwmi

在这两种情况下,我都收到错误 "Provider is not capable of the attempted operation"。查看 WMI-Activity 的事件日志似乎没有帮助:ResultCode = 0x80041024;可能的原因 = 未知。


编辑: 我试过使用 DevCon 删除设备,但它似乎只适用于现有设备。我现在正在梳理注册表以查看是否有一个特定的键或一组键,如果删除这些键会从设备管理器中删除 NIC。


首先通过 WMI 查询当前和启用的网络适配器并获取它们的 PNPDeviceId。该值将告诉您网络适配器位于哪个子项中。

接下来查询每个子项的注册表并找到所有适配器。解析完整的注册表项以减少到与 PNPDeviceId 值相同的长度;大致 PCI\VEN_80AD&DEV_15A2&SUBSYS_062D1028&REV_02&11483669&0&C9。

比较两个列表并找到任何孤立的注册表项。一旦找到,通过枚举系统帐户删除注册表项将从设备管理器中删除网络适配器。我使用 PSExec.exe 到 运行 reg delete 命令作为系统帐户。


# Declare variables
[string]$regIds = "";
[string]$Orphans = "";
[array]$SubKeys = @();
[array]$RegKeys = @();

# Query the present and enabled Network Adapters for the PNPDeviceId value
[array]$PNPDeviceIds = (gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "NetEnabled = true").PNPDeviceId;
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PNPDeviceIds.Count; $i++){
    if ($SubKeys -NotContains $($PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[0] + "\" + $PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[1])){
        $SubKeys += $($PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[0] + "\" + $PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[1]);

# Query the registry for all of the adapters
foreach ($SubKey in $SubKeys){
    [array]$Keys = reg query "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\enum$SubKey"
    $Keys = $Keys[1..$($Keys.Count -1)];
    $RegKeys += $Keys;
# Parse the Keys
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $RegKeys.Count; $i++){ $regIds += "," + $($RegKeys[$i].Split('\')[4..6] -join '\'); }
$regIds = $regIds.TrimStart(",");

# Compare the registry to the present devices
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $regIds.Split(',').Count; $i++){
    if ($PNPDeviceIds -NotContains $regIds.Split(',')[$i]){
        $Orphans += "," + $regIds.Split(',')[$i];
if ($Orphans.Length -gt 0){ $Orphans = $Orphans.TrimStart(","); }

# Delete the non-present devices
foreach ($Orphan in $Orphans)
    psexec.exe -s powershell.exe "reg delete 'hklm\system\currentcontrolset\enum$Orphan'"


# Declare variables
[string]$regIds = "";
[string]$Orphan = "";
[array]$Orphans = @();
[array]$SubKeys = @();
[array]$RegKeys = @();

# Query the present and enabled Network Adapters for the PNPDeviceId value
[array]$PNPDeviceIds = (gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "NetEnabled =     true").PNPDeviceId;
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $PNPDeviceIds.Count; $i++) {
    if ($SubKeys -NotContains $($PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[0] + "\" + $PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[1])) {
        $SubKeys += $($PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[0] + "\" + $PNPDeviceIds[$i].Split('\')[1])

# Query the registry for all of the adapters
foreach ($SubKey in $SubKeys) {
    [array]$Keys = reg query "hklm\system\currentcontrolset\enum$SubKey"
    $Keys = $Keys[1..$($Keys.Count -1)];
    $RegKeys += $Keys
# Parse the Keys
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $RegKeys.Count; $i++) {
    $regIds += "," + $($RegKeys[$i].Split('\')[4..6] -join '\');
$regIds = $regIds.TrimStart(",")

# Compare the registry to the present devices
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $regIds.Split(',').Count; $i++) {
    if ($PNPDeviceIds -NotContains $regIds.Split(',')[$i]) {
        $Orphan += "," + $regIds.Split(',')[$i]

if ($Orphan.Length -gt 0) {

    $Orphan = $Orphan.TrimStart(",")
    # Debug: Write-Host "Orphan.Lenght = "$Orphan.Length

    # Parse into Objects
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Orphan.Split(',').Count; $i++) {
        $Orphans += $Orphan.Split(',')[$i]
    # Debug: Write-Host "Orphans = $Orphans    Orphans.Lenght = "$Orphans.Length

    $Orphan = ""

    # Delete the non-present devices
    foreach ($Orphan in $Orphans)
        $Orphan = "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\" + $Orphan
        Write-Host "You must have Full Rights and You should be Owner" -    ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor White
        Write-Host "Deleting KEY: " -NoNewline
        Write-Host $Orphan -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline

        If (Test-Path -Path $Orphan) {
            Remove-Item -Path $Orphan -Force -Recurse -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction     SilentlyContinue
            if (Test-Path -Path $Orphan) {
                Write-Host "   UnSuccsessfully!" -ForegroundColor Red
                Write-Host $Error[0] -ForegroundColor Cyan
            else {
                Write-Host "   Succsessfully!" -ForegroundColor Green
        else {
            Write-Host "   Error! Path does not exist." -ForegroundColor Red
else {
    Write-Host "Unused Network Adapters not be found." -ForegroundColor Yellow


1) 首先确保您要清除的设备列表是正确的:

Get-PnpDevice -class net | ? Status -eq Unknown | Select FriendlyName,InstanceId

2) 如果您对 Get-NetAdapters 的列表感到满意,您将要开始 Kaibosh,运行 以下内容:

$Devs = Get-PnpDevice -class net | ? Status -eq Unknown | Select FriendlyName,InstanceId

ForEach ($Dev in $Devs) {
    Write-Host "Removing $($Dev.FriendlyName)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
    $RemoveKey = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum$($Dev.InstanceId)"
    Get-Item $RemoveKey | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Property | %{ Remove-ItemProperty -Path $RemoveKey -Name $_ -Verbose }
Write-Host "Done.  Please restart!" -ForegroundColor Green

注意:您在步骤 1 中的适配器列表必须仅包含您要清除的适配器。如果你有额外的东西,请相应地调整过滤器(?Status -eq XXX,例如:?FriendlyName -like "Broadcom*")!

感谢this page. I improved that script a bit and published it through my repo here: removeGhosts.ps1



$ removeGhosts.ps1 -narrowbyclass Net

这将在删除之前要求对每个设备进行确认,-Force 选项可以抑制此行为。如果没有任何选项,脚本将删除所有隐藏的设备,这听起来像是提问者也感兴趣的东西。