
Highschool needing help please; writing output to a file (using the distance traveled program)?

任何人都可以帮我解决下面的代码吗?我已经为此工作了几个小时,无论我做什么,似乎都无法将输出写入文件。我是一名高中生,向我的老师求助,但她发给我的东西没有帮助,我现在完全不知所措。我自己独立学习这门课程,所以希望 Whosebug 家族的人能给我一些指导?这不是因为我缺乏尝试。我只是不知所措。提前致谢!!

package distanceTraveledReport;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.io.*;

 * @author Jerin
public class DistanceTraveledReport {
     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        //prints out name and project I am working on
        System.out.println("Jerin Anderson, This is my Distance Traveled Report");
        //create scanner
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        double vehicleSpeed = -1; //to hold the speed from the vehicle
        int hoursTraveled = 0; //to hold the hours traveled by the vehicle
        double distanceTraveled; //to hold the distance traveled for each hour
        //while loop, inputs validation
        while ( vehicleSpeed < 0 ) 
                    System.out.println("Enter the speed of the vehicle (in miles-per-hour)" );
                    vehicleSpeed = scanner.nextDouble();
        while (hoursTraveled < 1) 
                    System.out.println("Enter the number of hours traveled by the vehicle" );
                    hoursTraveled = scanner.nextInt();
        //heading at the top and lines to separate table
        System.out.println(" Hour\t Distance Traveled");
        //write the table of distances
        distanceTraveled = 1;
        while (distanceTraveled <= hoursTraveled)
            //Display the distance for this period.
            System.out.println(distanceTraveled + "\t\t" + distanceTraveled * vehicleSpeed);
            //Increment period
        //Close the file.
        System.out.println("Report written to DistanceReport.txt");


您必须意识到 System.out.println() 不会写入文件,但 FileWriter 会 。对代码的修复以 //TODO.

package distanceTraveledReport;

import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Scanner;

     * @author Jerin
    public class DistanceTraveledReport {

         * @param args
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            // TODO "TODO check this out" marks addition of FileWriter fileWriter.
            //TODO check this out
            //TODO make sure you change the filename



然后粘贴到FileWriter的参数中: .


FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter("/Users/cole.henrich/Downloads/Whosebug/src/distanceTraveledReport/DistanceReport.txt");
            fileWriter.write("The FileWriter writes to the file. System.out.println() does not.\n");

            //prints out name and project I am working on
            System.out.println("Jerin Anderson, This is my Distance Traveled Report");

            //create scanner
            Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
            double vehicleSpeed = -1; //to hold the speed from the vehicle
            int hoursTraveled = 0; //to hold the hours traveled by the vehicle
            double distanceTraveled; //to hold the distance traveled for each hour

            //while loop, inputs validation
            while ( vehicleSpeed < 0 )
                System.out.println("Enter the speed of the vehicle (in miles-per-hour)" );
                vehicleSpeed = scanner.nextDouble();
            while (hoursTraveled < 1)
                System.out.println("Enter the number of hours traveled by the vehicle" );
                hoursTraveled = scanner.nextInt();

            //heading at the top and lines to separate table
            System.out.println(" Hour\t Distance Traveled");

                //write the table of distances
                distanceTraveled = 1;
                while (distanceTraveled <= hoursTraveled)
                    //Display the distance for this period.
                    String display = ""+ (distanceTraveled + "\t\t" + distanceTraveled * vehicleSpeed) + "\n";
                    //TODO check this out
                    //Increment period

                //Close the file.
                //TODO check this out
                //TODO check this out: DO NOT close the System.out. Close FileWriter fileWriter.
                System.out.println("Report written to DistanceReport.txt");



确保您了解 FileWriter。阅读评论中的链接。这是文件中的输出(不是 System.out)。

The FileWriter writes to the file. System.out.println() does not.
    1.0     65.0
    2.0     130.0
    3.0     195.0
    4.0     260.0
    5.0     325.0
    6.0     390.0
    7.0     455.0