自定义 Nullable<T> 扩展方法和 SelectMany

Custom Nullable<T> Extension Methods and SelectMany

Nullable<T> 的扩展方法,如下所示。

using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace DoNotationish
    public static class NullableExtensions
        public static U? Select<T, U>(this T? nullableValue, Func<T, U> f)
            where T : struct
            where U : struct
            if (!nullableValue.HasValue) return null;
            return f(nullableValue.Value);

        public static V? SelectMany<T, U, V>(this T? nullableValue, Func<T, U?> bind, Func<T, U, V> f)
            where T : struct
            where U : struct
            where V : struct
            if (!nullableValue.HasValue) return null;
            T value = nullableValue.Value;
            U? bindValue = bind(value);
            if (!bindValue.HasValue) return null;
            return f(value, bindValue.Value);

这允许在查询语法中使用 Nullable<T>。 以下测试将通过。

        public void Test1()
            int? nv1 = 5;
            int? nv2 = 3;
            var q = from v1 in nv1
                    from v2 in nv2
                    select v1 + v2;
            Assert.AreEqual(8, q);

        public void Test2()
            int? nv1 = null;
            int? nv2 = 3;
            var q = from v1 in nv1
                    from v2 in nv2
                    select v1 + v2;

但是,如果您尝试链接 3 个或更多个,它将​​被视为匿名类型并且不会编译。

        public void Test3()
            int? nv1 = 5;
            int? nv2 = 3;
            int? nv3 = 8;
            var q = from v1 in nv1
                    from v2 in nv2  // Error CS0453: anonymous type is not struct
                    from v3 in nv3
                    select v1 + v2 + v3;
            Assert.AreEqual(16, q);

您可以通过如下手动指定使用 ValueTuple 来解决此问题,但这很难看。

        public void Test3_()
            int? nv1 = 5;
            int? nv2 = 3;
            int? nv3 = 8;
            var q = from v1 in nv1
                    from v2 in nv2
                    select (v1, v2) into temp      // ugly
                    from v3 in nv3
                    select temp.v1 + temp.v2 + v3; // ugly
            Assert.AreEqual(16, q);

这些简化的例子可以简单地通过使用+运算符来解决:var q = nv1 + nv2 + nv3;


想想编译器如何将查询表达式转换为 SelectMany 调用。它会把它变成这样的东西:

var q =
    nv1.SelectMany(x => 
       nv2.SelectMany(x => nv3, (v2, v3) => new { v2, v3 }), 
       (v1, v2v3) => v1 + v2v3.v2 + v2v3.v3);


请注意,它专门使用匿名 class,而不是 ValueTuple ((v2, v3) => (v2, v3))。这在 language spec:


A query expression with a second from clause followed by something other than a select clause:

from x1 in e1
from x2 in e2

is translated into

from * in ( e1 ) . SelectMany( x1 => e2 , ( x1 , x2 ) => new { x1 , x2 } )

很遗憾,您对此无能为力。您可以尝试分叉 Roslyn 编译器,使其编译为创建 ValueTuple,但从技术上讲,这不再是“C#”了。

OTOH,如果您编写自己的 Nullable<T> 类型并且不将 T 限制为值类型,这个想法可能会奏效,但我不确定这是否值得。


from a in source1
from b in source2
from c in source3
from d in source4
// etc
select selector // how is it possible that a, b, c, d available in selector?

此类查询将编译为 SelectMany 调用链

SelectMany(IEnumerable<TSource> source, 
           Func<TSource, IEnumerable<TCollection>> collectionSelector,
           Func<TSource, TCollection, TResult> resultSelector)


  .SelectMany(a => source2, (a, b) => new { a, b })
  .SelectMany(x1 => source3, (x1, c) => new { x1, c })
  .SelectMany(x2 => source4, (x2, d) => selector(x2.x1.a, x2.x1.b, x2.c, d));

同样,结果选择器受限于两个输入参数。因此,对于您传递的 Test1 和 Test2 ,不会创建匿名类型,因为这两个参数都可以传递给结果选择器。但是 Test3 需要结果选择器的三个参数,并且为此创建了一个中间匿名类型。

您不能让您的扩展方法同时接受可为空的结构和生成的匿名类型(它们是引用类型)。我建议您创建特定于域的扩展方法 BindMap。这些方法中的一对将与函数式编程领域对齐,而不是 from v1 in nv1 查询:

public static U? Bind<T, U>(this T? maybeValue, Func<T, U?> binder)
    where T : struct
    where U : struct
        => maybeValue.HasValue ? binder(maybeValue.Value) : (U?)null;

public static U? Map<T, U>(this T? maybeValue, Func<T, U> mapper)
    where T : struct
    where U : struct
        => maybeValue.HasValue ? mapper(maybeValue.Value) : (U?)null;


nv1.Bind(v1 => nv2.Bind(v2 => nv3.Map(v3 => v1 + v2 + v3)))
   .Map(x => x * 2) // eg