
partial specialised template as template argument

举例来说,我有一个函数 foo() 采用参数包 Ts。但是,如果恰好有一种类型满足 std::is_integral 的要求,则该函数应该只接受参数包 Ts。我编写的以下代码完全符合预期。

#include <type_traits>

template <template <typename> typename predicate, typename... Ts>
inline constexpr std::size_t count_if = ((predicate<Ts>::value ? 1 : 0) + ...);

// this method only compiles if exactly one of the given template arguments is of an integral type
template <typename... Ts>
void foo() requires (count_if<std::is_integral, Ts...> == 1) {}

int main()
    foo<int, double, float>(); //this compiles
    //foo<int, long, float>(); //this doesn't, as it should

但是,假设函数 foo() 正在通过模板类型 T 的参数扩展,如下所示:

#include <type_traits>

template <template <typename> typename predicate, typename... Ts>
inline constexpr std::size_t count_if = ((predicate<Ts>::value ? 1 : 0) + ...);

// this method only compiles if one of the given template arguments is of an integral type
template <typename T, typename... Ts>
void foo(T) requires (count_if<std::is_integral, Ts...> == 1) {}

int main()

    foo<double, int, double, float>(double{}); //this compiles
    foo<int, int, double, float>(int{}); //this compiles
    //foo<double, int, long, float>(double{}); //this doesn't, as it should

现在回答我的问题:是否有可能使我提供给我的 count_if 函数的谓词依赖于我的函数 foo() 的模板参数 T


#include <type_traits>

template <template <typename> typename predicate, typename... Ts>
inline constexpr std::size_t count_if = ((predicate<Ts>::value ? 1 : 0) + ...);

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
void foo(T) requires (count_if<std::is_same<T, ?????> , Ts...> == 1) {}

int main()
    foo<double, int, double, float>(double{}); //this should compile, as there is exactly one type in parameter pack of type double
    foo<int, int, double, float>(int{}); //this should compile, as there is exactly one type in parameter pack of type int
    //foo<int, double, float>(); //this shouldn't compile, as there is no int in parameter pack
    //foo<double, double, double>(); //this shouldn't compile, as there are two doubles in paramter pack

这有可能吗?我尝试在函数体内使用 static_assert() 来检查它,但我无法在其中定义模板结构,我需要它,所以我可以像这样编写自己的谓词,例如:

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
void foo(T) 
  template <typename U>
  struct custom_predicate
    static constexpr bool value = std::is_same<T, U>::value;
  static_assert(count_if<custom_predicate, Ts...> == 1);




template <template <typename, typename> typename predicate, typename T, typename... Ts>
inline constexpr std::size_t count_if = ((predicate<T, Ts>::value ? 1 : 0) + ...);

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
void foo(T) requires (count_if<std::is_same, T, Ts...> == 1) {}

但是,这样一来,您就必须更改 count_if 要求。

如果您想要(正如您在 static_assert() 示例中尝试的那样)生成特定 is_same 修复第一种类型的方法,您可以编写类似于 custom_predicate 但在外部的内容函数。


template <template <typename> typename predicate, typename... Ts>
inline constexpr std::size_t count_if = ((predicate<Ts>::value ? 1 : 0) + ...);

template <typename T>
struct my_predicate
   template <typename U>
   using my_is_same = std::is_same<T, U>;

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
void foo(T) requires (count_if<my_predicate<T>::template my_is_same, Ts...> == 1)
 { /* ... */ }

或者,为了更灵活(并传递相同的 std::is_same 作为参数)

template <template <typename> typename predicate, typename... Ts>
inline constexpr std::size_t count_if = ((predicate<Ts>::value ? 1 : 0) + ...);

template <template <typename...> class C, typename ... Ts>
struct my_predicate
   template <typename ... Us>
   using my_is_same = C<Ts..., Us...>;

template <typename T, typename... Ts>
void foo(T)
   requires (count_if<my_predicate<std::is_same, T>::template my_is_same, Ts...> == 1)
 { }