kotlinx.serialization: 将 JSON 数组反序列化为密封 class

kotlinx.serialization: Deserialize JSON array as sealed class

我的数据是富文本格式,存储为嵌套 JSON 数组。文本标记存储字符串的明文和描述格式的注释。我想在解码时将这些嵌套 JSON 数组的特定结构映射到丰富的 Kotlin class 层次结构。


// Text string is an array of tokens
type Text = Array<TextToken>
// Each token is a Array[2] tuple. The first element is the plaintext.
// The second element is an array of annotations that format the text.
type TextToken = [string, Array<Annotation>]
// My question is about how to serialize/deserialize the Annotation type
// to a sealed class hierarchy.
// Annotations are an array where the first element is always a type discriminator string
// Each annotation type may have more elements, depending on the annotation type.
type Annotation =
 | ["b"] // Text with this annotation is bold
 | ["i"] // Text with this annotation is italic
 | ["@", number] // User mention
 | ["r", { timestamp: string, reminder: string }] // Reminder

我已经定义了一些 Kotlin classes 来使用 sealed class 表示相同的东西。这是反序列化 JSON:

// As JSON example: [["hello ", []], ["Jake", [["b"], ["@", 1245]]]]
data class TextValue(val tokens: List<TextToken>)

// As JSON example: ["hello ", []]
// As JSON example: ["Jake", [["b"], ["@", 1245]]]
data class TextToken(val plaintext: String, val annotations: List<Annotation>)

sealed class Annotation {
  // As JSON example: ["b"]
  object Bold : Annotation()

  // As JSON example: ["i"]
  object Italic : Annotation()

  // As JSON example: ["@", 452534]
  data class Mention(val userId: Int)

  // As JSON example: ["r", { "timestamp": "12:45pm", "reminder": "Walk dog" }]
  data class Reminder(val value: ReminderValue)

如何定义序列化程序?我尝试使用 JsonTransformingSerializer 定义序列化程序,但是当我尝试为我的 classes:

@Serializable(with = TextValueSerializer::class)
data class TextValue(val tokens: List<TextToken>)

object TextValueSerializer : JsonTransformingSerializer<TextValue>(TextValue.serializer()) {
    override fun transformDeserialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement {
        return JsonObject(mapOf("tokens" to element))

    override fun transformSerialize(element: JsonElement): JsonElement {
        return (element as JsonObject)["tokens"]!!
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null: method kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonTransformingSerializer.<init>, parameter tSerializer
    at kotlinx.serialization.json.JsonTransformingSerializer.<init>(JsonTransformingSerializer.kt)
    at example.TextValueSerializer.<init>(TextValue.kt:17)

您收到的错误似乎是因为您在 TextValue 序列化程序中引用了 TextValue 序列化程序

因为数据结构与序列化程序期望的 key:value 配对不太匹配,所以很难让它自动执行这样的操作。


  1. 注解

    创建一个自定义序列化程序,将 JsonArray 表示形式转换为其 Annotation 表示形式。这是通过简单地将 JsonArray 的索引映射到其相应的密封 class 表示来完成的。由于第一个索引始终是描述符,我们可以使用它来告知我们要映射到的类型。

    在可能的情况下,我们可以使用自动生成的 serialziers。

    []          -> Annotation.None
    ["b"]       -> Annotation.Bold
    ["@", 1245] -> Annotation.Mention

    为此,您可以创建一个新的序列化程序并将其附加到 Annotation class (@Serializable(with = AnnotationSerializer::class)).

    object AnnotationSerializer : KSerializer<Annotation> {
        override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = buildClassSerialDescriptor("Annotation") {}
        override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: Annotation) {
            val jsonEncoder = encoder as JsonEncoder
            // Encode the Annotation as a json element by first converting the annotation
            // to a JsonElement
            jsonEncoder.encodeJsonElement(buildJsonArray {
                when (value) {
                    is TextAnnotation.None -> {}
                    is TextAnnotation.Bold -> { add("b") }
                    is TextAnnotation.Italic -> { add("i") }
                    is TextAnnotation.Mention -> {
                    is TextAnnotation.Reminder -> {
                        add(jsonEncoder.json.encodeToJsonElement(ReminderValue.serializer(), value.value))
        override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): Annotation {
            val jsonDecoder = (decoder as JsonDecoder)
            val list = jsonDecoder.decodeJsonElement().jsonArray
            if (list.isEmpty()) {
                return Annotation.None
            return when (list[0].jsonPrimitive.content) {
                "b" -> Annotation.Bold
                "i" -> Annotation.Italic
                "@" -> Annotation.Mention(list[1].jsonPrimitive.int)
                "r" -> Annotation.Reminder(jsonDecoder.json.decodeFromJsonElement(ReminderValue.serializer(), list[1].jsonObject))
                else -> throw error("Invalid annotation discriminator")
    @Serializable(with = AnnotationValueSerializer::class)
    sealed class TextAnnotation {
  2. TextToken

    TextToken遵循同样的策略。我们首先在第一个索引处提取标记,然后使用第二个索引构建注释。如上所述,我们需要注释 TextToken class 以使用以下 serialzier:

    object TextTokenSerializer : KSerializer<TextToken> {
        override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = buildClassSerialDescriptor("TextToken") {}
        override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: TextToken) {
            val jsonDecoder = encoder as JsonEncoder
            jsonDecoder.encodeJsonElement(buildJsonArray {
                add(buildJsonArray {
                    value.annotations.map {
        override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): TextToken {
            val jsonDecoder = decoder as JsonDecoder
            val element = jsonDecoder.decodeJsonElement().jsonArray
            // Token
            val plaintext = element[0].jsonPrimitive.content
            // Iterate over the annotations
            val annotations = element[1].jsonArray.map {
            return TextToken(plaintext, annotations)


    { plaintext: "Jake", annotations: [["b"], ["@", 1245]] } 将更好地映射到 TextToken POJO,并且不再需要序列化程序。

  3. 文本值

    拼图的最后一块是 TextValue 对象,它有效地包装了 TextTokens 列表。最好为此使用以下类型别名:

    typealias TextValue = List<TextToken>

    在当前模型中,您可以使用序列化程序将 JsonArray 解析为 List<TextToken>,然后将该列表包装在 TextValue 对象中。

    object TextValueSerializer : KSerializer<TextValue> {
        override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = buildClassSerialDescriptor("TextValue") {}
        override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: TextValue) {
            val jsonEncoder = (encoder as JsonEncoder)
            jsonEncoder.encodeSerializableValue(ListSerializer(TextToken.serializer()), value.tokens)
        override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): TextValue {
            val jsonDecoder = decoder as JsonDecoder
            val list = jsonDecoder.decodeJsonElement().jsonArray
            return TextValue(list.map { jsonDecoder.json.decodeFromJsonElement(it.jsonArray) })