
Fetch the ride provider details whose rides were mostly used by the users


user_detail table 中的 user_id 与 RIDE table 中的 ride_provider_id 相同。

我试过了,但在最后一行出现错误 'ORA-00920: invalid relational operator';

select u.* 
from user_details u, 
(select ride_provider_id,count(ride_provider_id) as of_ride
from ride 
group by ride_provider_id) r2
where u.user_id= r2.ride_provider_id
having max(r2.of_ride);

在 Oracle 中,您可以使用 order byfetch first 子句来表达:

select u.* 
from user_details u join
     (select ride_provider_id, count(*) as of_ride
      from ride 
      group by ride_provider_id
     ) r
     on u.user_id = r.ride_provider_id
order by of_ride desc
fetch first 1 row only;


select u.* 
from user_details u join
     (select ride_provider_id, count(*) as of_ride
      from ride 
      group by ride_provider_id
      order by count(*) desc
      fetch first 1 row only
     ) r
     on u.user_id = r.ride_provider_id