使用 CommonOpenFileDialog select 文件夹,但仍显示 Windows 文件夹中的文件 10

Using a CommonOpenFileDialog to select a folder but still show files within the folder in Windows 10

我正在尝试使用 CommonOpenFileDialog 来允许用户 select 一个文件夹,而且还可以在对话框中查看该文件夹内的文件。目前我的代码只允许用户 select 一个文件夹,但其中的文件是隐藏的,这导致用户认为他们 select 输入了错误的(空)文件夹。

using (var dlg = new CommonOpenFileDialog()
    Title = "Select folder to import from",
    AllowNonFileSystemItems = true,
    IsFolderPicker = true,
    EnsurePathExists = true,
    Multiselect = false,
    ShowPlacesList = true
    if (dlg.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok)
        //Do things with the selected folder and the files within it...

我如何才能实现面向 Windows 10 岁的应用程序的目标?

注意: 有一个非常相似的问题,标题为“How can I make CommonOpenFileDialog select folders only, but still show files?”。这个问题已经有了很好的答案,但是,none 的解决方案适用于 Windows 10。因为现有问题已经过时(9 年前提出)并且不适用于 Windows 10,所以这个问题专门要求在 Windows 10 设备上工作的解决方案。

我认为 CommonOpenFileDialog 无法做到这一点
参见:How to use IFileDialog with FOS_PICKFOLDER while still displaying file names in the dialog

唯一的方法是创建您自己的自定义对话框,或者您可以使用带 P/Invoke 的文件夹对话框(基于 SHBrowseForFolder,如 FolderBrowserDialog)。

复制上面 link 中的 class 并添加选项 BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES.

public string SelectFolder(string caption, string initialPath, IntPtr parentHandle)
    _initialPath = initialPath;

不幸的是,现在对话框中的文件只显示为 FolderBrowserDialog

是否可以使用类似的东西?处理 FolderChanging 事件并读取文件夹名称?

private string SelectFolder()
    using (var dlg = new CommonOpenFileDialog()
        Title = "Select folder to import from",
        AllowNonFileSystemItems = true,
        IsFolderPicker = true,
        EnsurePathExists = true,
        Multiselect = false,
        ShowPlacesList = true,
        InitialDirectory = "C:\" //This must be handled manually
        dlg.FolderChanging += Dlg_FolderChanging;
        if (dlg.ShowDialog() == CommonFileDialogResult.Ok)
            //Do things with the selected folder and the files within it...
            string selectedFolder = dlg.InitialDirectory;
            string dlgFileName = dlg.FileName;
            if (Directory.Exists(dlgFileName))
                selectedFolder = dlgFileName;
            else if (File.Exists(dlgFileName))
                selectedFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(dlgFileName);
            else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lastKnownFolder))
                selectedFolder = lastKnownFolder;

            return selectedFolder;

    return null;

private string lastKnownFolder = "";

private void Dlg_FolderChanging(object sender, CommonFileDialogFolderChangeEventArgs e)
    lastKnownFolder = e.Folder;