Angular RelativeLinkResolution - 旧版和修正版之间的差异

Angular RelativeLinkResolution - Differences between legacy and corrected

我在阅读 angular 文档时发现了这个选项:

From the ContainerComponent, you should be able to navigate to AComponent using the following routerLink, but it will not work if relativeLinkResolution is set to 'legacy':

<a [routerLink]="['./a']">Link to A</a>

However, this will work:

<a [routerLink]="['../a']">Link to A</a>

In other words, you're required to use ../ rather than ./ when the relative link resolution is set to 'legacy'.


但我的问题是 legacy 和 corrected 之间有什么区别? legacy 选项有什么用,使用 ../ 代替 ./ 有什么用?

正如Markus Pscheidt所说:

legacy (how it used to be) = two dots to refer to same level.

corrected (now default in Angular 11) = using a single dot to refer to same level.