
How to type check if object keys conform a conditional recursive template type?

问题很容易理解,举个例子。我想为 https://npmjs.com/package/classnames 实现严格类型保护的包装器,以类型检查我们的应用程序使用的 Tailwind class 名称。


// Credits to https://dev.to/virtualkirill/make-your-css-safer-by-type-checking-tailwind-css-classes-2l14
type Colors = "red" | "purple" | "blue" | "green";
type Luminance = 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900;
type BgColor = `bg-${Colors}-${Luminance}`;
type Layout = "block" | "w-1" | "h-1";
type TailwindClass = BgColor | Layout;

type ValidTailwindClassSeparatedBySpace<S> = S extends `${infer Class} ${infer Rest}`
  ? Class extends TailwindClass
    ? `${Class} ${ValidTailwindClassSeparatedBySpace<Rest>}`
    : never
  : S extends `${infer Class}`
  ? Class extends TailwindClass
    ? S
    : never
  : never;

type ValidTailwind<T> = T extends ValidTailwindClassSeparatedBySpace<T> ? T : never;
type ClassNames<R> = keyof R extends ValidTailwind<keyof R> ? R : never;

function classNamesWrapper<R>(obj: ClassNames<R>): string {
  // All arguments would be passed to npmjs.com/package/classnames
  // For the example, just return empty string.
  return '';

  "bg-red-100": true, 
  "block w-1": true 

  "bad-class": false,  // only this key should be invalid
  "block h-1": true

此处提供示例代码:Playground link

这有效,但错误与对象的特定键无关,而是与所有对象键相关。 TypeScript 也会突出显示 "block h-1" 以产生相同的错误:Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'never'..

如何进行输入,以便 TS 能够检测到只有“bad-class”键是无效的 Tailwind class 字符串,而不是突出显示“block h- 1" 无效?

要解决您遇到的具体问题,我会将 ClassNames 更改为:

type ClassNames<R> = { [K in keyof R]: K extends ValidTailwind<K> ? R[K] : never };

而不是 ClassNames<R> 返回 Rnever,它 maps 每个 属性 name K in R R[K](已经存在的 属性)或 never。因此错误应该只出现在有问题的属性上:

  "bad-class": false,  // error!
  //~~~~~~~~~ <-- Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'never'
  "block h-1": true // okay


Playground link to code