Return 最短和最长单词的长度差(使用for循环)

Return the difference between the lengths of the shortest and longest words (using for loop)

我想知道如何 return 最短和最长单词的长度之间的差异(使用 for 循环):

function findShort(s){

 s = s.split(" ");

   (for let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
   ******code goes here******


findShort("bitcoin take over the world maybe who knows perhaps");
findShort("turns out random test cases are easier than writing out basic ones"); 

有什么想法吗?如果有人也想尝试使用 map 或 reduce 之类的东西,我们也将不胜感激。



  • 将数组映射到单词的长度。
  • 然后对数组进行排序,它看起来像 [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7]
  • 然后构建最长和最短单词之间的差异。


function findShort(s){

 s = s.split(" ");
 let leng = => {return x.length})
 return leng[leng.length-1] - leng[0];

console.log(findShort("bitcoin take over the world maybe who knows perhaps"));
console.log(findShort("turns out random test cases are easier than writing out basic ones"));

将数组缩减为一对 shortlong 值,以及 return 增量:

const findDelta = str => {
  const [long, short] = str.split(/\s+/)
    .reduce(([long, short], { length }) => [
      Math.max(long, length), // take the longest length
      Math.min(short, length) // take the shortest length
    ], [-Infinity, Infinity]) // init long with -Infinity and short with Infinity
  return long - short

console.log(findDelta("bitcoin take over the world maybe who knows perhaps"))
console.log(findDelta("turns out random test cases are easier than writing out basic ones"))

不需要 for 循环。只需将句子映射到单词长度列表中,找到最长和最短的并减去:

function findShort(sentence) {
  const lengths = sentence.split(/\s+/).map(word => word.length);
  return Math.max(...lengths) - Math.min(...lengths);

console.log(findShort("bitcoin take over the world maybe who knows perhaps"));
console.log(findShort("turns out random test cases are easier than writing out basic ones"));