Add title and axis labels to riverplot?
我正在尝试使用 riverplot 包制作 Sankey 图,想知道是否可以向图中添加标题和轴标签。为了简单起见,我将使用包中的示例河图之一:
nodes <- c( LETTERS[1:3] )
edges <- list( A= list( C= 10 ), B= list( C= 10 ) )
r <- makeRiver( nodes, edges, node_xpos= c( 1,1,2 ),
node_labels= c( A= "Node A", B= "Node B", C= "Node C" ),
node_styles= list( A= list( col= "yellow" )) )
plot( r , srt = 0)
我尝试使用 labs() 并收到以下错误消息:'non-numeric argument to binary operator'(这并不意外),但由于包本身似乎没有标题或轴的参数标签,我有点不知所措。非常感谢任何帮助!
nodes <- c( LETTERS[1:3] )
edges <- list( A= list( C= 10 ), B= list( C= 10 ) )
r <- makeRiver( nodes, edges, node_xpos= c( 1,1,2 ),
node_labels= c( A= "Node A", B= "Node B", C= "Node C" ),
node_styles= list( A= list( col= "yellow" )) )
plot(r, srt = 0,
main = "My Title")
title(main = "My title",
xlab = "My label for axis X",
ylab = "My label for axis Y")
尝试先用你的标签创建一个空图,然后 riverplot::riverplot
有一个参数 add
。将其设置为 True
# empty plot
type = "n",
xlab = "x-axis",
ylab = "y-axis",
frame.plot = F,
xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n",
main = "TITLE")
add = T) # add to empty plot
我正在尝试使用 riverplot 包制作 Sankey 图,想知道是否可以向图中添加标题和轴标签。为了简单起见,我将使用包中的示例河图之一:
nodes <- c( LETTERS[1:3] )
edges <- list( A= list( C= 10 ), B= list( C= 10 ) )
r <- makeRiver( nodes, edges, node_xpos= c( 1,1,2 ),
node_labels= c( A= "Node A", B= "Node B", C= "Node C" ),
node_styles= list( A= list( col= "yellow" )) )
plot( r , srt = 0)
我尝试使用 labs() 并收到以下错误消息:'non-numeric argument to binary operator'(这并不意外),但由于包本身似乎没有标题或轴的参数标签,我有点不知所措。非常感谢任何帮助!
nodes <- c( LETTERS[1:3] )
edges <- list( A= list( C= 10 ), B= list( C= 10 ) )
r <- makeRiver( nodes, edges, node_xpos= c( 1,1,2 ),
node_labels= c( A= "Node A", B= "Node B", C= "Node C" ),
node_styles= list( A= list( col= "yellow" )) )
plot(r, srt = 0,
main = "My Title")
title(main = "My title",
xlab = "My label for axis X",
ylab = "My label for axis Y")
尝试先用你的标签创建一个空图,然后 riverplot::riverplot
有一个参数 add
。将其设置为 True
# empty plot
type = "n",
xlab = "x-axis",
ylab = "y-axis",
frame.plot = F,
xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n",
main = "TITLE")
add = T) # add to empty plot