如何 运行 一个简单的 ZIO 理解片段
How to run a trivial ZIO for comprehension snippet
在 getstarted zio 文档页面中有这个 trivial exemple,但我不能 运行 它,可以用什么简单的代码来使这个片段工作(有问题并能够回答在控制台中)?
import zio.console.{getStrLn, putStrLn}
object Bug41 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val program =
for {
_ <- putStrLn("Hello! What is your name?")
name <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Hello, ${name}, welcome to ZIO!")
} yield ()
object Bug41 {
val program: RIO[Console, Unit] =
for {
_ <- putStrLn("Hello! What is your name?")
name <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Hello, $name, welcome to ZIO!")
} yield ()
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val runtime: Runtime[zio.ZEnv] = zio.Runtime.default.mapPlatform(_.withReportFailure(cause => println(cause)))
如果您只是与 ZIO 交互,您可以使用内置的 zio.App
object Bug41 extends zio.App {
def run(args: List[String]): URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode] =
(for {
_ <- putStrLn("Hello! What is your name?")
name <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Hello, $name, welcome to ZIO!")
} yield ()).exitCode
import zio._
import zio.console._
import zio.internal.Platform
object Logic {
val main: RIO[Console, Unit] =
for {
_ <- console.putStrLn("Hello! What is your name?")
name <- console.getStrLn
_ <- console.putStrLn(s"Hello, $name, welcome to ZIO!")
} yield ()
object Bug41 extends zio.App {
def run(args: List[String]): URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode] = Logic.main.exitCode
override val platform: Platform = Platform.default.withReportFailure(println)
在 getstarted zio 文档页面中有这个 trivial exemple,但我不能 运行 它,可以用什么简单的代码来使这个片段工作(有问题并能够回答在控制台中)?
import zio.console.{getStrLn, putStrLn}
object Bug41 {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val program =
for {
_ <- putStrLn("Hello! What is your name?")
name <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Hello, ${name}, welcome to ZIO!")
} yield ()
object Bug41 {
val program: RIO[Console, Unit] =
for {
_ <- putStrLn("Hello! What is your name?")
name <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Hello, $name, welcome to ZIO!")
} yield ()
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val runtime: Runtime[zio.ZEnv] = zio.Runtime.default.mapPlatform(_.withReportFailure(cause => println(cause)))
如果您只是与 ZIO 交互,您可以使用内置的 zio.App
object Bug41 extends zio.App {
def run(args: List[String]): URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode] =
(for {
_ <- putStrLn("Hello! What is your name?")
name <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Hello, $name, welcome to ZIO!")
} yield ()).exitCode
import zio._
import zio.console._
import zio.internal.Platform
object Logic {
val main: RIO[Console, Unit] =
for {
_ <- console.putStrLn("Hello! What is your name?")
name <- console.getStrLn
_ <- console.putStrLn(s"Hello, $name, welcome to ZIO!")
} yield ()
object Bug41 extends zio.App {
def run(args: List[String]): URIO[ZEnv, ExitCode] = Logic.main.exitCode
override val platform: Platform = Platform.default.withReportFailure(println)