Java: 从缓存的Function和缓存的BiFunction实现递归缓存

Java: Implement recursive cached from cached Function and cached BiFunction


public static <T, R> Function<T, R> cachedRecursive(final BiFunction<T, Function<T,R>, R> bifunc) {

我需要以某种方式从 BiFunction 中提取第二个参数,这样我就可以 return 函数的正确结果。


任务的第一部分是创建一个从 LinkedHashMap 扩展的缓存 class,这是我的实现:

public class Cache<K,V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> {

    private static int MaxSize;
    public Cache (int maxSize) {
        MaxSize = maxSize;
    public Cache () {
    public int getMaximalCacheSize () {
        return MaxSize;

    protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<K, V> eldest) {
        return size() > MaxSize;


public class FunctionCache {
    private static class Pair<T, U> {
        private T stored_t;
        private U stored_u;
        public Pair(T t, U u) {
            stored_t = t;
            stored_u = u;
        public boolean equals(Object t) {
            if (t == this) {
                return true;
            return t == stored_t;
        public int hashCode () {
            return stored_t.hashCode();
        public T get_first() {
            return stored_t;
        public U get_second() {
            return stored_u;
    private final static int DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 10000;
    public static <T, R> Function<T, R> cached(final Function<T, R> func, int maximalCacheSize) {
        Cache<T, R> cache = new Cache<T,R>(maximalCacheSize);
        return input -> cache.computeIfAbsent(input, func);

    public static <T, R> Function<T, R> cached(final Function<T, R> func) {
        Cache<T, R> cache = new Cache<T,R>(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE);
        return input -> cache.computeIfAbsent(input, func);
    public static <T, U, R> BiFunction<T, U, R> cached(BiFunction<T, U, R> bifunc, int maximalCacheSize) {
        Cache<T, R> cache = new Cache<T, R>(maximalCacheSize);
        return (t, u) -> {
            Pair<T,U> pairKey = new Pair<T,U>(t,u);
            Function<Pair<T,U>, R> something = input -> {
                return bifunc.apply(input.get_first(), input.get_second());
            if (!cache.containsKey(pairKey.get_first())) {
                R result = something.apply(pairKey);
                cache.put(pairKey.get_first(), result);
                return result;
            } else {
                return cache.get(pairKey.get_first());
    public static <T, U, R> BiFunction<T, U, R> cached(BiFunction<T, U, R> bifunc) {
        Cache<T, R> cache = new Cache<T, R>(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE);
        return (t, u) -> {
            Pair<T,U> pairKey = new Pair<T,U>(t,u);
            Function<Pair<T,U>, R> something = input -> {
                return bifunc.apply(input.get_first(), input.get_second());
            if (!cache.containsKey(pairKey.get_first())) {
                R result = something.apply(pairKey);
                cache.put(pairKey.get_first(), result);
                return result;
            } else {
                return cache.get(pairKey.get_first());
    public static <T, R> Function<T, R> cachedRecursive(final BiFunction<T, Function<T,R>, R> bifunc) {


public static <T, R> Function<T, R> cachedRecursive(final BiFunction<T, Function<T,R>, R> bifunc) {

我完全不知道如何实现 cachedRecursive 函数,之前的函数可以完美地使用简单的斐波那契测试,但是此任务的目标是实现 cachedRecursive 函数,该函数采用第一个参数作为 BiFunction输入和第二个参数是一个函数。刚补完代码,这个是我测试的主要class:

public class cachedFunction extends FunctionCache {

public static void main(String[] args) {
        @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
        BiFunction<BigInteger, BiFunction, BigInteger> fibHelper = cached((n, f) -> {
            if (n.compareTo(BigInteger.TWO) <= 0) return BigInteger.ONE;
            return ((BigInteger) (f.apply(n.subtract(BigInteger.ONE), f)))
                    .add((BigInteger)f.apply(n.subtract(BigInteger.TWO), f));
        }, 50000);
        Function<BigInteger, BigInteger> fib = cached((n) -> fibHelper.apply(n,fibHelper));


  • static 大小变量在不同的缓存实例之间共享(因此打破它);
  • 代码重复;
  • 不正确的equals/hashCode合同实施;
  • 抑制应该固定而不是抑制的东西;
  • 代码过于臃肿;
  • 和一些次要的(例如 _-包含小写的名称等)。


final class Functions {

    private Functions() {

    // memoize a simple "unknown" function -- simply delegates to a private encapsulated method
    static <T, R> Function<T, R> memoize(final Function<? super T, ? extends R> f, final int maxSize) {
        return createCacheFunction(f, maxSize);

    // memoize a recursive function
    // note that the bi-function can be converted to an unary function and vice versa
    static <T, R> Function<T, R> memoize(final BiFunction<? super T, ? super Function<? super T, ? extends R>, ? extends R> f, final int maxSize) {
        final Function<UnaryR<T, Function<T, R>>, R> memoizedF = memoize(unaryR -> f.apply(unaryR.t, unaryR.r), maxSize);
        return new Function<T, R>() {
            public R apply(final T t) {
                // this is the "magic"
                return memoizedF.apply(new UnaryR<>(t, this));

    private static <T, R> Function<T, R> createCacheFunction(final Function<? super T, ? extends R> f, final int maxSize) {
        final Map<T, R> cache = new LinkedHashMap<T, R>(maxSize, 1F, false) {
            protected boolean removeEldestEntry(final Map.Entry eldest) {
                return size() > maxSize;
        return t -> cache.computeIfAbsent(t, f);

    // these annotations generate proper `equals` and `hashCode`, and a to-string implementation to simplify debugging
    private static final class UnaryR<T, R> {

        private final T t;

        private final R r;

        private UnaryR(final T t, final R r) {
            this.t = t;
            this.r = r;




public final class FunctionsTest {

    public void testMemoizeRecursive() {
        final BiFunction<BigInteger, Function<? super BigInteger, ? extends BigInteger>, BigInteger> fib = (n, f) -> n.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(2)) <= 0 ? BigInteger.ONE : f.apply(n.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)).add(f.apply(n.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(2))));
        final BiFunction<BigInteger, Function<? super BigInteger, ? extends BigInteger>, BigInteger> mockedFib = Mockito.mock(BiFunction.class, AdditionalAnswers.delegatesTo(fib));
        final Function<BigInteger, BigInteger> memoizedFib = Functions.memoize(mockedFib, 1000);
        final BigInteger memoizedResult = memoizedFib.apply(BigInteger.valueOf(120));
        Mockito.verify(mockedFib, Mockito.times(120))
                .apply(Matchers.any(), Matchers.any());
        Assertions.assertEquals("5358359254990966640871840", memoizedResult.toString());
        Assertions.assertEquals(memoizedResult, memoizedFib.apply(BigInteger.valueOf(120)));
