C strcpy() 指向一个指针?这是如何运作的?

C strcpy() to a Pointer? How does this work?


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char *char_ptr;
    int *int_ptr;
    int mem_size;

    if (argc < 2) //if not given an argument, defaukt memory size is 50//
       mem_size = 50;
        mem_size = atoi(argv[1]);

    printf("\t[+] allocating %d bytes of memory on the heap for char_ptr\n", mem_size); //memory is given, and passed to char pointer//
    char_ptr = (char *)malloc(mem_size);

    if(char_ptr == NULL) { //check for error//
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not allocate memory.\n");

    strcpy(char_ptr, "This memory is located on the heap.");
    printf("char_ptr (%p) --> '%s'\n", char_ptr, char_ptr);

    printf("\t[+] allocating 12 bytes of memory on the heap for int_ptr\n");
    int_ptr = (int *)malloc(12);

    if(int_ptr == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: coud not allocate heap memory.\n");

    *int_ptr = 31337;
    printf("int_ptr (%p) --> %d\n", int_ptr, *int_ptr);

    printf("\t[-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...\n");

    printf("\t[+] allocating another 15 bytes for char_ptr\n");
    char_ptr = (char *)malloc(15);

    if(char_ptr == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: coud not allocate heap memory.\n");

    strcpy(char_ptr, "new memory");
    printf("char_ptr (%p) --> '%s'\n", char_ptr, char_ptr);

    printf("\t[-] freeing int_ptr's heap memor...\n");

我对这一行感到困惑:strcpy(char_ptr, "This memory is located on the heap.");

char_ptr 已经包含分配的堆内存地址,那么如何将这段文本复制到指针中呢?从printf("char_ptr (%p) --> '%s'\n", char_ptr, char_ptr);看,分配的堆内存地址似乎也没有改变。这是否基本上意味着指针包含两个值?这是如何工作的?

kingvon@KingVon:~/Desktop/asm$ ./a.out
        [+] allocating 50 bytes of memory on the heap for char_ptr char_ptr (0x55ef60d796b0) --> 'This memory is located on the heap.'
        [+] allocating 12 bytes of memory on the heap for int_ptr int_ptr (0x55ef60d796f0) --> 31337
        [-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...
        [+] allocating another 15 bytes for char_ptr char_ptr (0x55ef60d79710) --> 'new memory'
        [-] freeing int_ptr's heap memor...
        [-] freeing char_ptr's heap memory...

Does this basically mean the pointer contains two values?

否 – char_ptr 变量只能有一个特定值 – 这将是(在成功调用 malloc 之后)内存中指定字节数的块的起始地址.就是那个 – 地址。

您可能会感到困惑的是,该地址在您的后续代码中是如何 used/interpreted 的。

strcpy(char_ptr, "This memory is located on the heap."); 行在将第二个参数(字符串文字)中的数据复制 到从该地址开始的字节中时使用该地址 – 并继续这样做直到它在该文字的末尾找到 nul 终止符(它也会复制,然后停止)。

printf("char_ptr (%p) --> '%s'\n", char_ptr, char_ptr); 调用更加微妙。尽管您将 相同的地址 (完全)作为两个参数,但 解释 的地址由 printf 函数确定通过相应的格式参数。对于第一个实例,%p 说明符告诉函数打印地址的实际 value;对于第二个实例,%s 说明符告诉它按顺序打印出字符,从给定地址开始,并在找到第一个 nul(零)字符时停止。

strcpy 将空终止的 C 字符串复制到第一个参数指向的内存中。

不,它不包含两个值。指针有它自己的值,它是一个内存地址,它指向该内存地址处的值。这可以是一件事,也可以是一系列事情。在字符指针的情况下,它是数组中的第一个字符。带有 NUL 的字符数组,即末尾的 0 字符是 C 字符串。